I placed the following in a couple of Diaries last night, but figured ‘What The Hell’ this needs to Stand Alone in Reaching as many as possible!

Another reason is Two Documentaries that Folks should take in for further understanding of the Illegal War we have waged against the people of Iraq!!

Along with a Podcast, from the PBS Newshour, from a few days back, and Article on same subject, Brain Injuries, from yesterday.

And prose from the lastest G.I. Special

You are incredible! Since we unveiled this ad on Wednesday, which targets George Allen for voting against giving our troops the right body armor, donations have poured in fast and hard. On behalf of my fellow veterans, I thank you.

Reaction has been quick and strong, as well! DailyKos said it was the most compelling ad this cycle. MyDD.com gave it an A+. PoliticsTV said it is a “very well done ad spotlighting the difference between Sen.George Allen’s voting record and his rhetoric.”

You helped us hold accountable those that have failed the troops. Lets do it again.

As promised, we’ve been keeping track of all of your votes for where the ad should run next. There have been some really interesting picks. Some people hope we keep running in Virginia, some had other places they would like to run it, and someone wrote in that the ad should be run “Against all those [expletives]!!”

I have a huge smile on my face, just knowing how enthusiastically you support the troops. Just don’t ask me to take you all to dinner sometime – you’ve got expensive taste, and voted for some of the priciest places in America to run this ad! (And you gave us some BIG surprises too). But, we hear you, and agree with you, and we want to make this happen. We’re going to need your help, though, if we’re going to pull this off.

We have ads ready to go against every Senator who disgracefully voted to deny troops body armor, and if we’re going to get this ad up where you’d like to see it, we are going to need to raise at least $50,000 by Tuesday.

    Are you up to the challenge?

Please, send this email around to all your friends and family, and please consider making a donation. Get ready and strap yourselves in, this will be one heck of a ride!

Thank you for supporting the troops- and supporting the voice of America’s 21st Century patriots.

Best Regards,

Jon Soltz

Iraq War Veteran


P.S. Still haven’t clicked to watch the Allen ad? What are you waiting for? Click here!

‘The Ground Truth’ and ‘My Country, My Country’

The following was broadcast on the NPR ‘Morning Edition’ on 9-15-2006

Documentaries View the Iraq War from Two Sides

Morning Edition, September 15, 2006 · Two new documentaries are out about the Iraq war: The Ground Truth and My Country, My Country. My Country shows what the war has been like for Iraqis, while Ground Truth concentrates on the personal traumas U.S. soldiers have to deal with when they return home. Both movies offer compelling views of the costs of war.

Visit the site link to Listen to the Report on these two Documentaries

‘My Country, My Country’

Here’s the Site Link for the Documentary.

You can view the Trailer HERE.

  “The Ground Truth” opens Friday, September 15    

 Host a “Ground Truth Gathering”    

    From October 4th – 11th, join 1000’s as we gather across America in churches, universities, community centers, town halls, coffee houses and living rooms to screen THE GROUND TRUTH, engage in conversation, and listen to Iraq veterans.


THE GROUND TRUTH depicts with ferocious honesty the terrible conflict in Iraq, a prelude to the even more challenging battles fought by soldiers when they return home to personal demons, an uncomprehending public, and an indifferent government.

Theatrical opening Friday, September 15, 2006 at Landmark Theaters in the following cities:

Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Austin,

Washington, D.C., San Francisco

*Additional screening nationwide – For details, go to: The Ground Truth


Purchase a DVD through this link and VFP recieves a portion of the proceeds. Price is $14.98    

    Purchase DVD now!    

Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!

Click here to donate.

War Wounds

The NewsHour offers an excerpt of a KCET production on War Veterans suffering from Brain Injuries.

This is the Podcast of ‘War Wounds’ that aired a couple of days ago on the PBS NewsHour.

And a Followup report, from Assoiciated Press:
Iraq War’s Signature Wound: Brain Injury

Associated Press Writer

PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) — Lance Cpl. Sam Reyes bears scars from three horrific attacks in Iraq, but his most debilitating wound cannot be seen.

He recovered from the chest wound delivered by a machine gun-toting insurgent and the bullet wound to his back that came during an ambush. He survived the severe burns and broken ribs inflicted by a suicide bomber who struck a lightly armored 18-wheeler and killed 12 of Reyes’ fellow Marines.

From: Richard Hastie
To: GI Special
Sent: September 11, 2006
Subject: Far Away From Reality

Far Away From Reality

There is a horror show going on with Iraqi
civilians being killed by U.S. tax money.

It’s no different than Vietnam.
And while this is all going on, the American people

are being sidetracked by toxic T.V. — far away from reality.

Mike Hastie
Vietnam Veteran