Please distribute this saying to as many people as you can.

“Despite the Republican propaganda accusing others of weakness on national security and national defense, only the Republican party has demonstrated their weakness on national security and national defense when the planes hit the towers and the pentagon which they failed to defend against which resulted in 3,000 deaths.”

email this to press people especially and to your freeper family members and coworkers.

fax it to george w bush, ken mehlman, the speaker of the house, the senate majority leader.
Please distribute this saying to as many people as you can.

“Despite the Republican propaganda accusing others of weakness on national security and national defense, only the Republican party has demonstrated their weakness on national security and national defense when the planes hit the towers and the pentagon which they failed to defend against which resulted in 3,000 deaths.”

email this to press people especially and to your freeper family members and coworkers.

fax it to george w bush, ken mehlman, the speaker of the house, the senate majority leader.