Susan Sarandon recently taped a message to the Democratic voters of New York, in essence telling them not to vote for Hillary, and vote for her opponent Johnathan Tasini.
Here is her message.
“Hi, I’m Susan Sarandon. Hillary Clinton voted for George Bush’s war in Iraq. She supports the continued occupation of Iraq. Her opponent, Johnathan Tasini has opposed the war, and is calling for an immediate withdrawl from Iraq, and from a new deal with New York workers. On Sept. 12th, vote for Johnathan Tasini
I just wonder how many people will listen to her??
Basically no one will listen to her, and I assume you don’t want them to.
I don’t live in New York, so I could care less whether or not they listen to her.
I just wonder how many people will listen to her??
I could care less whether or not they listen to her.
You appear to be seriously confused.
Why is it that both parties are so intent on screaming at each other, rather than trying to find solutions to this country’s massive problems??
Speaking of which, this is just stupid false equivalency. The party that has been in control of all three branches of federal government for the last four years clearly feels that it benefits from the country’s massive problems and has no incentive to find solutions. Blaming everything on Democrats is their way of maintaining the status quo they benefit from.
The rest of us are screaming at the inequity of that and trying to get rid of the selfish bums. It isn’t the same at all. We can’t very well find solutions without gaining some power first. We have learned our lesson from Republican success, people don’t listen to solutions, they listen to screaming.
I listened to her. But my vote was decided without her. I’m voting for the anti-war candidate, even though there’s no hope of a victory. I want my opposition to the war registered. I vote my conscience. That’s why I voted for Nader in 00. What do you say about that?
What do I say about that?? Not much. Although you, and people like you in Florida may have cost Al Gore the presidency.
Some will listen and some will not. What’s your point? Does Susan not have the right to speak out?
You keep writer here. How many folks here do you think are listening to your crap?
My point is how much pull does she have with liberals, being one herself. About me writing crap, you responded to the “crap”, so what does that make you for responding to it??
Hillary Clinton is not a liberal, she’s one of the founders of the DLC and clearly a believer that Democrats need to be more like Republicans to get elected. Her support among actual liberals is minimal.