In the preface of Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy said, “One man can make a difference, and every man should try.” I might add women to that sentiment. And now I can add Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. It’s a sad day in America when it takes courage to stand up for the human rights of our suspected enemies. It’s a sad day when it is necessary to oppose the President because he wants to torture people and try them in capital cases without allowing the defendent’s to see the evidence against them. But, doing so could cost Senator Graham his job.
CBS Face The Nation host Bob Schieffer said to Graham, “This would seem to me to be a huge political risk for you. You come from a very conservative state. A state that is probably one of the strongest states for President Bush. You’re taking on the president on this. I’ll bet you that you get a primary opponent as a result of this.”
Senator Graham responded, “Well, I’m getting pounded at home by some people — why can’t you work with the president? The president wants to defend us. The CIA needs to get good information. These guys are barbarians. Why are you standing in the way? I’m not standing in the way. I share the same goals, but I’m a military lawyer. Twenty-two years as a member of the Air Force JAG Corps. When I put that uniform on, I took an obligation as a military officer.
“Now I have an obligation as a senator. I admire our president, I want to help him. But the biggest risk in the world is not Lindsey Graham losing an election. We can have a good country without Lindsey Graham being in the Senate. We cannot have a great nation when we start redefining who we are under the guise of redefining our law.
“My biggest fear is that as we try to solve these complicated legal procedures and problems that we’re seen as taking shortcuts and we don’t redefine the law, we redefine America in a way so we can’t win this war. That’s what Colin Powell is saying. That’s what General Vessey’s saying. It’s not about my political career. America can do well without me, but we cannot do well if we’re seen to abandon our principles and the rule of law.”
Senator Graham is not alone. Senator Warner and McCain are also standing up for America’s legacy. Andrew Sullivan has been indefatigable in his outrage. Colin Powell has weighed in. General John Vessey has gone on the record. It shouldn’t take courage to do the right thing. But it often does. Faced with this Bush administration, the right thing to do is to oppose, oppose, oppose. And opposing the King takes courage.
I’d like to ask him what exactly does he “admire” about the “President”.
We have a republican running for state legislature who came knockin on my door… saying that if you work hard you’ll have health care… I thought I was going to have my head implode. Danni and I “educated” him a bit… But I found out from others he’s just another BushSucker.
Bush’s ability to attract campaign contributions is my guess.
Actor in a farce.
Will our gov’t stop torturing people and reveal the truth about what has been happening?
I agree.
As Digby pointed out, Hadley/McCain was a kabuki. And, if Hadley/McCain was a kabuki, the guy playing the plinky-plonky Japanese “guitar” insturment was Huckleberry Graham.
There can be no comprimise on torture, period. It’s unAmerican! further, it is illeal. That is what Bush fears, legal accountability for his excesses.
You might want to read this before you send out the award.
Hey Boo,
kd texan has a point. Here is a comparative diary from the orange site earlier today. It looks at the difference in language between Warner/McCain/Graham bill and the atrocity submitted by Bu$hCo. Not much difference.
Also, a really strong commentby a current Sargent Major is a worthwhile read.