HJ is doing the non-twisting-body version but has offset that with the look at you from the top of eyes variation. Very effective technique, well executed: 8.6
Thanks!!!!! Howdy FamilyMan. I hope you and Fmom are doing well. I am kind of pissed today. I missed the memorial service due to a flat tire and a flat spare. Reminder to all. Check the air in your spare tire every time you check the ones on the ground.
According to my bird book, “Honeyeaters are mainly found in Australia and New Guinea but their geographic range extends from Bali to Hawaii and New Zealand.”
It also says that we have 67 species of honeyeaters in Australia. If I remember correctly, Australia has the highest percentage of nectar feeding bird species. Which would explain all of the sticky flowering trees and shrubs, a visa versa.
Hi Refinish, nice to see you too, but could you keep it down a bit? I’m only one cup of tea and a bowl of yoghurt into the day, i.e. still in my PJs and a bit-squinty eyed.
It only took about 80 or so attemps to get this one photo. Eastern Spinebills are extremely fast movers, darting from one flower to the next with such speed that I can never get them in focus. Even the above “pose” probably lasted half-a-second.
My other problem is that the Yellow-throated Honeyeater tends to drive the Spinebill off, it being a slightly bigger bird and liking the same bushes. Our other local Honeyeater, the New Holland Honeyeater we’ve only seen here a few times, but I’ll see what I can do about getting a photo of that one as well.
I was thinking of you Olivia, and all the other norhtern gardeners waiting for spring, when I took this photo.
Luna is providing perspective (and harrassing skinks).
It’s a Wedge-leaf Wattle, or Oven’s Wattle. It’s native to the mainland, not Tasmania, but it’s a fine flowering shrub/tree for our garden. It will grow 10′- 20′ tall, and weep a bit when bigger.
one half cup cold rgular or decaf coffee
two to three tablespoons half and half or cream
two shots of sambuca liqueur
three scoops coffee or vanilla ice cream
whipped cream
combine coffee, half and half or cream, liqueur and ice cream in bledner and process until smooth. Pour shake into a tall glass (duh!) and garnish with whipped cream… may drizzle chocolate or carmel syrup ontop if desired.
It’s not the Slap Shot Pool where we Liberal and Talented Folks in the basement play, cause you gotta be a Shark Fan to do that… unless YOU want to play – I can invite you in on that, too. Cause you’d fit right in. You’re perverted and slightly twisted. 🙂
But Gryph has a fun game going. I won it the first year. I didn’t get shit for it either LOL..
Drive-by posting…gotta run out for dinner and assorted errandings.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Keith Olbermann has another “special comment” — Why The President Owes Americans An Apology according to the promos. (Note to self: pick up rags to wipe saliva off TV after kissing it tonight…)
It was a corrugated cardboard scratching pad for the cats that was “hidden” under a bed. She had the best time tearing it apart but looked so innocent when I came in and asked her what she was doing.
I’ll leave the captions to the dog people, but the picture reminds me of all the rolls of evil paper towels that Sophie, one of our cat-herd, has utterly destroyed in defense of our homeland.
My mom is going back in for surgery (she has very little insurance) – some know she has an enlarged heart as well … she refuses to accept going into a nursing home afterwards just for recovery measures.
I simply can not even have her here… we discussed just having her visit but my bathrooms wouldn’t provide for her and she has to sleep sitting up. Plus her oxygen tank… and therefore she can’t convelesce here for a long period of time cause she can’t even visit..
I’m sure my mom’s family, who thinks I should be shot dead for protesting against Bush, will want me to quit the new job, drop everything and come up there.
She can barely survive on what she gets now BUT due to something from the divorce she makes too much… for many services, Second. She’s basically holding onto some military pension or something from my dad. I barely understand it all due to the confusion of it all… and I’m generally swamped with autism/IEP stuff.
But even the stuff she does qualify for, like meals on wheels.. she refused. She wants me and Ryan with her. I think.
I need to work to help with bills… and Ryan is thinking of staying in BOston because he makes money there to pay for things for her – like her cable, and the lady that comes in and cleans/laundry and groceries.
I’m freaking out about just how I will get time off to go visit her before/after the surgery.
Last time she almost died. I was called to start up living will stuff.
Sorry. Every time I think I’ve got things caught up…
Maybe your mom’s family can chip in and hire live-in help for your mom. You can’t just drop everything with two kids. Don’t let them make you feel guilty.
My mom went into a care facility after her heart surgery and it was the best thing because the nurses and therapists were able to do what we kids would never be able to do — give her orders and have her take them. With them around she did all her therapy just the way she was supposed to, took her medication, ate right, etc and her recovery was much faster than it would have been if she’d been at home. I just can not say enough good things about the great care she got.
If they start making you feel guilty just come to the cafe and we’ll all give you as much support as you need.
YES! That’s exactly why we wanted it for her again.
While she was in the nursing home – well that’s what she calls it – it’s actually an after surgery care placement… they MADE her take her meds and eat well.
Ryan and I were pissed when her sisters would visit and bring her chocolate. I had to call them and talk to my grandma even about it. I mean, I had to get downright scalding honest and blistering foot down mean about it.
They won’t call me – the most guilt is from my Mom right now. You know(?).
but I know what guilt I can afford to give in to and what guilt I can’t and I’m betting you do, too.
And on this one, my mom didn’t push it because she understood that she would recover much better this way and that mattered more to her than being at home — so maybe you can keep stressing that aspect because she probably knows that it’s true but hates the idea of being in a care facility (it’s the fear of not ever leaving, I think).
What a mess all the way around. My mother is a fairly good health, but a few years back she had several scares. The burden fell on my sisters. They live with in 15 minutes of her; I live about 1,200 miles away. They had a tough time, but they split the burden. I hope you can work something out. We’re pulling for you both.
Thanks. Basically it’s What’s Eating Gilbert Grape life I live.
She lives closer but it’s 2 hrs one way.. which is better than 1,000 miles like before.. and my brother is about 3,ooo miles away. They, the family, are just ten mins away.
I once tried to get her to live closer (7 miles away)- had paperwork ready and everything for domestic abuse help/service and income/housing… but she decided last minute to be closer to her family.
It broke my daughter’s heart.
I’m going to try and see about getting her the same type of assisted living housing info for nearby me here… but we kinda liked having her a bit farther away. I dunno.. I sound like an awful child..
You have your own life – that’s not being an awful child. She needs your help within reason. Her sisters ought to be pitching in instead of bitching in, iffn you know what I mean.
I was already planning on sending her good goodies from the store I’ll be at. Send her care packages of her favorite Chai Tea and Yogi Tea and healthy snacks. Plus organic staples… but she’s gonna need someone to help her out.. I’ll continue to try to talk her into going into after care… she doesn’t lose her housing. I can’t bare to think of her alone in the apt after surgery. She is barely mobile as it is.
Okay …. I have to go try and not pull my hair out LOL
You don’t sound like an awful child to me. You sound like a person who has tried to make things better for your mother and daughter. Your mother backed out of the plans, not you. In my case, if I live closer than 1,000 miles to my mother I break out in hives. Families – What can you do? Just don’t beat yourself up for taking care of yourself, OK?
Hey everyone!
Looks like our froggy wants to go swimming but the pond is dry. 🙁
and always do what I’m told (so long as it is something I already want to do).
MY EYES!!! So much pinkness. 🙂
that I’m not even going to dispute you are a good girl.
And I’m breaking my no blogging during the week rule because I’m too tired not to — I mean, because it’s Martin’s birthday. Yeah …. that’s it ….
I have been saving this for you.
In the puppy book.
Coincidence? I think not.
were you standing on a ladder when you took this — or is that a miniature chair you bought just for her?
I’m very tall. Actually I think shrinking it down from it’s original HUGE size makes it look far away?
Hi Mary. Feeling better today?
Hi FM. I’m having trouble staying awake.
How long does it usually take you to get over it?
Actually being tired and bored at work is a chronic condition and I’m just using jet lag as an excuse today to complain about it 🙂
I should be better tomorrow.
That sounds like me all through my working years.
She’s looking like, I wonder if mummy found the surprise I left her.
HJ is doing the non-twisting-body version but has offset that with the look at you from the top of eyes variation. Very effective technique, well executed: 8.6
LOL! Really, that was funny and I’m trying to think of an Olympic style retort, but my brain is fuzzy from being shrunk today.
It’s very hard to get shots of HJ because whenever she sees me she wants to jump on me and have my children.
Everybody that sees you want to jump on you and have your babies (even those of us who are beyond all that).
I couldn’t be more touched. And disturbed. 🙂
I was going to say something about the more touched but then I decided if I did, you would be more disturbed.
Both are cute puppies!!!!
Those eyes! 🙂
That woke me up.
What would really wake me up would be some video of him on the new chair and your reaction to it 🙂
Why is the cake wiggling?? I keep waiting for something to jump out of .. hopefully it’s not mealworms. Ew
Good – is debateable. 🙂
This suckahhh was soooooooooo rich… we could barely get up to put the dishes away.
Betcha I could eat the whole thing. 🙂
If you beat me in mud wrestling do you think I’m going to arm wrestle you. Nah uh. 🙂
Now Olivia. We nice people share.
Of course grumpy people don’t. 🙂
How’s that … 🙂
You’re too kind. 😛
I gotta confess… I love those Molson Canadian “I am Canadian” commercials on Hockey Night in Canada.. 🙂
Baileys + cake = mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
some animated thingies … 😉
I don’t have cute animated thingies like your cute animated thingies.
How was the return to
It was not as bad as I expected … spent the majority of the day trying to get through my e/m inbox … :/
that most of them are just announcing that the kids are selling candy for band uniforms and toss ’em.
suppose that would speed the process up now … but might add some complications down the road 😉
Had to share this with the happy hour crowd also since the other cafe closed right after I posted it. LOL
The remains of a 10,000 year old republican were found, and as you can see, they looked the same back then as they do today.
LOL. Except it gives me flashbacks of giving birth.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, you know I don’t know nothing about birthing no babies.
Here is a design using the photo. LOL
Get Your Head Out of Your A$$ George
Hi Refinish. I like the shirt.
Thanks!!!!! Howdy FamilyMan. I hope you and Fmom are doing well. I am kind of pissed today. I missed the memorial service due to a flat tire and a flat spare. Reminder to all. Check the air in your spare tire every time you check the ones on the ground.
Bummer refinish! 🙁
Yeah, You would not have wanted to be around me earlier today.
I would be pissed too.
That sucks.
Morning all.
I’ve finally gotten a photo of one of our more elusive birds.
Beautiful colors, keres. Great photo!
What a gorgeous bird. Do you know if it related to the honeycreepers that are found on Hawaii?
According to my bird book, “Honeyeaters are mainly found in Australia and New Guinea but their geographic range extends from Bali to Hawaii and New Zealand.”
It also says that we have 67 species of honeyeaters in Australia. If I remember correctly, Australia has the highest percentage of nectar feeding bird species. Which would explain all of the sticky flowering trees and shrubs, a visa versa.
Hi keres. Great picture.
a quick google search shows that honeyeaters and honeycreepers don’t share the same genus but they sure do look similar (beak and body).
Honeyeaters not the same as Honeycreepers. Check.
Or, in nerd speak, phenotyical, not genotypical.
Hi Refinish, nice to see you too, but could you keep it down a bit? I’m only one cup of tea and a bowl of yoghurt into the day, i.e. still in my PJs and a bit-squinty eyed.
And an amazing photo! Wow … I love your photos. 🙂
Thanks Olivia, the feeling is mutual.
It only took about 80 or so attemps to get this one photo. Eastern Spinebills are extremely fast movers, darting from one flower to the next with such speed that I can never get them in focus. Even the above “pose” probably lasted half-a-second.
My other problem is that the Yellow-throated Honeyeater tends to drive the Spinebill off, it being a slightly bigger bird and liking the same bushes. Our other local Honeyeater, the New Holland Honeyeater we’ve only seen here a few times, but I’ll see what I can do about getting a photo of that one as well.
Considering their mov’t … It really is a beautiful bird. I hope you do get one of the New Holland Honeyeater.
I was thinking of you Olivia, and all the other norhtern gardeners waiting for spring, when I took this photo.
Luna is providing perspective (and harrassing skinks).
It’s a Wedge-leaf Wattle, or Oven’s Wattle. It’s native to the mainland, not Tasmania, but it’s a fine flowering shrub/tree for our garden. It will grow 10′- 20′ tall, and weep a bit when bigger.
sorry no photo though (possible some typs)
Coffee Sambuca Shakes
one half cup cold rgular or decaf coffee
two to three tablespoons half and half or cream
two shots of sambuca liqueur
three scoops coffee or vanilla ice cream
whipped cream
combine coffee, half and half or cream, liqueur and ice cream in bledner and process until smooth. Pour shake into a tall glass (duh!) and garnish with whipped cream… may drizzle chocolate or carmel syrup ontop if desired.
Now she has a “Happy Hedgehog”
Can just hear the Ramones singing her to sleep…I wanna be sedated…
Good evening, Frog Ponders! Hope your Monday didn’t suck too much. Well, I know FM’s didn’t; his days are always the same. 😛
Everyday is Saturday to me. 😛
You said that plenty of times over the summer. I GET IT! 😛
Howdy Psi!!!! You can read above to see what happened to mine. Hope you had a great day!!!!
Eh, the academic part of it was okay. Nothing special, the usual…have to work more in a couple hours on a case study due tomorrow.
On the brighter side, I got the promotion at the bank I work at that I was applying for. It means more work, but I’m looking forward to it. 🙂
Olivia! How goes it?
All you see is black fur, some green where the eyes should be and a big pink tongue.
Love the pink tongue … and the blurry eyes … excellent ad for a catnip toy 🙂
It’s all funny till Kitty ends up in rehab, aint it Olivia 😀
You want to play, too??
Sat Hockey Picks Game just have to be a hockey fan. Can tell Gryphon your my dear friend from Ottawa. 🙂
Let me read it over … looks like fun!
It’s not the Slap Shot Pool where we Liberal and Talented Folks in the basement play, cause you gotta be a Shark Fan to do that… unless YOU want to play – I can invite you in on that, too. Cause you’d fit right in. You’re perverted and slightly twisted. 🙂
But Gryph has a fun game going. I won it the first year. I didn’t get shit for it either LOL..
Plus you don’t get spam emails for registering.
and you know the proof … I’m proud to be so! 😛
his game is pretty low-maintenance. Just once a week committment and he does all the work you just pick the picks he lists.
Drive-by posting…gotta run out for dinner and assorted errandings.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Keith Olbermann has another “special comment” — Why The President Owes Americans An Apology according to the promos. (Note to self: pick up rags to wipe saliva off TV after kissing it tonight…)
Talk to you folks later…
the Saturday Picks game starts this weekend and get ready for the Pool.
I’ll have a JUMP IN THREAD starter soon. 🙂
Wow… that’s some homegrown!!
Kinda freaked my son out at first. 🙂
I’m being yelled for and I’ve got to start dinner.
Check back in awhile.
You supply the caption.
That’s not a book that sweetiepie chewed up right??
It was a corrugated cardboard scratching pad for the cats that was “hidden” under a bed. She had the best time tearing it apart but looked so innocent when I came in and asked her what she was doing.
when caught in the act and still saying, “IDIDN’TDOIT!” ROFL
“Look Mommy, I made you a bunch of handy dandy bookmarkers for your library!”
I’ll leave the captions to the dog people, but the picture reminds me of all the rolls of evil paper towels that Sophie, one of our cat-herd, has utterly destroyed in defense of our homeland.
Oh yes! Toilet paper and cat poop from the litter box are her favorite snacks.
And people wonder why we have eight cats. Wait a minute. Why do we have eight cats?
The plot was excellent but the characters tasted like shit.
Very good! But she loves shit.
you could feed her Johnny Knoxville movies.
My mom is going back in for surgery (she has very little insurance) – some know she has an enlarged heart as well … she refuses to accept going into a nursing home afterwards just for recovery measures.
I simply can not even have her here… we discussed just having her visit but my bathrooms wouldn’t provide for her and she has to sleep sitting up. Plus her oxygen tank… and therefore she can’t convelesce here for a long period of time cause she can’t even visit..
I’m sure my mom’s family, who thinks I should be shot dead for protesting against Bush, will want me to quit the new job, drop everything and come up there.
Oh, I’m sorry, DJ. Does her income qualify her for medicare?
She can barely survive on what she gets now BUT due to something from the divorce she makes too much… for many services, Second. She’s basically holding onto some military pension or something from my dad. I barely understand it all due to the confusion of it all… and I’m generally swamped with autism/IEP stuff.
But even the stuff she does qualify for, like meals on wheels.. she refused. She wants me and Ryan with her. I think.
I need to work to help with bills… and Ryan is thinking of staying in BOston because he makes money there to pay for things for her – like her cable, and the lady that comes in and cleans/laundry and groceries.
I’m freaking out about just how I will get time off to go visit her before/after the surgery.
Last time she almost died. I was called to start up living will stuff.
Sorry. Every time I think I’ve got things caught up…
Maybe your mom’s family can chip in and hire live-in help for your mom. You can’t just drop everything with two kids. Don’t let them make you feel guilty.
Ryan already has that down and more. Trust me, the family doesn’t drop a dime on her.
My mom went into a care facility after her heart surgery and it was the best thing because the nurses and therapists were able to do what we kids would never be able to do — give her orders and have her take them. With them around she did all her therapy just the way she was supposed to, took her medication, ate right, etc and her recovery was much faster than it would have been if she’d been at home. I just can not say enough good things about the great care she got.
If they start making you feel guilty just come to the cafe and we’ll all give you as much support as you need.
YES! That’s exactly why we wanted it for her again.
While she was in the nursing home – well that’s what she calls it – it’s actually an after surgery care placement… they MADE her take her meds and eat well.
Ryan and I were pissed when her sisters would visit and bring her chocolate. I had to call them and talk to my grandma even about it. I mean, I had to get downright scalding honest and blistering foot down mean about it.
They won’t call me – the most guilt is from my Mom right now. You know(?).
but I know what guilt I can afford to give in to and what guilt I can’t and I’m betting you do, too.
And on this one, my mom didn’t push it because she understood that she would recover much better this way and that mattered more to her than being at home — so maybe you can keep stressing that aspect because she probably knows that it’s true but hates the idea of being in a care facility (it’s the fear of not ever leaving, I think).
What a mess all the way around. My mother is a fairly good health, but a few years back she had several scares. The burden fell on my sisters. They live with in 15 minutes of her; I live about 1,200 miles away. They had a tough time, but they split the burden. I hope you can work something out. We’re pulling for you both.
Thanks. Basically it’s What’s Eating Gilbert Grape life I live.
She lives closer but it’s 2 hrs one way.. which is better than 1,000 miles like before.. and my brother is about 3,ooo miles away. They, the family, are just ten mins away.
I once tried to get her to live closer (7 miles away)- had paperwork ready and everything for domestic abuse help/service and income/housing… but she decided last minute to be closer to her family.
It broke my daughter’s heart.
I’m going to try and see about getting her the same type of assisted living housing info for nearby me here… but we kinda liked having her a bit farther away. I dunno.. I sound like an awful child..
You have your own life – that’s not being an awful child. She needs your help within reason. Her sisters ought to be pitching in instead of bitching in, iffn you know what I mean.
Yes. Thanks, Second. It’s a horrible cycle.
I was already planning on sending her good goodies from the store I’ll be at. Send her care packages of her favorite Chai Tea and Yogi Tea and healthy snacks. Plus organic staples… but she’s gonna need someone to help her out.. I’ll continue to try to talk her into going into after care… she doesn’t lose her housing. I can’t bare to think of her alone in the apt after surgery. She is barely mobile as it is.
Okay …. I have to go try and not pull my hair out LOL
You don’t sound like an awful child to me. You sound like a person who has tried to make things better for your mother and daughter. Your mother backed out of the plans, not you. In my case, if I live closer than 1,000 miles to my mother I break out in hives. Families – What can you do? Just don’t beat yourself up for taking care of yourself, OK?
Thanks Teach~!
My hockey friend is slapping me back into reality over the phone:)