Who? The Republicans in Congress, of course.
And what did they do — again? Lie in an official committee report, of course. This time, however, the IAEA is calling the Republican controlled Select Committee on Intelligence out for its blatant fabrications and outright propaganda regarding the status of Iran’s nuclear activities:
IAEA protests “erroneous” U.S. report on Iran
By Mark Heinrich
VIENNA (Reuters) – U.N. inspectors have protested to the U.S. government and a Congressional committee about a report on Iran’s nuclear work, calling parts of it “outrageous and dishonest”, according to a letter obtained by Reuters.
In the words of diplomaticspeak as practiced by the agencies of the United Nations, that’s just about as harsh a condemnation as you will ever see. The IAEA’s use of the phrase “outrageous and dishonest” essentially means that the Republican controlled report is nothing but a pile of warmed over dog doo-doo in their eyes. Not the sort of message you typically see directed at the biggest financial sponsor of the UN, and the supposed “Leader of the Free World.” But then, with Bush coming to town next week, someone has to start dealing with all the garbage he and his administration have been shoveling about Iran.
So, you might ask: What does the IAEA accuse House Republicans on the Select Committee on Intelligence of getting wrong in their report? Oh, pretty much everything:
Sent to the head of the House of Representatives’ Select Committee on Intelligence by a senior aide to International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, the letter said an Aug. 23 committee report contained serious distortions of IAEA findings on Iran’s activity.
The letter said the errors suggested Iran’s nuclear fuel programme was much more advanced than a series of IAEA reports and Washington’s own intelligence assessments have determined.
It said the report falsely described Iran to have enriched uranium at its pilot centrifuge plant to weapons-grade level in April, whereas IAEA inspectors had made clear Iran had enriched only to a low level usable for nuclear power reactor fuel.
“Furthermore, the IAEA Secretariat takes strong exception to the incorrect and misleading assertion” that the IAEA opted to remove a senior safeguards inspector for supposedly concluding the purpose of Iran’s programme was to build weapons, it said.
The letter said the congressional report contained “an outrageous and dishonest suggestion” that the inspector was dumped for having not adhered to an alleged IAEA policy barring its “officials from telling the whole truth” about Iran.
Diplomats say the inspector remains IAEA Iran section head.
Let’s put that in plain English, shall we? Here are the “inaccuracies” which the IAEA is claiming were “erroneously” included in the Select Committee’s report about — Oh hell. Let’s call them what they are. Here’s the short list of distortions, misleading statements and flat out lies about Iran and the IAEA that House Republicans were trying to pass off as God’s own truth to the American Public:
1. Iran’s nuclear program is much more advanced than the IAEA and US intelligence sources claim. [No factual basis for this claim]
2. The IAEA discovered (in April) that Iran had enriched uranium to a level sufficient to construct a nuclear bomb. [Lie: No IAEA report has ever said Iran has produced bomb grade uranium]
3. IAEA has a policy barring its inspectors from telling the “whole truth” about Iran’s nuclear program. [No factual basis for this claim]
4. IAEA fired it’s chief safeguards inspector in Iran because he refused to toe the official IAEA line that Iran’s program was not intended to produce nukes. [Lie: Said inspector remains on the job in Iran]
Now, some may say, why should we trust the IAEA on this issue critical to our national security (and yes, I recognize that the “some” I refer to may closely resemble people like this outré right wing blogger and her readers), but the better question is why should we trust the Republicans? To answer that question, I ask you to consider the following undisputed facts.
In early 2003, the head of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, was roundly castigated and condemned by the Bush administration, Republican politicians and other conservatives for daring to suggest that his agency had found no evidence that Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq either possessed nuclear weapons, or had an active nuclear weapons program. Since this message did not fit with the Bush administration’s talking points that Saddam was actively seeking nukes (i.e., smoking gun/mushroom cloud), Republicans of all stripes were soon criticizing Dr. ElBaradei for, at best, being soft on Iraq, and at worst, for being Saddam’s willing stooge.
As all reasonable people now acknowledge, it was ElBaradei who was right, and Bush who was spectacularly and catastrophically wrong about Iraq’s WMD programs, and specifically Saddam’s nuclear weapons program. A program which we now know was nothing more than the fever dream of Michael Ledeen and the efforts of forgers with connections to Italy’s Military Intelligence and Security agency, SISMI.
So, spare me any objections to IAEA’s credibility. The only people who have no credibility on assertions regarding “weapons of mass destruction” are Bush and the Republicans. And considering that this is an election year, anything they have to say about the threat posed by Iran must be taken, not with a grain, but a pound of salt. Who can blame the IAEA for taking the unprecedented step of calling the House Republicans on the Select Intelligence Committee liars?
IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said: “We felt obliged to put the record straight with regard to the facts on what we have reported on Iran. It’s a matter of the integrity of the IAEA.”
Integrity. Just one more word Republicans don’t have in their vocabularies.
House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence
I guess that they’ll just have to find some other way to justify the next war.
No, they’ll just keep using this strategy. Why stop the lying now?
And who wrote the report? Surprise, surprise: “Its author, Frederick Fleitz, was a senior adviser to the U.S.’s UN ambassador, John Bolton, until 2005.” (Bloomberg). Same old gang of psycho liars that got us into the Iraq disaster, in other words. That these people, and the Republican Party, have no integrity comes as no surprise. Their utter lack of shame, remorse, and patriotism, continues to shock.
The sheer magnitude of the “erroneous, misleading and unsubstantiated information” is stunning. As Bloomberg reports, “`Weapons-grade is commonly used to refer to uranium enriched to the order of 90 percent,’ the letter said. Iran has enriched uranium to a 3.6 percent level, according to the IAEA.” Three percent to 90 percent. This is the kind of “mistake” that no high-school kid would get away with. It’s too big to make unintentionally.
This report, in the context of all the other Bushie lies, brings up a basic question: When does falsification of national security information become a felony? When does it become treason? Bush lies have already killed nearly 3000 US troops and untold thousands of Iraqis. How long will we allow them to get away with their massacres?
By the way, it’s useful to remember that the target of this latest neocon attack, IAEA head ElBaradei, was subject to a concerted Bush effort to depose him after his agency told the truth about Iraq’s phantom WMDs. He went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Who do you believe? Not much of a contest, is it?
I can’t wait to see Bolton bob and weave his way out of this one. When is the vote coming up on his confirmation?
Either he stands with the UN and the Democrats against BushCo, or he stands with BushCo against the Democrats and the very organization he represents us in!
Ha ha ha. Talk about running out of political capital, Graham, McCain, and the other one [what’shisname] should go into the political capital credit card business. They could make a fortune lending their good name to BushCo over this flap.
My grampa was a man of very few words, but when he spoke,he was worth listening to. If he were here right now watching all of this, he’d lean back, light his pipe, smile that knowwing, sardonic grin, and say “Well, good! They finally stole enough rope to hang themselves with!”
didn’t they postpone the whole Bolton nomination thing?
Outrageous. I’ll have something up tomorrow morning on this story in context of the entire delusional neocon policies and strategies.
Can’t wait to see it.
Makes 2 of us.
Has no one really told bush that his speech to the UN on the 19th will no doubt be met with deafening silence..this isn’t is good old rethuglican crowd of believers he is going to be talking to..this crowd is just a tad more reality based.
Then again it also will no doubt be repeated on Faux Propaganda with the old line I’ve heard them use before..if so many people are against him he must be doing something right..pretty much a win/win situation in the minds of the small coetie(can’t find the right spelling to save my life today)
ie of believers of whom bush is the main delusional believer. I honestly believe this sad sack ignorant idiot believes what he is saying not that that makes him any less dangerous.
As for lying about the report-that is certainly no surprise whatsoever-this administration has their own plans(PNAC) and facts are just inconvenient truths that are something to be jettisoned with impunity to further their own agenda-full speed ahead-truth be damned right. In fact they don’t just jettison these truths they don’t even bother to read them as Cheney so admitted on Russet as to not reading Senate report…doesn’t fit with his ‘truths’ so why bother reading any reports on anything.
Are you trying to say coterie?
A small, often select group of persons who associate with one another frequently.