I hope we can say goodbye to Licoln Chafee tonight. He’s a good man and a decent Senator, but he doesn’t have a party that he can be comfortable in. One day I hope the GOP will come back to sanity.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Don’t hold your breath BooMan. The Repub party is gone. This is now the party of fascists!
One day I hope the GOP will come back to sanity.
I talk with many conservative white guys in their sixties every day in my conservative area, and they represent and believe what today’s “fascist” Repub party is saying. If these guys were to actually make up the majority in America, then why should the GOP ever change, as it would be actually representing a significant number of people’s views as they really are!
Scary stuff, no, but I’m afraid it’s true?
I agree with aloa…
from Dan Froomkin a good round up of thoughts and ideas from last night’s speech. I found it quite enlightening to read. Since this is an open thread.
to rise from the ashes — our government works best when there are two strong parties to each keep the other relatively honest.
Democratic single-party rule would be likely just as bad as the current Republican single-party rule…it might be more of a benevolent dictatorship, but a dictatorship nonetheless…
I have little doubt that the Left, if left to its own devices, would go as far overboard (albeit in a different direction) as the Right has done. Democrats do not have a monopoly on good ideas; in fact, I’m sure there are occasional Democratic ideas that are just plain dumb, and traditional Republican ideas that make some sense. Consensus and compromise between reasonable people is the way to go; unfortunately, it is also amazingly uncommon in this day and age (in part just because there are so few reasonable Republicans).
Refresh my memory. If Chaffee loses tonight, doesn’t the chance of a Democratic senator being elected in Rhode Island go up a ways? (Assuming of course Chaffee does the statesmanlike thing — that is, the exact opposite of anything Joementum might do.)
September 18 is Constitution Day Observed, commemorating the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787. Learn more about the United States Constitution with these special programs on the C-SPAN networks.
A Constitution Documentary
This 18-minute documentary about the Constitution shows how the document works in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The program also includes an interview with Chief Justice John Roberts who shares his view on the Constitution.
Wednesday, September 13, 6:40 am ET, C-SPAN
Friday, September 15, 8:00 pm ET, C-SPAN2
Sunday, September 17, 10:30 am, C-SPAN
America and the Courts
Chief Justice Roberts, other Supreme Court Justices, and other notable Washington policy makers discuss the Constitution.
Saturday, September 16, 7:00 pm ET on C-SPAN
Sunday, September 17, 10:45 am on C-SPAN
You can view the 18min. Vignette by clicking HERE which will bring up your ‘Real Player’, or catch it on C-Span
Created by Cable. Offered as a Public Service.
Quoting a mail from Kathy Dopp at the National Election Arvchive:
Ira Brilliant, founder of the Center for Beethoven Studies at San Jose State University, has died at the age of 84.
I’m currently listening to the second movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony in his honor…
do the 7th in Carnegie Hall years ago. They did the Leonore Overture #3 also. I’ll never forget the incredible foot-stamping ovations that made the balcony shake.
is one of my favorite pieces — rates up there with Bruckner’s 7th, 2nd movement (but I dated a French horn player in college who was a Bruckner fanatic, so I’m slightly biased there)…
Been meaning to get down to State and visit the Beethoven Center…
William Rivers Pitt | The Day After the Day
Cindy Sheehan | It’s Personal
Iraq Vets Force Congressional Investigation of Suzanne Swift Case
for Jon Tasini.
Me too.
watching the repubs trying to hold on to Chafee rather than letting the primary go on. Kinda the opposite of Lieberman. I guess Chaffee could run as RI for Chaffee? He might even ENJOY being an independent, whereas Lieberman would rather be republican.
Check this from NYT:
Top on reco list @ kos:
Military Wants to Use Microwave Weapons on American Crowds
and white conservatives can’t dance:
MSNBC: Tucker Carlson’s dancing “an awful mess”
This is the design I did for raising funds for the 2006 AIDS Walk. If you click on the picture, it will take you to my donations page.
I’m working on a transcript over at HEP, of more of the Strickland/Blackwell debate. The only reason I started doing this is that I read a flippant article in our “alternative” newsweekly. I couldn’t respond coherently to it, but I thought at least if people had the actual text of what was discussed in the debate, maybe cooler heads could write letters to the editor. Mine would most likely be peppered with profanity at this point.
But the reason I am not diarying this is that I am in no freaking mood to have some “worldly” Democrat quip something to me about how Blackwell as governor is a done deal because of Diebold. (Happens every damn time I do write about this race.) Those remarks do not help–WAY too much is at stake here.
Anyway, a heads-up that I’m working on a transcript.
At the beginning of the post is a link to the stupid article in the Other Paper.