The world’s economy rests on the solid foundation of the dollar, which rests on the solid foundation of the oil trade. America doses and overdoses on the ocean of petrodollars that flow through our economy, and America’s military defends that river of petrodollars and the consequent foreign investments in our T-bills it brings.
That’s the Dollar System. That’s the way the world works. It’s an American monopoly, and it belongs entirely to the wealthiest five percent of Americans. The Dollar System is what lets our elites run up an insane $8.3 trillion national debt, and keep right on printing green paper money as if it were real. It’s taken for real, all over the world, day after day, so what’s the difference? A worldwide infrastructure of globalized capital and corporations and livelihoods and nations and civilization rests on the Dollar System. Lo, it is sacred above all else.
Nothing — repeat — nothing will be permitted to threaten, block, or break this monopoly, this Dollar System. That is absolutely negatory, good buddy. No elections, no ethics, no humanity, no rules, no laws, no international treaties, no civil unrest, no melting ice caps, no protesters, no drowning polar bears, no guerillas, no army, and no nation will be permitted to stand against it — absolutely nothing is off the table, including nookyuler war, says Mistah Bush.
The coming war on Iran, whether it is this October or next spring, is to preserve the American dominance of Middle East petro development and market trading, and to open the way to further American political and economic dominance northward from Iran, into the gas and oil belt of the Caspian Basin. Then it’s on to Venezuela! Wherever the planet’s petro products are, that’s where the American petrodollar has to stand tall, or fall hard.
This coming war on Iran is unnecessary. If Iran would roll over, appoint the late Shah’s son their King, and invite Exxon to privatize their oil industry, this war need not happen. But, they won’t. That makes them evil. Saying no to America is the most evil, awful thing that can happen. Anywhere. Ever. Even on other planets, when we get there, they had better not say no. That’s just evil.
If America’s political and economic elites fail to destroy Iran and its allies — Syria, the Shia of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and any other freedom loving fools over there who stand against the total sway of the Dollar System — well, these American elites might as well hand in their school ties and water boards and limo keys and pinstripe suits and Cuban cigars and their keys to the Watergate Hotel’s poker suite right then and there because the party’s over from that moment, including both political parties. As they say around the halls of Congress, “Ya can’t make salad without lots of green!”
The Dollar System is why China and Russia are willing to join in the current Security Council pressure on Iran to cease their nuclear enrichment, which enhances Iran’s independence, which enhances the Middle East’s independence, which threatens the Dollar System. China and Russia are not currently prepared to lose the Dollar System, any more than Europe is. Some day, certainly. Not yet. Not right now, anyway.
China in particular has a symbiotic economic relationship with America. They use us to grow their economy 20 times faster than they could hope to otherwise, and we use them to live on borrowed monies and borrowed tomorrows. It will eventually come to an unpleasant end, but not during this election season, which is as far as anyone in America can see into the future so party on WalMart, and Shell, and Wachovia, and Boeing, and Halliburton and ABC and Donner and Blitzen . . .
The Dollar System is why the Democratic Party is not fighting the GOP on anything serious, and never will. This is their Dollar System, too. This is the way the world works. Do you seriously expect them to upset it? They want to be in charge of it, not upset it.
Gentle Reader, do you seriously expect the Democrats to actually choose America’s defunct unions, dying middle class, imaginary manufacturing base, suffering small business sector, and its uninsured and undereducated masses over the oil and banking and defense industries? Aw, come on now . . . pull the other leg. In fact, pull my finger.
A genuine opposition party in American politics has not existed since 1980, when the Democrats became a wholly owned partner to the GOP. They now operate AS opposition, but are careful to provide no real opposition. That would give the Dollar System heartburn. Prominent people get shot in such times. Small planes crash. People are spoken to firmly about their options. Honorable gentlemen shake hands, and the world works as it has before.
The Dollar System is why the New York Times, the WaPo, and every other major media outlet are onboard with this Iran shakedown, and anything else the Dollar System may need for its explication, explanation, furtherance, sustenance, daily care and feeding. This is their Dollar System, too.
Six major corporations own and operate over 85% of the newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and magazines in the USA. None is in disagreement with the way the world works. None of them thinks twice about the way the world works. They look after the Dollar System, no matter what it does to the country. No matter what it does to the country, they will be fine, as long as they keep reporting that there are two sides to every issue, and no hard facts. The facts are the No Man’s Land, between the trenches. Journalism has become the art of keeping the population firmly in their opposite bunkers and trenches, lest facts be discussed, or the future perceived.
In America, the future is next week. History is yesterday.
What in hell do America’s wealthy elites and internationalized corporations care about America’s future, anyway? They have disconnected their financial survival from the USA, and have less and less stake in its citizen’s safety or success with every passing tick of the clock. All they care about is continuing the political passivity and the spending and borrowing habits of the American consumer. I mean citizen. I mean prey.
They keep that consumer culture going by endless media ads for consumer goods, consumer lifestyles, consumer politicians, consumer cars, and consumer wars to fuel them.
It’s the Dollar System. It’s the way the world works.
So, what’s not to like?
“The rich march on Washington every day.”
— I.F. Stone
You always hit the nail on the head, AF. Please keep posting!
Well written! I enjoyed the perspective from which you wrote. I look forward to reading your dairies in the future.
Well, yes, that’s the problem. Let it be known far and wide. Oh, wait, that’s the problem. ;P
But this is why it’s so important to take back the democratic party with small dollar donations and grassroots candidates.
Folks need to find a first time candidate with no big dollar or big industry connections and organize your neighborhood for them or donate a skill set; accounting, web design, graphics, writing, etc.
There are great grassroots democrats running all over the country this year: Mark Ritchie, Tim Walz, Colleen Rowley and Wendy Wilde in Minnesota-Maria Ruud too for state house!, Jon Tester in Montana, Linda Stender in NJ, Ned Lamont of course.
Right now third parties are not reliable paths to change. We need to create a more diverese leadership and donor base within the democratic party, elect grassroots candidates all over the country, and move the country forward block by block, city by city, state by state.