Give how slow things have been, a new cafe isn’t likely to be needed till happy hour. I’ll just put up a regular cafe instead of the cart to avoid the soggy cereal syndrome.
You never know around here. WW might show up again and everybody will bust loose from lurking. It was really good to see her yesterday and know she’s OK.
We’ve got the cleaning lady coming in this morning and this will sound stupid, but I’ve got to clean before she gets here. I figure I’ll put in about an hour of work and shovel out the worst of it. It’s amazing how messy things can get after only a couple of days. 🙂
That’s the reason I’m cleaning before she gets here. This is a small county and FMom would be none to happy if it got out how messy the house is now.
Actually I know how I clean, but I don’t know how the cleaning lady will clean. I don’t know if she’ll just hit at a few things to dust or if she’ll really clean. I guess I’ll have to tell her what I expect and see what happens from there.
We get our house cleaned every other week and I always pick up before Charlotte comes because if you leave it out, Charlotte will put it away — somewhere.
Rain seems to have left but it’s soggy out there. Temps are staying in the 70s, though which is good.
Hey there!!! Keep reminding us because I’m flat busted (well I wear a C-cup) but things are hella tight. But just starting a new job so by Oct I should have some moolah to send ya.
The AIDs walk is very near and dear to me as well. (((RE69))))
greetings from <montepulciano where im tasting wine and trying to use an italian keyboard. i am having a great time, the villa is wonderful, the food is delicious, the wine is marvelous and now i am running out of adjectives. <p>
no major catastrophes but lots of nice stories. no good shoe pictures … yet.
A jolly west coast good morning to all who are still home and still awake!
It looks like we’ll be be having some rain tomorrow, the beginning of our rainy season, There’ll be a few more sunny days but summer’s on its way out.
Mornin’ all. Just stopped in to remind you all with pets that you really ned to keep current on vaccinations… especially rabies. I took in a Momma kitty and her one kitten. She was raising the kitten in our fields. She was in the house for almost 2 weeks, went into heat and started getting aggressive. Even the vet didn’t see any red flags, even though she scratched him and bit the assistant through a heavy glove. Well, Momma kitty died, and has tested positive for rabies… not before she attacked me and bit me in the ankle and a ferocious bite on the hand. She did not exhibit the classic symptoms AT ALL. My husband and I started our regimen of rabies vaccinations last night and will be going back for shots for a month or so. (5 shots to start!!! ow.)
The moral of the story is, if you love your animals, get them the shots they need. The vet will be here later today to update all my animals’ shots, including the horses. So far, the kitten is clean, with only a few more days to go. Scary. The nurse in the ER told us that we are the THIRD case from our area in a month that they’ve had in their ER. There are 2 other major ERs in town.
K, gotta go. I know there are animal lovers here, so take heed!
Oh no Nag!!!! I am so sorry!!! My animals are all caught up.
One of the worries I have… most can’t even get their kids vaccinated – most can’t sign up for school sports because they … drum roll..
dont have health care.
So many are trying to keep their kids healthy and things get put aside or simply rob from Peter to pay Paul. I know, people shouldn’t have pets they can’t afford.. but many can’t afford much nowadays. It’s a vicious cycle we’re spiraling down.
I wish you well and please please please keep us posted. (((((Nag)))))
Janet, thanks so much for the kind words. In Pa, children cannot enter public school without the basic vaccinations. I remember our school nurse battling with parents more often that you would think over that. I guess that isn’t the law everywhere, but it should be. An unvaccinated population without basic healthcare is a time bomb for sure.
By the way, your entry in today’s newsbucket is incredibly chilling.
That’s the law in all school systems, but parents can opt out due to religious or medical reasons, with documentation.
All public health departments have free or very low cost vaccinations for children. I know because that’s where my children got them before we had health insurance.
but the clunker is this… if you opt out.. or state you don’t have health insurance… you, too, could have CPS knocking on your door.
It’s happened to us.
Well CPS investigated and they deemed it was in retaliation for spec. ed advocacy we’d done.. as the “FALSE REPORT” was a red flag meaning from the school or a doctor.
Schools also have “cheap health care” pamphlets they send home but many ESL or working poor families are too afraid to file that they don’t have a doctor.
Indeed it is a ticking time bomb.
As to free clinics – they didn’t have one in the county I was in. Nearest one was 1 hour away. Not even a women’s clinic or planned parenthood.
This is the county where children are dying on couches or floors due to lack of insurance.
February of 2005 two CPS agents knocked and then entered my home. Checking for food and other things. There was a claim, a red flag, that we were neglecting Danni because
she was thin
it was reported we hadn’t any insurance
Which we did at that particular time.
They investigated us for two weeks. Wayne almost lost his job over it – and then the boss’ secretary became a fucking bigger bitch over it all because according to her we must have done something wrong.
The Area Board On Developmental Disabilities, Danni’s Pediatrician and the States Quality of Life Expert were all there a week later to hear CPS say that they’re finding is that it was done in retaliation.
ANd… it’s FOREVER on our record. Unless we wanted to spend, in their estimate over $14,000 dollars in court costs because it was a red flag and doctors and schools are protected and may make any fucking claims they want.
It’s been filed as a False Report.. but stays.
Because some school felt that they had a way to shut me up.
We learned that Danni had been taken out of class and asked all sorts of leading questions. She cried and was scared. She then felt betrayed by her principal and school teachers. She was in a reading tutor class helping other kids with reading problems when she was called to the office.
She then devised a plan to hide from school in the woods if she was ever called to the office again. She was afraid they’d kidnap her.
She then had nightmares, and still does, the worst case of diarhea for two weeks.
I, lost my fucking mind. CPS wanted to take Wesley out of school too to ask him questions about whether or not we take him to the doctor…
I knew that if they took the kids even for ONE day… that I would not be able to live. I made an oath to a higher power to give strength to Wayne if that happned as I would simply fall down dead.
It almost killed me. I did want to run.
In April as we were still all trying to heal as a family from this nightmare, Ryan flew me back to Boston.
We then started to make plans to get the fuck out of California and that county we were in.
All because I had one time signed a form requesting info on school health care and vaccinations… and because I was also an advocate for autistic students.
Someone was being vindictive in reporting your family for not having insurance. It sounds like you made and enemy and had the full court press applied to you. So often it is the other way around – kids are abused and neglected and every adult in their lives who could have done something looks the other way and fails them and they fall through the cracks.
CPS told us the exact same thing. That it was a nasty nasty way to shut up parents who fought the schools for speech therapy etc etc.
That other kids were being brutalized while some vindictive school person wasted their time.
$14K to go to court to find out WHO did this and to have it expunged even though it was found to be false is too much.
And… I wasn’t the only Special Ed Mom to leave that county. 3 others – the ones who I felt were my mentors all had the same thing happen to them. It was an old tactic. But… it works.
There is no happy mediums when an agency can literally walk into your lives and shatter it as such. They apologized… but their hands were tied. But.. they did more harm than good.
Yes children are abused… they drove past homes of horrible abuse to get to us. But the system is abused, too.
I’m just saying… far too many know – not to let the schools or agencies “help” them with health care…
I’d hate to be on the end of an investigation – but I’d hope that once the allegations were found to be false the investigation would stop. It’s strange and horrifying that it didn’t in your case.
I see alot of the other kind of cases. Kids who have been beaten, sexually abused, starved, given away to relatives or friends, kept out of school, etc., for years either because no one reported it or because social services was too busy and did a cursory check of the home and because there was food in the frig and the child didn’t have obvious injuries that couldn’t be explained away, they dropped it with disastrous consequences.
It’s hard to know what happened in your family’s case that caused the investigation to go on without merit. It must have been awful.
As far as when you were a child, I think back 25, 30 years ago and before that people had this belief that what goes on in someone else’s house isn’t any of their business. Children were more like property and it was pretty rare that a neighbor or other witness would get involved. Fortunately times have changed and there are privacy laws that necessarily protect the reporter, but sometimes, as in your case, that allows someone with an axe to grind to report out of spite.
Thanks. But I accidentally copied what Cabin Girl had posted. Just added something from one of my older diaries.
Also another side to this is that many of us are questioning what is in the vaccinations since there has been great debate about thermasil and autism and downs syndrome.
Well, turns out that we had to give up the kitten to be euthanized and tested. Chances are exceptionally high that he was infected, and it could take up to 6 months for it to show. If we had refused, we would have been quarantined for 6 months! It was really a hard thing to do, but I guess it was the right thing to do.
It’s good to know that the local Dept of Health and the Dept of Agriculture are on the ball… I’ve had lots of contact with them already. They’re kind of a pain in the ass, but they are doing their jobs and following through with every tiny detail. I’ll be spending the afternoon trying to get in touch with all neighbors with animals to let them know. Thanks for the support, I’m a real mess today.
As Andi knows, I passed the screening with flying colors. A job recruiter is not intimidating to someone who has had a gun at her back LOL so maybe I am getting some of that thing called “courage”.
I’m in with the company it’s just that two managers of two stores are “wrestling” over me. I will be offered either A package or Two packages to choose from. Both managers are friends and are fiercely competitive. I can’t wait to hear from them today.
I quit my “job” (was still in training) at the bakery. I had to break it to my boss very gently. She and I cried at the end. I told her that regardless… I was there only 4 days but now she has four customers forever. She said I can come back anytime if anything goes wrong. But she was so happy for me when she found out where I was working. Progressive Organic, non-toxic company that is about creating and providing solutions and support sustainable farming and co-op measures and being local and supporting local efforts, farmers and educators.
Things were getting hella tight around here. Due to the house inspection fiasco in Cali and just the general costs of moving ones family twice in six months.
I never thought I’d be wanted so much by such a great company. I keep choking up.
and thanks for the interest everyone! If you haven’t voted on the date yet, please click the link do, it’s very close to even, and your vote counts here…:{)
Back to the grinder for a few more and then Beer:30…have a good one
and I was so flustered I accepted the first job offer (I hope the other guy isn’t mad)… but my boss is super cool (they both would have been fantastic)!!! He’s like Ryan 🙂
I start next Wed… and not at the starting wage (which is not minimum wage).. but up a bit more. 😀
But… I will only be able to make the Peace Vigils every other Wed…
Just had some republican come to my door for state legislature trying to tell me he’s not really a republican… horseshit.
Then he said, about lack of healthcare, that he works very hard and that’s why he has it – so I freaking nailed him on that… turns out his own sister works at a salon, works HARD and doesnt get health coverage either.
Fucking politicians…
I invited him to the pieace vigil… we’ll see… if he shows up next weekend because tonight he has a prior engagement… I freaking busted him for over 15 minutes.. .Danni came outside and asked why the Gorge was up for sail too.. because he said he was an environmentalist… nailed him on that too.
Good morning Andi.
Health check time:
Family Mom _ okay _ hurts
Your Back _ okay _ hurts
Cat’s feelings _okay _hurts
Yes to all. 🙂
I was just thinking, I will be gone tomorrow for awhile carrying FMom to the doctor. So I probably won’t be around if a new cafe is needed.
BTW very nice picture up top.
Give how slow things have been, a new cafe isn’t likely to be needed till happy hour. I’ll just put up a regular cafe instead of the cart to avoid the soggy cereal syndrome.
You never know around here. WW might show up again and everybody will bust loose from lurking. It was really good to see her yesterday and know she’s OK.
We’ve got the cleaning lady coming in this morning and this will sound stupid, but I’ve got to clean before she gets here. I figure I’ll put in about an hour of work and shovel out the worst of it. It’s amazing how messy things can get after only a couple of days. 🙂
I forgot to ask, how’s your weather today, any rain?
LOL I love that you cleran for the cleaning lady. Maybe you should leave it alone and let her do her work.
Good morning Refinish.
I’ve got to pick up around here before she comes, because I wouldn’t have anyone walk into the house the way it is now.
How’re you today?
LOL I would love to hire a cleaning crew I don’t know and will never see again to come in and do a once over on my place.
That’s the reason I’m cleaning before she gets here. This is a small county and FMom would be none to happy if it got out how messy the house is now.
Actually I know how I clean, but I don’t know how the cleaning lady will clean. I don’t know if she’ll just hit at a few things to dust or if she’ll really clean. I guess I’ll have to tell her what I expect and see what happens from there.
We get our house cleaned every other week and I always pick up before Charlotte comes because if you leave it out, Charlotte will put it away — somewhere.
Rain seems to have left but it’s soggy out there. Temps are staying in the 70s, though which is good.
I’m sort of used to things being put away where I can’t find them whenever my s-i-l comes to visit, but it does look like a tornado has come through.
Your weather sounds good. Even down here I can tell the season is starting to change.
I’m so sorry I missed her. This work thing really gets in the way of my blogging sometimes. 😉
Morning All!!!! Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Mine is hectic as usual but then I like it that way.
FamilyMan, I hope you and FMom are feeling better.
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Here is a design I did to help raise funds for the AIDS Walk I am doing in October. If you click on the picture it will take you to my donations page.
That’s a great design.
I’ve made my gift. So here’s a challenge to everybody else to do the same.
Thank you Andi!!!!!! I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
You could try to stop by each new cafe and put your design in it so more people would know about the walk.
Thanks for teh Idea. I will try and do that each day from now till the walk. Who knows I might even create some new designs along the way. LOL
I think it’s a great design too Refinish. I hope you do raise a lot of money for this.
Time for me to head out to work!!!! Have a great day and I will try and check in during the day.
I LOVE that design! And I chipped in too. Who’s next?
Thank you!!!!!!!
Hey there!!! Keep reminding us because I’m flat busted (well I wear a C-cup) but things are hella tight. But just starting a new job so by Oct I should have some moolah to send ya.
The AIDs walk is very near and dear to me as well. (((RE69))))
I will!!!! And Honey you are anything but flatchested if you wear a c cup. LOL I will be doing additional reminders between now and the walk.
Gotta go and start get the house ready for the cleaning lady. 🙂
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
buon giorno everyone
greetings from <montepulciano where im tasting wine and trying to use an italian keyboard. i am having a great time, the villa is wonderful, the food is delicious, the wine is marvelous and now i am running out of adjectives. <p>
no major catastrophes but lots of nice stories. no good shoe pictures … yet.
see ya
Hi Mary. I can’t believe you blogging from Italy.
I’m really happy to hear you’re having a great time. I’ll be looking for the nice stories when you get home.
Drink a bottle of wine for me. 🙂
So happy you are having a wonderful time.
Have some pane bello drenched in olive oil for me.
Have a great trip!!!!!!!
A jolly west coast good morning to all who are still home and still awake!
It looks like we’ll be be having some rain tomorrow, the beginning of our rainy season, There’ll be a few more sunny days but summer’s on its way out.
Mornin’ all. Just stopped in to remind you all with pets that you really ned to keep current on vaccinations… especially rabies. I took in a Momma kitty and her one kitten. She was raising the kitten in our fields. She was in the house for almost 2 weeks, went into heat and started getting aggressive. Even the vet didn’t see any red flags, even though she scratched him and bit the assistant through a heavy glove. Well, Momma kitty died, and has tested positive for rabies… not before she attacked me and bit me in the ankle and a ferocious bite on the hand. She did not exhibit the classic symptoms AT ALL. My husband and I started our regimen of rabies vaccinations last night and will be going back for shots for a month or so. (5 shots to start!!! ow.)
The moral of the story is, if you love your animals, get them the shots they need. The vet will be here later today to update all my animals’ shots, including the horses. So far, the kitten is clean, with only a few more days to go. Scary. The nurse in the ER told us that we are the THIRD case from our area in a month that they’ve had in their ER. There are 2 other major ERs in town.
K, gotta go. I know there are animal lovers here, so take heed!
Oh no Nag!!!! I am so sorry!!! My animals are all caught up.
One of the worries I have… most can’t even get their kids vaccinated – most can’t sign up for school sports because they … drum roll..
dont have health care.
So many are trying to keep their kids healthy and things get put aside or simply rob from Peter to pay Paul. I know, people shouldn’t have pets they can’t afford.. but many can’t afford much nowadays. It’s a vicious cycle we’re spiraling down.
I wish you well and please please please keep us posted. (((((Nag)))))
Janet, thanks so much for the kind words. In Pa, children cannot enter public school without the basic vaccinations. I remember our school nurse battling with parents more often that you would think over that. I guess that isn’t the law everywhere, but it should be. An unvaccinated population without basic healthcare is a time bomb for sure.
By the way, your entry in today’s newsbucket is incredibly chilling.
That’s the law in all school systems, but parents can opt out due to religious or medical reasons, with documentation.
All public health departments have free or very low cost vaccinations for children. I know because that’s where my children got them before we had health insurance.
but the clunker is this… if you opt out.. or state you don’t have health insurance… you, too, could have CPS knocking on your door.
It’s happened to us.
Well CPS investigated and they deemed it was in retaliation for spec. ed advocacy we’d done.. as the “FALSE REPORT” was a red flag meaning from the school or a doctor.
Schools also have “cheap health care” pamphlets they send home but many ESL or working poor families are too afraid to file that they don’t have a doctor.
Indeed it is a ticking time bomb.
As to free clinics – they didn’t have one in the county I was in. Nearest one was 1 hour away. Not even a women’s clinic or planned parenthood.
This is the county where children are dying on couches or floors due to lack of insurance.
February of 2005 two CPS agents knocked and then entered my home. Checking for food and other things. There was a claim, a red flag, that we were neglecting Danni because
Which we did at that particular time.
They investigated us for two weeks. Wayne almost lost his job over it – and then the boss’ secretary became a fucking bigger bitch over it all because according to her we must have done something wrong.
The Area Board On Developmental Disabilities, Danni’s Pediatrician and the States Quality of Life Expert were all there a week later to hear CPS say that they’re finding is that it was done in retaliation.
ANd… it’s FOREVER on our record. Unless we wanted to spend, in their estimate over $14,000 dollars in court costs because it was a red flag and doctors and schools are protected and may make any fucking claims they want.
It’s been filed as a False Report.. but stays.
Because some school felt that they had a way to shut me up.
We learned that Danni had been taken out of class and asked all sorts of leading questions. She cried and was scared. She then felt betrayed by her principal and school teachers. She was in a reading tutor class helping other kids with reading problems when she was called to the office.
She then devised a plan to hide from school in the woods if she was ever called to the office again. She was afraid they’d kidnap her.
She then had nightmares, and still does, the worst case of diarhea for two weeks.
I, lost my fucking mind. CPS wanted to take Wesley out of school too to ask him questions about whether or not we take him to the doctor…
I knew that if they took the kids even for ONE day… that I would not be able to live. I made an oath to a higher power to give strength to Wayne if that happned as I would simply fall down dead.
It almost killed me. I did want to run.
In April as we were still all trying to heal as a family from this nightmare, Ryan flew me back to Boston.
We then started to make plans to get the fuck out of California and that county we were in.
All because I had one time signed a form requesting info on school health care and vaccinations… and because I was also an advocate for autistic students.
I wouldn’t wish the above on my worst enemy.
Someone was being vindictive in reporting your family for not having insurance. It sounds like you made and enemy and had the full court press applied to you. So often it is the other way around – kids are abused and neglected and every adult in their lives who could have done something looks the other way and fails them and they fall through the cracks.
There has to be a happy medium.
CPS told us the exact same thing. That it was a nasty nasty way to shut up parents who fought the schools for speech therapy etc etc.
That other kids were being brutalized while some vindictive school person wasted their time.
$14K to go to court to find out WHO did this and to have it expunged even though it was found to be false is too much.
And… I wasn’t the only Special Ed Mom to leave that county. 3 others – the ones who I felt were my mentors all had the same thing happen to them. It was an old tactic. But… it works.
There is no happy mediums when an agency can literally walk into your lives and shatter it as such. They apologized… but their hands were tied. But.. they did more harm than good.
Yes children are abused… they drove past homes of horrible abuse to get to us. But the system is abused, too.
I’m just saying… far too many know – not to let the schools or agencies “help” them with health care…
who never had CPS investigate…Second.
I showed teachers the areas where hair was ripped out of my head. I came to school bone ass tired from staying up late, too afraid to fall asleep.
There are no words to describe the bone gripping, breath choking fear of knowing there is nothing you can do when CPS walks into your home.
My kids had diarhea and threw up that first night and didn’t want to go to school… but we KNEW if they were absent… all hell would break loose.
I no longer was a parent, I was a prisoner of a witch hunt.
I’d hate to be on the end of an investigation – but I’d hope that once the allegations were found to be false the investigation would stop. It’s strange and horrifying that it didn’t in your case.
I see alot of the other kind of cases. Kids who have been beaten, sexually abused, starved, given away to relatives or friends, kept out of school, etc., for years either because no one reported it or because social services was too busy and did a cursory check of the home and because there was food in the frig and the child didn’t have obvious injuries that couldn’t be explained away, they dropped it with disastrous consequences.
It’s hard to know what happened in your family’s case that caused the investigation to go on without merit. It must have been awful.
As far as when you were a child, I think back 25, 30 years ago and before that people had this belief that what goes on in someone else’s house isn’t any of their business. Children were more like property and it was pretty rare that a neighbor or other witness would get involved. Fortunately times have changed and there are privacy laws that necessarily protect the reporter, but sometimes, as in your case, that allows someone with an axe to grind to report out of spite.
Thanks. But I accidentally copied what Cabin Girl had posted. Just added something from one of my older diaries.
Also another side to this is that many of us are questioning what is in the vaccinations since there has been great debate about thermasil and autism and downs syndrome.
OUCH!!!!! Sorry!!!! All my animals always have their shots at all times.
Well, turns out that we had to give up the kitten to be euthanized and tested. Chances are exceptionally high that he was infected, and it could take up to 6 months for it to show. If we had refused, we would have been quarantined for 6 months! It was really a hard thing to do, but I guess it was the right thing to do.
It’s good to know that the local Dept of Health and the Dept of Agriculture are on the ball… I’ve had lots of contact with them already. They’re kind of a pain in the ass, but they are doing their jobs and following through with every tiny detail. I’ll be spending the afternoon trying to get in touch with all neighbors with animals to let them know. Thanks for the support, I’m a real mess today.
So Sorry (((Nag))))
I’m so sorry about the cats and the shots.
Take care.
As Andi knows, I passed the screening with flying colors. A job recruiter is not intimidating to someone who has had a gun at her back LOL so maybe I am getting some of that thing called “courage”.
I’m in with the company it’s just that two managers of two stores are “wrestling” over me. I will be offered either A package or Two packages to choose from. Both managers are friends and are fiercely competitive. I can’t wait to hear from them today.
I quit my “job” (was still in training) at the bakery. I had to break it to my boss very gently. She and I cried at the end. I told her that regardless… I was there only 4 days but now she has four customers forever. She said I can come back anytime if anything goes wrong. But she was so happy for me when she found out where I was working. Progressive Organic, non-toxic company that is about creating and providing solutions and support sustainable farming and co-op measures and being local and supporting local efforts, farmers and educators.
Things were getting hella tight around here. Due to the house inspection fiasco in Cali and just the general costs of moving ones family twice in six months.
I never thought I’d be wanted so much by such a great company. I keep choking up.
Any company would be better for having you there! :*
Thanks Olivia 🙂 I can move up in this company, too… it’s a REALLY good one.
Either books, hockey or organics and I’d be happy 🙂
YEEEEEEEEEEE HAW!!!!!!!!!! Keep us informed.
are extremely pleased for you! Now I’ve just got to get him back to work — he’s got another meeting tomorrow, so we’ll see what happens…
WoW!…thanks for the link andi…
and thanks for the interest everyone! If you haven’t voted on the date yet, please click the link do, it’s very close to even, and your vote counts here…:{)
Back to the grinder for a few more and then Beer:30…have a good one
I’ve got some glasses frosting … 🙂
no call yet. He said they’d call between 10 and 11… ACK
If it were me, I’d give them till tomorrow morning and then I’d call them back. It’s not unusual for paperwork to get delayed for a few hours.
yeah and plus they are opening a new store today…
but they told me to quit my other job so I could be available for orientation.
And yes my phone works… Mr. Damnit tested it by calling me lol.
and I was so flustered I accepted the first job offer (I hope the other guy isn’t mad)… but my boss is super cool (they both would have been fantastic)!!! He’s like Ryan 🙂
I start next Wed… and not at the starting wage (which is not minimum wage).. but up a bit more. 😀
But… I will only be able to make the Peace Vigils every other Wed…
oh and there’s an orientation and where they explain out all the benefits and policies… WOW
I am very, very happy for you. And that’s one very, very lucky company.
Just had some republican come to my door for state legislature trying to tell me he’s not really a republican… horseshit.
Then he said, about lack of healthcare, that he works very hard and that’s why he has it – so I freaking nailed him on that… turns out his own sister works at a salon, works HARD and doesnt get health coverage either.
Fucking politicians…
I invited him to the pieace vigil… we’ll see… if he shows up next weekend because tonight he has a prior engagement… I freaking busted him for over 15 minutes.. .Danni came outside and asked why the Gorge was up for sail too.. because he said he was an environmentalist… nailed him on that too.
That’s the nice about living way back from the road out in the country — nobody ever comes politicking here (except IndianaDem).
Lounge opened.