Lets see if this story makes you mad or not. Eliot Spitzer, the Democratic candidate to be the next governor of New York, has received a check for $50,000 dollars from a prominent Republican.
Patrick Barrett, the former head of Avis rent-a-car, and a major supporter of the other GOP candidates in the past told the N.Y. Daily news, that Spitzer is going to be the next governor of New York, and I want to help him out.
I wonder if the Booministas will be as upset with Spitzer taking 50 grand from a prominent Republican, as much as they are when a certain Democrat, turned Independent did the same!!! Are you upset over this, or will the rank hypocrisy rear its ugly head again??!!
50,00 dollars from one Republican individual does not equal millions of dollars straight from Karl Rove’s war chest. Get a clue, ecm.
Also, Spitzer has a considerably better record of doing the right thing than the guy who pays you to spam our blog does.
For the truth about JOE, visit this website.
That’s 50,000
I’ve read your past posts and have failed to find the hypocrisy of which you speak. Care to set forth same?
Lieberman, to whom you obviously refer, has supported the current administration and its agenda. For that he paid the appropriate price.
Spitzer has not demonstrated the same tendencies. Of course, as AG he was hardly in a position to do so. Hopefully he will return this money, funds obviously given in a transparent attempt to curry favor.
I actually don’t mind if a Dem accepts some money from individual Republicans. Accepting donations from Republicans is not de facto wrong, imo. In fact, in the current neo-fascist Republican environment, I consider it the responsibility of every good Republican-AMERICAN to donate to a liberal Democratic candidate.
What I object to is a large scale concerted effort by Republicans to support a DINO who gives them cover when they need it and spews R talking points in the national media in the name of ‘bipartisanshit’.
would that be the same guy this makes reference to? The man who, when a fair and open election was held, refused to accept the decision?
Thanks again for yet another “highly reiliable source” link to the NY Daily News…in the spirit of your previous links to the Drudge Report, The NY Sun, and the Washington [Moony] Times…you’re definitely on a roll. Unfortunately, for you, it’s downhill.
Moderately stupid.
Whadda maroon!!!
Post a comment so’s I can give you my first ever zero rating.
OK, granted the diary was pulling for angry reactions. But why rise to the bait? Why resort to personal attack? If it’s not worth a reasoned response, why bother with it at all? Just let it go and move on to something productive. Life’s too short and blood pressure medicine isn’t getting any cheaper.
The seeming similarities are simply superficial. The amount of money Repubs have given each is not comparable. Red money is carrying Joe Bush (the adoption papers where finalized yesterday.) GOP bigwigs are campaigning for JB. Joe Bob Bush’s support of this administration is a fact. Spitzer has been a rare politician acting against the weight of corporate power. Spitzer has earned good will and trust. Joe has lost all of his.
It is, however, always good to note when big donors switch parties. After all, big donors want to be on the side that’s winning. For the time being, read the donation as a poll result in favor of Spitzer. But let’s keep an eye out that it doesn’t buy him. I doubt it will. 50 K doesn’t buy what it once did.
As I told Boo-Man when I first signed up, I AM GOING TO ROCK THE BOAT!!
You’re not even in the competition yet.
Thus far you’ve succeeded in establishing a reputation as a none too bright troll. We’re trying to determine if you’re a DLC troll or a Republican troll.
ROFLMAO!!!! OMG! I just have to respond, even though I promised myself I wouldn’t. Dude, you aren’t even making ripples. But you are good for a laugh.