Well, I went kayaking on the Schuylkill (sku-kill) River this morning. I was woken up way too early, then actually exerted myself, and it was bright and sunny. After eating lunch I was pretty much useless and took a nap. There are rumors of a cake around here somewhere, I’m going out to eat in a little while, and I’m pretty sure that it is a half-past Vodka:30 already, with no drink in my hands. I must remedy that situation. I would like to remind all my Philly compatriots that the Giants own the Eagles, and the Giants have won two Super Bowls while the Eagles have only chumped in two. In other words, you suck. Go Blue.
I’ve been looking over the most recent polling numbers and they look great. It doesn’t look like the Dems are vulnerable anywhere except in the New Jersey Senate race. The Dems are running away with Gov races in NH and IL. Tester’s up by 9% in MT. Chafee’s down by 8% in RI. Klobuchar has opened an amazing 24% lead in MN.
Make sure to email all your friends the video for the Princeton Vote Stealing Demonstration.
Kayaking in the Skooookill, eh? Sounds fun.
I have to say that the weather today has kind of sucked, though. It’s been a bit too humid for my tastes. The breeze has been nice, though.
it’s been very nice out here in the burbs with all this nature and shit. I saw a heron, and many turtles (huge ones), ducks, geese, and swarms of mosquitos.
Seize the Day!
Looks like you did.
But don’t gloat too much about your Giants. Tables can turn suddenly in that division, true?
It’s the nature of the Giants fan. They’re the only fans in the entire league who believe in moral victories. The Giants could lose every single game and you still have to listen to their blather about how the Giants dominated in all of their losses and that’s all that matters. When you try to reason with them, they’ll blow up about how every single one of their player is the best in history and that you need to just STFU. For example, a few years ago I had to listen for like an hour while some bozo went on and on about the greatness of Kerry Collins. That should never happen. When they actually win a game they’re just unbearable. I admire their insanity though. I’ll take them over Cowboys fans any day of the week.
Similar to a Detroit Lions fan?
I’m not sure. I would imagine a Lions fan to be a little less delusional, but I don’t have much personal experience with them.
OK, here are 3 descriptions of Lions fans and it varies in age.
Older Lions fans constantly live in the past, when the Lions actually did have a good team, by comparing some of the players today to those in the past, when the Lions actually had a good team (before I was born!). They get really into the game and end up cussing at the tv every Sunday, when the Lions blow another lead by either a dropped pass, a fumble, a 15 yard penalty on third and long, or go for it on an impossible 4th down and don’t make it. They know the Lions are going to somehow screw up, but follow them anyway. (This describes my late father and late Grandfather.)
Some of the younger Lions fans actually will go on and on and on about how an 8-8 record isn’t that bad, as the Lions made the playoffs as a wildcard, but ignore the fact that they got their butts kicked and got knocked out. They also believe the constant “Wait till next year.” and are really disappointed when it is more of the same old thing. Their solution to this is to fire the coach, or draft the top-rated college quarterback as that will magically make the Lions better and they will make it to the Super Bowl in a couple years, dammit! (I used to be in this category.)
Third–one of the Lions fans that knows they are going to somehow screw up, has to watch the Thanksgiving Day game–oh, and attendance used to be a family tradition!
(My late Grandfather hated it when the Lions moved to the Silverdome–he always used to say that wasn’t football. To him, football was played outdoors in the winter, you bundled up in winter clothes, wrapped yourself up in blankets, and brought in a bottle of whiskey to keep warm. He always used to bitch about the move to the ‘Dome and ended up by talking about when the Lions played at Tiger Stadium. Ended up by saying, “Now, THAT was football!”)
This third type of fan also barely keeps track of their record until around the end of the season, just in case they actually do make it into the playoffs as a wildcard, even though you know, deep down, they will blow it, but don’t want to admit it. Again, just in case. But, every year after seeing them make another bonehead play in the playoffs see and blow a lead, you swear you won’t watch another Lions game again–but you end up doing so anyway! (Me.)
Even though you may actually have another favorite team (but not the Cowboys, Packers, or Bears), w/a winning record that you really follow you gotta love the Lions. This is despite the fact that you are mad at them for a bonehead play the previous year, that cost them a trip to the Superbowl.
But, there is a difference:
Difference is that the Lions fans don’t believe in “moral victories”, whatever that means. Most of the Lions fans are more interested in victory.
So, instead of listening to some bozo go on and on about the greatness of a former Lion, the Lions fans will bitch about the play that cost them the trip to the Superbowl, how lousy the quarterback defensive/offensive line coach is, how a receiver dropped a pass in the end zone that cost the Lions the game.
But, now there are few, not many that carry on about Billy Sims, since a couple sportscasters started doing so. (And in one tv interview, he actually said “city of MI”) Gawd! Difference is that you don’t have to reason w/them–you can just tell them to STFU! And they do! But, some will also rationalize the Lions lousy record by saying things like, “We’ll have a soft schedule next year.” or “We’ll get a higher draft pick.” and insist that next year will the Lions will be better. Again, STFU works, unless you are talking to a complete bozo. But, if that is the case, just change the subject.
Magic words: Red Wings.
and when you email your friends the Princeton Vote Stealing Demonstration remember to tell them that Hotel Minibar Keys Open Diebold Voting Machines while you’re at it.
You’re just begging for guinea pigs on your blog.
And by the way, the name of the city is Philadelphia. The only time it’s appropriate to say “Philly” is if you precede it with a direction like South or West. You’ve been living here for a while now. You should try to learn something about your environment. Sheesh.
What’s a pig without a smoke?
Damn. Just when I finally put the rat trap away, a new one shows up.
Please don’t spell Schuylkill phonetically. As a Philly native, I always get a kick out of hearing outsiders pronounce it.
Born in Jersey and a Giants fan? How have you escaped regular beatings in the home of Brotherly Love? Stay away from Olney (my birthplace) in the Giant Blue.
What’s up in the Casey v. Santorum race? I’ve been a little out of touch on that one.
skool-kill. Also, kill is the Dutch word for river so technically it should be the Schuylkill and not the Schuylkill River.
Yah Hoo! – Wapo was claiming that the Abramoff affect wasn’t working in Montana because Montana’s economy was just booming, thank you!
Has anyone seen the diary over at KOS that discusses the McClain bill that’s supoosed to be better than Bush’s…the one that proposes to suspend Habeas Corpus for anyone captured outside of the US?
Very disturbing…what the hell is going on?