So, there I was, minding my own business with an occasional diary on kos.  They kind of went in a series focusing on the advance of domestically repressive policies, rules and actions under the bush govt.  One of them even attained that much sought “rescued” status.  Each one took small semi-furtive steps toward that which should not be named on kos…9/11.  The single most important event in a majority of peoples’ lives today.  An event from which EVERYTHING wrong with the current administration stems.  With the “official” story as its battering ram, the administration’s egregious actions are, for all intents and purposes, unassailable.  Torture, secret prisons, 2 illegal wars, domestic spying, assaulting academic freedom…on and on and on.  Unless 9/11 can be taken down, very little can be changed.  Knowing this, I found it impossible to stay on the very edge at kos.  So…
I crashed the gate.

I realize there’s A LOT…a WHOLE LOT of information below and a lot of time is necessary to go through it all but there’s very little in this world worth as much imo.  If it takes a week to look at it all, don’t let that stop you.  If there’s things you already know in the following, I can also guarantee there’s things you haven’t encountered yet here too.

The lead-in was the Indira Singh’s story.

Not much was made of it except that people didn’t want to take the time to listen to the interview…I haven’t been able to find a transcript yet.
RealPlayer or any mp3-playing application is needed.
I wasn’t sure if that was resistance to the story or what.

The next step was titled “Silence Enables: STOP BEING ENABLERS”
I thought this might get me in a little trouble…but I was willing to take the chance.

It passed by almost unnoticed and little remarked upon (except for the quaint tags heaped on it)

The news about the White House directed EPA lying about air quality in Lower Manhattan was breaking so
I figured I’d go for a slightly different approach to show just where silence on 9/11 was taking this country with: “Our Govt. Could NEVER do THIS!!!”

Followed by the one that got rescued, “Wakey Wakey”
Which began, “Remember Mike McCormack? The man who found the flag at ground zero?”  It went on to describe how his home was raided by a Federal SWAT team to intimidate him for his part in uncovering the documents that showed WH guilt in the EPA lie. Also the arrests of Greg Palast and Christopher Bollyn (who was beaten by DHS thugs as well) as well as some very scary stuff going on with regards to what law enforcement is now allowed to do.

It seemed like I was the only one at kos carrying on about these things.  Being slightly miffed at this, and the continued 9/11 gag order there, I went with a little more direct direct approach with, “ZELIkos???”
Intended to draw the comparison between how Zelikow had stifled the 9/11 investigation and kos’ blackout on 9/11 news.

One response I got was encouraging:

“You are brave to stand up in one of the Kos community’s blind spots.

But one of the reasons daily kos has survived and grown to the size it has, is that it was steered away from the most controversial issues so that flame throwers would not  burn up site with attacks, don’t you know…

I happen to think Daily KOS is strong enough now to brave investigative discussion…”

Could the gate be opened without crashing it?

Then a group of first responders, including Mike McCormack got together to tell their stories to a church full of people and I posted the links to their speeches in, “Indictment for Murder: First Responders Speak Out”.  
If anybody’s words should be heard, it’s these peoples’.

Their words can be found here:

These speeches are VERY powerful.

Well, after putting all these things out there for the kos community to ponder, and since the first responder diary didn’t cause a ripple, I then decided it was time to crash the gate.
The reality of what I was putting on kos was too much.

Before that link though, I have 3 others that were next for kos.  It’s a sad state of affairs over there when a “controversial” subject is treated such that researchers, people who want truth first, are banned from kos while those that object to efforts of researchers and behave in a robotic miasm of vitriole and impolity are not.  I’d have to say that as a policy, it shows that kos may very well have been co-opted by the very thing he set out to “crash”.  Oh well, nothing to do about that.  Kos is no longer a reality-based community.

Oh…and during the miasm over there, I was told derisively to come over here!  I had an account here so…voila. Lucky you!

So…those 3 links.  
Just these 3 links show, without a doubt, that the “official” story of 9/11 got ONLY 3 things right.  People died in planes, people at the WTC and Pentagon died, and terrorists are the culprits (though not the terrorists the “official” story blames).

In the following audio interview Kevin Ryan details about a dozen fatal problems with the NIST report and tears NIST into little tiny pieces:

There’s the audio interview of David Ray Griffin’s deconstruction of “the NORAD Tapes”.
A masterpiece of logic and reason.

Third is a very hot slide presentation on high-powered chemical and other physical analyses done on WTC steel and residues and dust which appears quite conclusive and extremely damning.


So on to the gate crashing:
“Bush/Cheney ARE Going Down..Sooner than you think”
This shows 6 studies based on the hard sciences, each one making the “official” story impossible.  Each study detailed is fully supported with accomanying links to data, authentication and other background and educational material.

If you know anyone who could use some reality, don’t go with “no planes” or “missile hit the pentagon” or anything that has one iota of conjecture to it.
Use the facts.  There’s more than enough of them because, after all, how many times does something have to be impossible before it’s truly impossible?

I think the ONE that’s most useful has to do with the times that the planes impacted the towers.
Part of that proof:

This paper is concerned only with the factual data surrounding the exact impact times of the two aircraft that hit WTC1 and WTC2. Everything else about 9/11 is outside the scope of this paper.

This is not a theory or hypothesis, but a statement of publicized facts regarding the timing of the aircraft impacts.

There exist two separate precision data time sets that address when the aircraft crashed into the Towers. Both data time sets are based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, the world’s atomic clock system) and the sources that determined these times were prestigious, reliable and credible.

There is no question regarding the precision and accuracy of the instruments used to record both data time sets, since their entire function depends and relies upon temporal accuracy, and therefore there can be no doubt that both data time sets are correct. The time data sets represent objective scientific data recorded by two separate, independent entities.

The problem is the data sets have different impact times.

These times were given out years ago but at different times. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University (LDEO) gave its findings around the time of the actual event with what it thought were impact times based upon the seismic data recorded, while the 9/11 Commission published its impact times, based upon FAA radar data and air traffic control software logic, years later in its Final Report. The Commission no longer exists.

Here are the impact times for each source:
………………………….AA Flt 11…..UA Flt 175
9/11 Commission: ….8:46:40…..9:03:11
Differentials: ………..14 secs…..17 secs

LDEO Published Findings

Seismic spikes recorded and documented BEFORE THE PLANES’ IMPACTS.
There’s been denials that the seismic data DURING COLLAPSE means anything but the data before the planes struck, being corroborated by witnesses in the towers’ basements reporting explosions has not been challenged anywhere by anyone credible.

And if what I’ve done here amounts to crashing another gate…it can’t be helped.  Sometimes gates must fall.