Bloggers go to a lunch to meet and spend and hour or two with Bill Clinton. Later, they all pose for a group picture. A young woman (the female blogger Jessica of Feministing fame) happens to be standing in front of Mr. Clinton. She’s short, he’s tall; it’s the usual type of arrangement you see in dozens of group photographs (just look at any class picture for one of your kids, or a youth soccer team photo, or even wedding pictures). It’s a nice picture. Here, take a look:
So what do the conservative commentators at Ann Althouse’s blog (I’m assuming they are conservative), after she posted the photo, decide deserves attention? The young female “intern” in front of Bill:
Goesh said…
Who is the Intern directly in front of him with the black hair?
8:13 AM, September 13, 2006*****
Meade said…
Goesh said…
Who is the Intern directly in front of him with the black hair?Dunno, but by her expression, it looks as though she may be getting “a small glimpse at greatness.”
8:32 AM, September 13, 2006*****
bill said…
Since we don’t know who she is, this is quite the cheap shot: Who is the Intern directly in front of him with the black hair?
As such, it would be beneath me to respond, I don’t know, but she can deliver my pizza any day.
8:50 AM, September 13, 2006Pogo said…
Monica has a blog?
Who knew?Does she let Linda Tripp leave comments, or is she banned?
Oh, I should really let the poor man alone. But hasn’t he got any sense at all, after all that?
9:02 AM, September 13, 2006
Not to be outdone by the chauvinists who post at her blog, Ms. Althouse decided to escalate the insult by posting this:
I wanted to elevate a discussion from the comments section of a post from Wednesday, you know the one with the photo of the Daou-wrangled bloggers posing in front of Bill Clinton? The first commenter, Goesh, picks up on my prompt — “Let’s just array these bloggers… randomly” — and wisecracks: “Who is the Intern directly in front of him with the black hair?”
Eventually, Jessica from a blog called Feministing, shows up and says: “The, um, ‘intern’ is me. It’s so nice to see women being judged by more than their looks. Oh, wait…”
Snarky but somewhat conciliatory, I say: “Well, Jessica, you do appear to be ‘posing.’ Maybe it’s just an accident.”
Jessica Feministing returns and says:
It’s a picture; people pose. And I’m not sure I understand your logic anyway. If I “pose” for a picture (as opposed to sulking and hunching over?) then I deserve to be judged for my looks? I don’t see anyone talking shit about the other bloggers smiling pretty for the camera.
Provoked, I decide to actually give her a small dose of the kind of judgment for brains she seems to demanding:
Jessica: I’m not judging you by your looks. (Don’t flatter yourself.) I’m judging you by your apparent behavior. It’s not about the smiling, but the three-quarter pose and related posturing, the sort of thing people razz Katherine Harris about. I really don’t know why people who care about feminism don’t have any edge against Clinton for the harm he did to the cause of taking sexual harrassment seriously, and posing in front of him like that irks me, as a feminist. So don’t assume you’re the one representing feminist values here. Whatever you call your blog….
Making this colloquy into this new blog post, I actually click over to Jessica’s blog, and what the hell? The banner displays silhouettes of women with big breasts (the kind that Thelma and Louise get pissed off at when they’re seen on truck mudflaps). She’s got an ad in the sidebar for one of her own products, which is a tank top with the same breasty silhouette, stretched over the breasts of a model. And one of the top posts is a big closeup on breasts.
Sooooo… apparently, Jessica writes one of those blogs that are all about using breasts for extra attention. Then, when she goes to meet Clinton, she wears a tight knit top that draws attention to her breasts and stands right in front of him and positions herself to make her breasts as obvious as possible?
Well, I’m going to assume Jessica’s contributions to my comments are an attempt at a comic performance, as was her attendence at the luncheon dressed in the guise of Monica Lewinsky. Lord knows we need more comical feminists.
All this grief for standing for a group photograph? Ms. Althouse is a law professor, so maybe that’s where she gets her nastiness from (trust me, having gone through law school there’s nothing that brings out the ego in egotist more than being a law professor — unless its being a judge). Still, this is beneath contempt. The snarky Monica/intern references coming from Althouse’s chauvinistic male commenters you would expect, but for some allegedly centrist/law professor/ feminist to add gasoline to the fire in order to further roast poor Jessica merely for appearing in a group photograph with Bill Clinton is simply absurd.
But then, after reading Althouse’s blog a bit, I realize that absurdity is her metier. Here’s her review of the new “racially segregated” Survivor:
But I was intrigued by the daring decision to divide the contestants into race-based teams. How would that work? In some ways, race is neutralized, because teammates voting against each other have only those of their own race to turn against. On the other hand, the team members had the burden of knowing that millions of people would be watching them and thinking about their entire race.
It was interesting the way the Hispanic team seemed to pull together right away and simply feel advantaged. The black team felt team spirit and actually stopped to do a cheer about how they were all black, but they didn’t really pull together. Nathan interviewed that black people don’t like to be told what to do, and two of the women got very close quickly, leaving the third woman feeling like an outsider. The Asian team took account of how they really weren’t a uniform group. They were from different parts of Asia, and that mattered. The Vietnamese immigrant, Cao Boi, called attention to his outsider status: He really belongs with hippies. In the funniest scene, he cures another guy of a headache by pulling the “bad wind” out of his face and leaving a red mark. Meanwhile, on the white team, they catch two chickens and a woman called Flicka bumbles into letting them escape. And they’re all scantily clad and really cold, so they form a “cuddle puddle” to sleep (and get sexual).
The challenge was complicated and way more interesting than standing on a stump, and it was pretty exciting. I liked the strategizing leading up to the council, and I liked the exile island and the way the exilee was chosen. So far, then, I’m hooked.
I guess this is what passes for reasoned feminist discourse. Noting how each group is soooo different because they are, like, different races. And of course, her cutsie remark about the scantily clad white women and their “cuddle puddle.” Unlike poor Jessica, who, like me, probably didn’t bother to watch Survivor because I was appalled at the inherent racism of the premise. Thanks to Ann Althouse I now know what I am missing. A chance to ogle sexy white women cuddle puddling! Oh my!
And this woman has the nerve to denigrate Jessica’s website and her “posing” for a group picture with Bill Clinton? Bush and company are comparing Democrats to Nazi appeasers, corrupt republican lawmakers are going to jail, and Iran is in Cheney’s gun barrel sights, and she wants to talk about Survivor’s daring decision to play the race card, and Jessica’s alleged posing for a picture in front of Bill Clinton?
Spare me any more Althouse ruminations on anything. She is not to be taken seriously.
the scariest thought for me is the knowledge that mental midgets like Althouse and John Yoo are actually “teaching” the next generation of lawyers.
Speaking of John Yoo, he was before a Senate hearing yesterday and I could only listen to part of his remarks (I tried to stick it out) before having to change the channel quickly.
he is monstrous, isn’t he?
oh, and as for posing and using one’s tits to get attention, I wonder how Althouse feels about Katherine Harris?
Sorry. Harris wasn’t in a picture with Bill Clinton. False equivalence as they say. <snark>
oh, of course, THAT’S it!
Also posted at Daily Kos
Yeah, imagine the absolute nerve of a young woman to go to a meeting with other bloggers and bring her breasts with her…
Althouse is jealous. End of story.
Not according to this feminist. I’d never seen Althouse’s blog before Amanda linked to it today at Pandagon, but personally, I think Althouse is full of shit w/r/t her remarks about both feminism and race. I also think it’d be a waste of my time to argue with her about it.
That said, feminists are not immune from the same problems inherent in any other social movement. We disagree, we argue, we have to deal with our own internal idiots, with our own internalized sexism, we go around and around with each other over what the movement is about, or what it should be about, which strategies work best and which are damaging to the movement, and all of that, just like liberals and progressives in general.
Not to imply that you’re doing this, Steven D, but it drives me fucking crazy when people use these kinds of internecine fights to smear feminism on the whole, as no doubt, a bunch of assholes will be doing over these posts.
You won’t believe the hatemails I get about CodePink.
Most say we are “ugly bitches”… others say that we are trying to doll it up (because of the pink)
But regardless… people judge or ridicule women, especially if that woman is a strong, vibrant woman based on their looks.
I’m too tired and trying to figure out a meeting sopot today to pick up CP shirts to sell at the Veteran’s For Peace “sing out” (if you want to sing out sing out.. :)) to really delve into this… but part of me is so saddened that on week drive of major protests, democracy camp to end the bloodshed… some lawyers are discussing tits.
But don’t believe what I say… I got an email recently that says I should be raped for being with CodePink.
((((((((((((((Indy)))))))))))) I think that internal idiot stuff is what drove me away from declaring my own feminism. As a working mom who enjoyed sex LOL… and it was you and others here who taught me that not only is the media BS on the news… but it’s alos been stamping down the true message of femininity (fuck that’s hard if you’re dyslexic! LOL)
So I guess for me… being a feminist is being a strong woman. You’re own woman. And that strength can come in any manner. A strong mother, a strong … whatever… the beauty of feminism is you can be what you want to be. Strength and peace is the real beauty.
Diversity without division.
My 11 year old daughter is a better feminist than Althouse.
My 11 year old daughter is a better peace activist than I am š
I for some reason put away any discussions about feminism due to the intolerance of so much of what I was. And to be honest, I bought the bullshit from the media. I bought that “feminists” were those female bosses who took every chance to catscratch you in the back to go up the ladder…
When actually feminism is not about workplace environs… but for me – it’s more of a personal and private acknowledgement… Oh cripes I have helen reddy singing in my monkey ears now LOL.
It’s the ability to take a stand for who you are as a woman. Without any guilt.
Oh, I would definitely believe the hatemail. Threats of rape and violence, along with the impossible contradictions about a woman “trading on her looks” at the same time as bashing her for how she looks, are commonplace to “keep uppity women where they belong” — which is to say, to keep women mostly or entirely powerless.
I’m deeply interested in gender from a theoretical perspective, and I read a lot of heady books about it. As a result, I tend not to divide gender into these two categories, masculinity and femininity, and then assume everyone has to pick one. Rather, I see gender as a complex set of behaviors that has changed a great deal throughout history and across cultures.
However, I certainly acknowledge that many cultures press us into these two categories of masculine and feminine, and these two categories only. And I damn sure have taken note that one of the primary threads regarding gender that overwhelmingly remains the same in whatever given time or culture or context is that whatever is associated with the female/feminine tends to have far less power than whatever is associated with the male/masculine. As a result, women have had far less power socially than men, and for me, feminism is about changing that to make things equal.
If I had to summarize it, for me, feminism is a social movement for equality regardless of how one identifies w/r/t one’s sex or gender. But since masculine-identified males have for so long had such a disproportionate share of the power, this effectively winds up being a movement that is mostly about women, and often about re-defining “the feminine”.
Yuppers! (how’s that for my addition to an intelligent discussion… “yuppers”) š
masculine or feminine – madonna or the whore…
It seemed some branch of group always wanted me to pick one… and I wanted to say “ALL”.
Heh, that’s one of my primary mechanisms of resistance, too — as often as possible, I simply refuse to capitulate to these ridiculous demands. As often as I can get away with it, I am whomever I want to be, regardless of patriarchal norms or social expectations.
Imagine the shitstorm if they’d seen my “Pink Slip” photo ROFL
I can hear it now: Well… she just can’t be taken “serious” about this Peace stuff.
Hell, no – life’s too short. Especially when you deal with some of the ugliness…
If I can’t dance… (and all that)
Okay I’m out the door… and taking YOU with me. š
made a mistake… and left out:
I’d like to thank you for helping me to see and declare my own femininity. For sharing with us the truth about feminism. XOXOX
Well I was being snarky.
My wife is a very big feminist (comes from having an authoritarian sexist as a father) and she doesn’t see anything wrong with feministing or with Jessica’s photo op with Clinton. Althouse simply wanted to cheapshot Clinton and liberal blogs, and then decided to rachet up her venom a little more when Jessica had the audacity to argue back.
Yeah, I got the snark. No worries. š
I sincerely believe that Linda Tripp really wished she had been bounced by Clinton instead of Monica. Another reason that she egged Monica on and later betrayed her.
The bitch was jealous. So is this small- and one-track- minded broad.
Clinton can’t be seen with another woman or among women nowadays without some people twittering about how it looks. Frankly, in this case as in others, it looks like a load of nothing to me.
A load of nothing is always worthwhile for a few blog posts from the right — er, center. Especially when they can try to paint liberals as hypocrites because they posed for a picture with Bubba. Beats talking about real world issues.
And, suprisingly, no discussion over whether they’re real.
America seems totally infatuated with (and ashamed of) breasts. From what I can tell, Europeans seem mystified by this attitude.
vaguely encouraged by this season’s “Survivor” concept (though not enough to watch the damn show), because it meant that they had enough of each racial group to form teams — no “token” African-Americans, Asians or Hispanics.
As for the photo, what if the older woman at the far left of the photo had ended up in front of Clinton? The remarks would have either been (a) Hillary must’ve been there to arrange the photo lineup, or (b) liberal female bloggers spend so much time on the computer because there’s no way in hell they’d ever get a date. (That’s probably what they’d say about me…which would please the spouse who would prefer I not date anyone other than him anyway.) And suppose it was all male (maybe Jessica and the other women couldn’t make it)? Would they start the rumors that Clinton is secretly gay (as has been claimed by some of the supermarket tabloids)?
If these folks actually got their minds out of the gutter and onto what’s really happening in the world, they’d see what a disaster their President has been and realize that, hey, getting a blow job in the White House is no big deal, when you’ve got a President that’s screwing the American public every day…
that should be “as claimed by the supermarket tabloids about Hillary” — haven’t read anything about Bill (yet)…
We don’t need tabloids-we’ve got Ann Coultergist who in the last month or so was running around implying that Gore and Bill were both gay or seemed gay or some such coultergist bullshit.
America is fixated on tits.
You either show too much cleavage or you shouldn’t breatfeed your baby.
Your breasts are why you were raped or they are why you won’t be taken seriously.
Your breasts are to be hidden or they are to be judged.
Either you don’t have big enough boobs, or your boobs are too big.
To bad Americans aren’t fixated on Peace. They aren’t fixated on the perfect health care for all. They aren’t fixated on housing, living wages, equality, justice.
Americans can be real boobs.
an idea for a T-shirt design:
Front: I’d rather have these boobs…
Back: …than this boob (photo of GWB)
Hmmm…wonder if Refinish does contract work… š
That’s classic.
If Altman and I ended up alone in a room, only one of us would come out unscathed.
Keerist, what a stupid, sexist, shallow, pathetic excuse of a working mind she has. (If my mind worked like hers does, I’d have to kill myself.)
I don’t dare go hear her blog.
Spare me any more Althouse ruminations on anything. She is not to be taken seriously.
Spot on!
This is just pathetic and really stupid! Where do some people take it from? This is a non-story and still this Ann Althouse manages to make a story out of it, LOL, but then again republicans are known to make stories out of nothing, yes even turn something good into something bad, see the Swiftboat story.