Sequels rarely have the impact of the original. But not always.
Remember this guy? Well, he’s back. But now he’s got a new groove. Or at least he did earlier today.
Here’s what happened.
The w-nut (co-worker), whom I haven’t seen for awhile, sees me and struts up to my desk. He says hi and begins to examine the 4 pound fragment of dinosaur bone that I and the boran2 boy dragged back from our recent trip out to Utah and Arizona. (Madame boran is only very mildly amused by such acquisitions, but, as they say, I digress.)
Having completed his examination he steps back only to find my Bush calendar of fictitious, but strangely realistic, quotes. (September: “And to the C students, I say that you too can be president of the United States.) After a few seconds of scrutiny, he begins what will be a rant. But I am not expecting what is about to come.
He starts off with some vague concerns about security and subsequently veers off toward his concerns about Iran. After a few moments, I state that I have greater concern with other aspects of security than I do with Iran’s potential use of atomic weapons. Strangely, he states his agreement with this point. It was at this juncture that I began to wonder if it was getting chilly down by the shores of the river Styx.
But then the rant starts in ernest.
He continues and begins to talk about the “billions” spent in Iraq. He then notes how the money could have been spent for other things. In this case, shockingly enough, he states that the money could have been used for things that people here are in need of. < gasp > I am shocked. This added an entirely new dimension to our ongoing conversations. It was at this point that I was just itching to indicate that he was sounding very much like a liberal, but I didn’t dare interfere, for fear of not hearing the rest of this priceless rant.
W-nut then begins talking about his son. Apparently, his son, employed by a local utility, is struggling with rent and other expenses incurred by his family. W-nut indicates that his son is one such person in need.
He continues on in this fashion for a bit. I am tempted to indicate that, typically, Democrats are far more concerned with the domestic issues that make up much of our daily lives, rather than world conquest. But there is time. All in due time.
Another title: When Bush Inc hits home.
Thanks for the update Boran2. I was reading this wondering if he had caused you harm or something awful.. (continue back to your regular heartbeat now Ms. Damnit’s Heart)
Now I’ve got the dinosaur bone to throw at him. 😉
it’s like an anthropological study.
General comment, not specifically meant for you, Boran2:
It takes a long time for the scales to fall from their eyes after koolaid toxicosis. Try to help pick at the scabs, and the pain might enrage them, or the healing might not have progressed sufficiently and they are scarred or blinded.
Such folks are best handled slowly, gently, lightly, and with a touch of humor if possible to (hopefully) encourage maximum healing.
They are our countrymen, and the best case would be to rehabilitate as many of them as far as possible.
Helpful hint: Think of them in terms of sick versus healthy, or failing that, in terms of foolish versus wise. Never in terms of good versus evil, for that is to fall victim yourself to the poison.
You’ve got the cure, KP!
Recently I had a similar experience.I was setting with several retired folks who had just come in off the golf course for lunch together, when the topic turned to Medicare part D and the dread dough nut hole. A couple of scary examples of the realities of this provision of the law later, and I could not resist pointing out that our very own Republican congressman was one of the movers and shakers that got this law passed. I went on to make the following sarcastic comment. “Well I for one am certainly glad that our government supports a culture of life that enhances family values”.
To say that I overstepped my bounds is I’m afraid an understatement. Nary a word was said around the table for what to me seemed an eternity. I turned to talk to my closest companion about the just completed round of golf, and the medicare conversation at the rest of the table continued, but without my participation.
Guess I have to work on my bedside manner, eh?
You rock!!!!
Reclaiming another soul from the Bush cult is always a worthwhile endeavor.
Good luck with the deprogramming boran.
I admire your careful patience in all of this, Boran. It is really hard to refrain from saying Nyah Nyah Nyah, I Told You So. . .not the most effective strategy!
Your wingnut associate may need to be downgraded from wingnut to fallenut, brokenwingnut, or something similar. Perhaps he will be ready soon for noting how the local Rep (if you have such) voted for some of the things that are causing the specific difficulties of he & son.
Great, boran – I recall the first diary, also.
What will you do with these entries when you invite him over to BT?
Congratulations on your small victory! I had to laugh, as I have a similar desk calendar with actual Bush quotes. It’s a source of daily amusement for everyone in our office.