Thank you everyone for voting, volunteering, and expressing interest!
Based on the results of the poll, the date of fOtofair2006 will be October 28-29.
We’ll post a dairy next week with more details, including diary guidelines and photo hosting sites, so stay tuned!
(Original diary below the fold)
OK, all you photogs out there…It’s fall again and time for the second annual FrOggy BOttom fOtofair.
The leaves are turning, the gardens are starting to go dormant and thoughts have once again turned to…what am I going to do now?
Well, if we may be so bold as to suggest, what if you gather up all those great photographs that you’ve taken, and those that’ll happen in the next few weeks, and share them with the rest of the Pond Dwellers.
A group of your friendly neighbourhood frogs have been thinking about it, and with the help of BooMan, Dada, Olivia, AndiF, and Katiebird…the mastermind behind the great inaugural version…have a few ideas.
Follow along and let’s get started…
Last years Fair drew over 30 submissions from Tribbers world wide; given that the site membership has more than doubled, we hope to receive many more this year. But the first order of business is to gauge the level of interest here, and at our sister site ET, and settle on a date.
Two potential dates have been identified; the first: October 28 – 29; the second November 18 -19. Submissions from those who need help with posting and creating Diaries would be required a week earlier so that volunteers can do the coding work required to make sure that they’re all included. This will, by necessity, have to be a hard date as late submittals created a bottleneck last year.
Further information on photo hosting sites, templates, HTML primers, questions and assistance, submission requirements/guidelines will be next.
So sign in, sign up, let us know if you’re interested in participating and/or volunteering, and show us your best work.
Please Recommend this Diary so as many people as possible may see it.
So what say you all you froggies … Any volunteers? 🙂
fancy seeing you here…let the fair begin!
nice logo! 🙂
thanks for the search help; much appreciated!….:{)
Hey dada,
I took this the other day while I was test driving a part I manufactered.
I threw a saddlebag on for the shot & only realized I put the wrong one on. I was just about to go take a few shots down the road, but checked my mail & linked to this diary. I`ll respond later but you & your friends might enjoy this.
PS Olivia, I have a few ?`s so I`ll be back shortly.
sweet ride!…gotta run catch you later if you’re about
See you later!
I just saw a comment you left at my blog last month about the Blue Butterfly delphiniums … sorry I never noticed it and got back to you sooner. I think you’d have no problem growing it where you are, but not knowing exactly your growing zone, I can’t be sure, but I think it should be hardy for you. You do grow some of the other things I have (e.g. kniphophia) so I’d give it a shot if you really like it.
If you want more details on it, email me at the address below and just put something in the subject line w/your name so I can release it from the spam catcher. I’ll get back to you with more details.
Great to see you around! I’ve been scarce for a while here due to overwork and sloth during down time. How are those aquariums doing?
There’s a
volunteer born every minute.
And here we all are! 🙂
I will be sending my mom this way, to participate (once I can get her set up with a UID). She photoblogs at A few of my favorite things.
Actually, she was very inspired after viewing your flower shots, changing the way she approached her own work.
Below is a shot she recently posted on her blog…
Your mom does very nice work. I’m hoping to sneak away from the campaign for a few minutes and post a few shots if the fair is in October.
Please don’t rat me out to the county chairman;-)
I hope you can as well … and we won’t tell … 😉
That’s wonderful! If your mom needs any help, please don’t hesitate to ask … We’ll be putting together another diary in a few days that looks at the different photo hosting sites and other html that might be requried.
That’s lovely! I’m going to have to take a look at her site! 🙂
Since I missed it during my pre-BT lurking mode last year, I’ll throw my lens in the ring and see what I can shake out of my archives and the camera! Guess I’d better get busy as the rest of this month and most of Oct are slamming me with overwork as usual.
I think it’s a great community idea, and may be just what we need to brighten the pre-election dark days of trepidation. Who knows, maybe it will brighten already bright outlooks, which is the option I’d prefer. 🙂
you’ve got some great stuff….and we’re trying to kick it off early enough so, hopefully, everyone can squeeze a bit of time in here and there to enable them share their work….kewl!!!!
Excellent! I’ll be looking forward to your contribution … and like d said above, we can help you out during the crunch time … 🙂
Thx dada and Olivia! I may need to ask questions, but about time I learned the html to do a diary … w/any luck maybe I can get some days off sometime in Oct. even though it’s not looking good at the present… You guys are great teachers and supporters of things floral.
Looking forward to it!
I really, really enjoyed last year’s photos. One of the best features was that it wasn’t a competition – thank you for not doing something that involved judging or rating.
Being neither a photographer nor able to do squat with posting, I am encouraging everyone who can participate to do so. Please share.
I spread my photo viewing out over time. Read about something horrible – savor someone’s photos – read something depressing – savor someone’s photos – etc. The photos provided balance for me.
Thanks again for those of you willing to take this on.
I appreciated all the hard work that went into it, and all the wonderful photo submissions …
We’d like everyone who would like to contribute to be able to … so if anyone needs help, please don’t hesitate to ask!
I really wanted to participate in last year’s, but was out of town, so hell yeah I’m in for this one 🙂
I can’t wait to see what you have to share w/ us … 🙂
It’s good to see ya btw!
Thanks olivia! I’ll have to go through the archives and narrow it down to the best of the best if I’m to provide adequate peers to your Flower Power 🙂
The Siberia pictures were quite something!
Wow tampopo, your memory amazes me!
I remember that one ej took out the plane window! Very kewl … 🙂
I’ll be happy to help if I can.
I’m in. I just don’t know what kind of pictures I could post.
You should be able to post any pictures. This is not a contest, not that you wouldn`t win, & I don`t think there are categories.
You could do one of Andrew over the last year … we could really see how he’s changed … 🙂
Count me in.
Hi Olivia,
Last year, when I first came over here as a direct result of seeing the Photofair being promoted on that other site, I was ignorant as to how to post images. With the kind help of Katybird to whom I just emailed my images, I was able to interact with the great people on this site. The rest is history.
I still don`t know how to post images properly here, except through “Image Shack” which gives me different options, the only one which you know I use [a link to the image] is really the only option I know how to use.
First of all; is this the best way for me to post images. Can I post three or four links in the same comment. Should I post thumbnails with links & if so, how?
Secondly, if you`re going to extend invitations to people who may not know the ” how to”, will you be posting instructions or suggestions to
aid people in being able to have their images proudly displayed.
Meeting all the wonderfull people here & spending the last year listening in & interacting is a result of accepting last years invitation & is the thing I would want all invitees to experience, if they haven`t already.
Thank you.
way cool that the photos brought you here; and you’ve posted a lot of beautiful stuff! I couldn’t do any of this until the fair last year either…and let me tell you, if I can do it…you’ll have no problems…:{)
we’re going to do a series of diaries…probably one a week with guidelines/requirements, HTML tips, photo hosting sites, templates, How To kinda stuff, Q&A, etc….as part of that we’ll have an email set up soon for submittals and questions and such.
And if there’s anything you want help w/ give a shout out in the cafe/lounge…lots of folks will help out…kinda what makes this place special, imo.
Looking forward to more of your stuff too…always a pleasure to see.
Thanks dada
I`ll see you over at the lounge whenever. I`ll be taking some more shots of my Knuckle in the next few days & send them on. I`m restoring my little sports car right now & I`ve been fixing & cleaning up my cars & work trucks. Here`s my little car. It`s a 1974 Jensen Healy.
In 1981 the neighbor`s kid owned this car. A few years later he moved away & put the car in the garage. His dad, my neighbor, died & since then & to this day I take care of all her house repairs or whatever she needs. For years I told her I wanted to buy the car but she insisted her son would never part with it. It kept getting abused more & more with boxes packed on top of it & mice eating the wiring. I kept telling her the car would end up being destroyed. Two years ago she called [ she does this often] out of the blue & told me her son was surprised she had not given me the car for all the work I had done for her. [I never ever charge her]. I have the car running perfectly now & in a year I should be done with it.
a bud of mine had one of these that was concours condition…beautiful automobiles…cranky as hell…Lucas, the Prince of the Darkness, electrics…Ha!
Quick ?…came up in a discussion w/ a friend the other night…talking about Bob Dylan, I said he lived in LA/Malibu and I got hammered…the first person that came to mind was you, figured if anybody knew, you would…am I right…or am I wrong?
Would love to “put the ears” on this guy…:{)
You are right, Dylan had two properties here in Malibu. One was on
Point Dume, a point of land about 3 miles from my house ^& which I can see from here. The other property is in the hills here about 15 miles from my place. My friend, Dylan`s neighbor, had a 1000 gal. water tank installed but before they could weigh it down with water, a wind storm
{Santa Anna] blew the tank about a 1/4 mile down into Dylan`s orchard.
I`ll find out if he still owns these properties but I think he had left the Point Dume one to his wife [Sarah?].
The Point Dume house was unusual at the time it was built. It`s topped with a few onion domes. I`ll go take a few pix if you want.
That`s been my dream car forever, an AUSTIN HEALY MK3000. My other favorite is the Supercharged Auburn. Here`s a 35 model.
I’ll be posting some photos.
I’d volunteer to help except I know nothing about how all that works, so I’d be more bother to teach than the help I could provide.
Last year was great; I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s photos!
Your contribution will be wonderful! And don’t worry about the posting — we’ll be putting up some diaries w/ instructions and feel free to ask any questions … 🙂
I will be more then happy to share my photos with everyone.
Stay tuned .. we’ll be updating w/ the date and instruction diaries in the next few days! 🙂
count me in
I hope you include those spectacular sunsets … and Bud of course … 🙂
to participate, whether she likes it or not. 😉
cheers, Imogen
It wouldn’t be the same w/out keres’ photos … 🙂
since a lot of Tribbers might be involved in last-minute election pushes in October. The submission date for November 10 would fall after the Nov. 7 election, giving folks a couple of days of sleep/recovery… 🙂
Just something to consider…
Those were my sentiments, too. Plus the later date is between midterms and final exams.
Oh well, count me in, for whatever date. I’ll be glad to help.
I’m not sure what photos we have that would be up to snuff – something more than our tinfoil hat photos!
about either midterms or final exams…got a little under two weeks till school starts for yours truly…
If you take a look at the link in the diary you can see the photos from last year — we had quite a selection of subject matter and we hope to have that again this year. 🙂
Thank you, Cali Scribe! My sentiments exactly. We have important work to be doing leading up to Nov. 7. After that — well, I won’t tell.
… I hope you’ll have time to contribute Brementown Musician!
I hope we see a photodairy from you too … 🙂
Oh how fun! I have a photoblog so this should be a blast.
I took a look at your photoblog — great stuff! I’m looking forward to your diary … 🙂
Thank you….glad you enjoyed it.
Count me in! Whatever is needed… volunteers, slaves, whatever. Can’t wait!
We’ll be putting together the next steps once we have a date … I’ll add you to the list! 🙂
This sounds fabulous!
If you all are willing to help a technoklutz, I’d love to participate.
We will definitely be here to help! We’ll have some diaries upcoming that explain how to post etc., and for people to ask questions, and of course you can feel free to e/m as well. We’ll get that set up once we have the date. 🙂
Count me too! Look forward to seeing all of the great photos!!!
We’re looking forward to yours as well vieravisionary. 🙂
I only photoblog protests and vigils LOL
and you’ve all seen that stuff.
As well as capturing my cat in rapture due to being exposed to organic cat nip…
Bad hair days, pink slips and my kids being goofy bastards at the beach…
I mean, really, what else is there to photograph? 😉
You could throw together a diary selecting those photos from all you’ve taken so far that touched you or had special meaning, and you could link it back to your peace vigil series. I’d love to see you participate in the photofair!
Of course, you could always post the pink slip again! Woo Hoo! 😉
now.. the real question…
Will there be a Joe Thornton category? 🙂
Great Idea! I was thinking I might communicate entirely in photos until my CTS gets better.
OT MythMother, the store that I’ll be working at has incredible nutritionists and wellness people… I could ask them if they know of any homeo/organic solutions to Carpal Tunnel for ya… if that’s okay by you.
met with a homeopathic physician today and he thinks the cause might be physical and a visit to a chiropractor adjusting an out of alignment vertabrae in my neck might do the trick.
i hope he is right and will look for a reputable chiropractor to help me out. he also will prescribe a homopathic remedy for my situation.
i also got a referral to a neurologist so they can do a study to identify exactly which nerves are causing my hands to go numb.
I haven’t been here when you have the last few times, but I read about what you’re going through and I hope you get better soon! {{{mm}}}
And I’m looking forward to your photodiary … 🙂
I checked out your blog and awesome photos! I see that the flowers are still talking to you and giving you their secrets.
maybe it’s a good thing fall is coming to ND, I’ll get to spend a little more time at BT for a change.
Last time was so much fun, I’m really looking forward to seeing this one.
Hi to everyone I’ve missed in the past couple of months, and hope to see you at the photofair, if not before!
I’m looking forward to seeing your diary!