it’s about the same, although I managed to finish a bunch of big projects all at once today. Don’t know how that happened, so I’m taking a breather. How goes it for you? I read that it’s been raining in the woods.
who has a friend, who once lived across the hall from a guy who spent most of his time staring at flourescent stars on his ceiling who now heads up a surveillance team in your part of the country. It’s always good to rack up favors owed 😉
Wow-the photo looks like my shop bench at work minus the power tools! Frightening! Hope all is well in the pond this afternoon. We may have some rain Thursday if the weatherhobbits are right.
Time to go home…
We had almost no rain this winter, and are heading into a severe drought.
It’s hard to enjoy the sunshine when you’re worried about everything dying.
It’s a balmy 52 degrees inside the house, and that’s after the sun has been up for about three hours already.
I suppose I could start a fire (we did cut wood yesterday, but I botched the tree felling, and half of it is hung up in another tree – I’ll winch it out later today), but it seems like a waste of wood when it will soon be warm outside.
I was hoping you could get everyone in your area go outside and orient their Hoovers northeast (suction end) to southwest (blower end) and I’ll get everyone in Tasmania to do the same.
There’s lots of penguins here that would be very grateful, and who can resisit a grateful penguin. Did I mention we have penguins in Tasmania?
We have a Jaguar vacuum, but for the same reason most people in the US call all tissues “Kleenex,” Australian call all vacuums Hoovers.
Unfortunately, pengiuns are coastal, and we are not. Imogen did pick one up once, when it barrelled into her legs heading back to its burrow one night (they spend their days in the water and feed their chicks at night), but she put it back.
I’ve yet to see one myself. I’ve only seen their foot prints in the sand, but I plan to rectify that this year.
I’ll have to settle for some more chickens (called “chooks” here). I want some Silver-laced Wyanndotes and our housemate wants Silkies. Of course, right now we are getting so many eggs from the ducks and chooks that Luna is eating six a day. Sometimes we give her one in the shell just for the fun of watching her trying to figure out how to break it.
I’d love to get some penguin photos, but there’s the small issue of it being very dark when they are onshore, and flash photos are greatly discouraged – as it tends to blind them. I might have to break out the infared film and my old Nikon N2020, but even then I’m betting that they probably do not emit enough heat to register well.
In lots of ways, Aussies (pronounced “Ozzies”) are still very Bwitish, despite their protestations to the contrary.
I decided to heat up in the bath, but that requires bucketing the water from yesterday’s bath into the clothes washing machine. We’re on rainwater here, and we reuse our water as many times as possible.
Bath water gets reused to wash clothes, and then used finally to water the garden. Which reminds me I should install that diversion valve under the house so that I no longer have to siphon the water through the window.
My b-i-l told once about an old man around the town where he grew up. He said the guy never took a bath and alway put somekind of powder on. He said it was in his clothes and everything. Someone could come up and slap him on the back and powder would fly out from him.
we got quite the storm earlier, I hope it didn’t affect the primary voting too much. The polls have only been closed for a little under an hour so results will be trickling in shortly for Arizona CD8. I’m two blocks outside of the district but the race will affect the immigration debate big time.
I like your sign.
How’s the stress level this week?
it’s about the same, although I managed to finish a bunch of big projects all at once today. Don’t know how that happened, so I’m taking a breather. How goes it for you? I read that it’s been raining in the woods.
I’m glad your getting some down time.
It just stopping raining — rainfall totals so far are about 3″. The dogs have only been out twice today.
DId you at least spray them with murphy’s oil soap or something before they went out?
The thought of wet dog murphy oil soap smell pervading the house is giving me a headache.
(Giddy is part duck or something — the water rarely gets through her outer coat)
we’re on our way to a record monsoon season this year, which is probably what you get in a couple of days, but still.
Fall and spring are the two wettest times of the year around here but 3″ inches in about 12 hours is pretty unusual.
How did you get this picture of my desk?
who has a friend, who once lived across the hall from a guy who spent most of his time staring at flourescent stars on his ceiling who now heads up a surveillance team in your part of the country. It’s always good to rack up favors owed 😉
I keep forgetting — did you see the details about the midwest meetup in the midwest thread?
Not recently. Thanks for the reminder, AndiF. I put it on my calendar, and since then lost my PDA. That’s been a near disaster, I’m ashamed to admit.
I like the pic also, but what’s that big ole box of tampons doing on your desk?
Well, it LOOKS like one.
that’s where I keep the white peach tobacco for the hookah, it’s the only place that Marmotdude refuses to search.
Good plan. I keep my spare Hershey bar behind the frozen peas.
Good afternoon, folks. Hope all is going well.
you getting an early evening break from the chaos that is a fall semester?
Feeling a little less tired?
Eh, not really. I’m exhausted, but I still have a bunch of stuff I need to do.
Wow-the photo looks like my shop bench at work minus the power tools! Frightening! Hope all is well in the pond this afternoon. We may have some rain Thursday if the weatherhobbits are right.
Time to go home…
It’s that time of year again…check it out!
clik image and show us what you’ve got!
How’s vacation going?
I needed it badly. Did a few errands today …
How about you? How’s your week going?
I can’t decide between comme ci comme ça or ça va — which would you choose?
ça va works …
Did you go for you walk today?
I’ve always been fond of plus ça change, myself.
It didn’t stop raining until 4 and it rained hard almost constantly — I’ll go walk in the rain but not in a downpour.
When do I get to see the garden pictures?
after the podcast … 🙂
j/k (don’t tell FM though)
I saw that. 🙂
didn’t see you around hehe … 🙂
so are you going to volunteer for the fotofair?
Already did. I think it will be fun and from what I’ve seen in the cafe, the photo’s will be great.
And you’re going to put up some photos too right? The pond ones would be really nice … 🙂
The pond would be good, but I don’t know. I was thinking maybe I’ll fly to Hawaii and take a few. 🙂
can we come w/ you … I’ll hold the tripod … 🙂
I’ll have the private jet drop by your place and pick you up. 🙂
Cool! I’ll be around for this one.
Last year I was vacationing in West Australia (where I took about a thousand photos).
Can’t wait to see your photos! Go on over and check out the dates … 🙂
We had almost no rain this winter, and are heading into a severe drought.
It’s hard to enjoy the sunshine when you’re worried about everything dying.
It’s a balmy 52 degrees inside the house, and that’s after the sun has been up for about three hours already.
I suppose I could start a fire (we did cut wood yesterday, but I botched the tree felling, and half of it is hung up in another tree – I’ll winch it out later today), but it seems like a waste of wood when it will soon be warm outside.
I would be glad to send rain. You have a plan in mind or have you already checked the international shipping for rain too?
I was hoping you could get everyone in your area go outside and orient their Hoovers northeast (suction end) to southwest (blower end) and I’ll get everyone in Tasmania to do the same.
There’s lots of penguins here that would be very grateful, and who can resisit a grateful penguin. Did I mention we have penguins in Tasmania?
Too bad I have a Eureka.
I’m so confused — there are penguins in Tasmania but you don’t have any at your place? How is that even remotely possible?
We have a Jaguar vacuum, but for the same reason most people in the US call all tissues “Kleenex,” Australian call all vacuums Hoovers.
Unfortunately, pengiuns are coastal, and we are not. Imogen did pick one up once, when it barrelled into her legs heading back to its burrow one night (they spend their days in the water and feed their chicks at night), but she put it back.
I’ve yet to see one myself. I’ve only seen their foot prints in the sand, but I plan to rectify that this year.
I can’t believe you’d let a little geography get in the way of your grass menagerie.
I plan to rectify that this year.
Glad to hear that — there’s a crying need for some penguin photos in thursday dog blogging.
(I thought calling vacuums hoovers was a britishism — it’s a commonweathism instead?)
I’ll have to settle for some more chickens (called “chooks” here). I want some Silver-laced Wyanndotes and our housemate wants Silkies. Of course, right now we are getting so many eggs from the ducks and chooks that Luna is eating six a day. Sometimes we give her one in the shell just for the fun of watching her trying to figure out how to break it.
I’d love to get some penguin photos, but there’s the small issue of it being very dark when they are onshore, and flash photos are greatly discouraged – as it tends to blind them. I might have to break out the infared film and my old Nikon N2020, but even then I’m betting that they probably do not emit enough heat to register well.
In lots of ways, Aussies (pronounced “Ozzies”) are still very Bwitish, despite their protestations to the contrary.
Hi keres. Saw about the tree. Slack and be cold. 🙂
I am slacking, of a sort.
I decided to heat up in the bath, but that requires bucketing the water from yesterday’s bath into the clothes washing machine. We’re on rainwater here, and we reuse our water as many times as possible.
Bath water gets reused to wash clothes, and then used finally to water the garden. Which reminds me I should install that diversion valve under the house so that I no longer have to siphon the water through the window.
I have a funny feeling with all that work for the water I would probably be living by myself. I mean a bath every month is too much work already. 🙂
We also use old bath water to fill the tank on the toilet. Which, given your bath schedule really would have you living by yourself.
My b-i-l told once about an old man around the town where he grew up. He said the guy never took a bath and alway put somekind of powder on. He said it was in his clothes and everything. Someone could come up and slap him on the back and powder would fly out from him.
I never knew if he was bs’ing me or not.
Gotta go FMom is calling.
See ya’ll later.
we got quite the storm earlier, I hope it didn’t affect the primary voting too much. The polls have only been closed for a little under an hour so results will be trickling in shortly for Arizona CD8. I’m two blocks outside of the district but the race will affect the immigration debate big time.