Good Morning to all the Froggies in the Pond!!! Hope everyone has a great night’s sleep and is looking forward to a fabulous Saturday!!!
I wanted to send out a special thanks and hugs to the ponders who have sponsored me for the AIDS WALK!!! Andi, Cabin Girl, Teach, Kidspeak,Second Nature and the 3 anonymous donors!!!
Per Andi’s orders I will keep posting a design with a link to my donations page. LOL You know we all mind Andi!!!!
Decided not to try another wasted trip to the East Bay…after spending waaaay too damn much time the past few days going over there, I need a break. We’ll try for it again Monday (and I’ll call first to make sure the…uh, “person” is there I need to see). Still a bit cranky today…hopefully that will pass soon.
Need to get some crap done around here (finally!), and maybe just a few veg hours, just to recouperate from the week. A bit brisk outside according to the spouse (who just got back from moving the car from in front of the complex’s office), good working weather.
and a happy Saturday to everyone.
Good morning, Andi.
Hope you have a happy one yourself.
I want a kayak!
Are you working today or are you an early riser like me?
Here you go …

… it’s a click away
No work today, though I’ll go in tomorrow.
I tend to wake up early and can’t go back to sleep.
You and me both!!! LOL The Diva Dogs are so use to me getting up early during the week that weekends don’t change a thing. LOL
Good Morning Ask & Andi!!!!
Good Morning to all the Froggies in the Pond!!! Hope everyone has a great night’s sleep and is looking forward to a fabulous Saturday!!!
I wanted to send out a special thanks and hugs to the ponders who have sponsored me for the AIDS WALK!!! Andi, Cabin Girl, Teach, Kidspeak,Second Nature and the 3 anonymous donors!!!
Per Andi’s orders I will keep posting a design with a link to my donations page. LOL You know we all mind Andi!!!!
Good morning, refinish!
Nice design today.
Ah yes, She Who Must Be Obeyed
ROTFLMAO!!!! You know we mind cause we love ya!!!!
Got a T-shirt idea for you — inspired by some of the discussion in Steven D’s front pager on the idiot Ann Althouse —
Front of shirt: I’d rather have these boobs…
Back of shirt: …than this boob (picture of GWB)
Would love one of those in a 2X, for those of us not members of the ITBC (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)…
Good morning Andi, Refinish and ask.
It’s Saturday huh. I thought everyday was Saturday. 🙂
Every day is Saturday for dogs and retirees.
Yep it’s a wonderful life, ain’t it. 🙂
Really nice reflections on the picture above.
There’s something about a fishing boat on still water that make me feel very peaceful.
Dawn always makes me feel that way. I guess that’s one of the reasons I always get up early. Or I’m just a geezer that used to getting up early. 🙂
Seeing as we both and regularly up way before dawn, I’m going for geezer.
Giddy says it’s way past time to go walk. See ya later.
Now wait a minute. I get up early all the time and I am not a geezer!!! Oh, wait I guess I am close to it. LOL
Geezerdom is knocking at you door Refinish. 🙂
Morning FamilyMan!!! I hope your back is better and FMom is doing well.
Here is a new design I did this am. LOL
F**K Bush
Morning Refinish. Like the new design, few words and to the point. 🙂
Thank you!!!! I will be working on quite a few new designs this weekend.
I’ve got to get going.
Hope to see everybody later.
What could be scarier than the Nightmare on Pennsylvania ave?
Nightmare on Pennsylvania Ave
It is also available on other color shirts. The design on the other shirts is in red.
You can also listen to the Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue podcast
Decided not to try another wasted trip to the East Bay…after spending waaaay too damn much time the past few days going over there, I need a break. We’ll try for it again Monday (and I’ll call first to make sure the…uh, “person” is there I need to see). Still a bit cranky today…hopefully that will pass soon.
Need to get some crap done around here (finally!), and maybe just a few veg hours, just to recouperate from the week. A bit brisk outside according to the spouse (who just got back from moving the car from in front of the complex’s office), good working weather.
Hope everyone has a great day…
CodePink pal is having ER sitch with her dogs so can’t make a street fair – so I’ll run over to that – then run to the Sing Out.
Runnng with my hair on fire… ciao