Some stories need no embellishment from me. The irony of this report from Raw Story should apparent even too the nuttiest winger:
Vice President Dick Cheney will be attending a fundraiser for Rep. Randy Kuhl (R-NY) in late September, today’s issue of Roll Call reports.
The Vice President and Kuhl have each earned a measure of infamy for incidents involving firearms. Cheney accidentally shot his hunting partner Harry Whittington in the face earlier this year, while according to divorce records obtained by RAW STORY, Kuhl once bullied his wife with shotguns. RAW STORY has archived the divorce filing here […]
[D]ivorce records showed that Kuhl, currently running for his second term, pulled not one but two shotguns on his wife during a 1994 dinner party at their home. Kuhl’s ex-wife also described him as an abusive drunk who “hustled women.”
You go Mr. Vice President. Cuz Republicans who love shotguns need to stick together. Even if (or maybe especially when) they shoot their friends or threaten their wives with them. Some people wouldn’t understand, but that’s okay. It’s a GOP thing.
…in each hand? “Okay, Jennifer, if you don’t stop hassling me about hustling, I’m going to splatter you all over the new carpet.” Apparently, Republicans can’t hit their target without a lot of firepower.
I’m usually not that keen on spreading divorce papers all over the media, but when a sitting Representative threatens his wife with a pair of shotguns, I think that’s news.
What’s amazing is that this guy got nominated by the local GOP up here in my neck of the woods, and then elected, even after his divorce. Guess Repubs can be forgiven anything, or his Dem opponent just didn’t have the stomach for a negative camapign, but this guy should never have been considered for office. Not with all the skeletons (and guns) in his closet.
And people complain about Russ Feingold being divorced!
we cannot stand by and allow these champions of Republican values to run out of ammo just when their friends and loved ones need them most.
Republicans must retain their freedom to blow someone’s head off!
One way of making sure there are no liberals in attendance!
Guns don’t shoot hunting buddies…Vice Presidents do!
Talk about motivating the donors!