The Washington Post says The Abuse Can Continue, the New York Times says it’s a A Bad Bargain. The netroots is unanimous in opposing the bill. Three pillars of opinion making thought from the center-left to the left all agree that the bill is a disgrace to our nation. So, here is my challenge. Democratic Senators: you will filibuster this bill. You will proudly defend the honor of our nation and not back down to accusations that you are soft on terrorism. The media: you will continue to hold your ground and you will cover the backs of those that take your words seriously and attempt to prevent, as the Washington Post says:

…if the legislation is passed in the form agreed on yesterday. Mr. Bush will go down in history for his embrace of torture and bear responsibility for the enormous damage that has caused.

and the New York Times says:

The Democrats have largely stood silent and allowed the trio of Republicans to do the lifting. It’s time for them to either try to fix this bill or delay it until after the election. The American people expect their leaders to clean up this mess without endangering U.S. troops, eviscerating American standards of justice, or further harming the nation’s severely damaged reputation.

Democratic Senators: the netroots has your back. The WP and NYT’s have your back (right now). On the other side will be the nausea-stew of pundit-heads on cable news. Do not be afraid of them. Stick up to them. Do it for our legacy, our honor, and our children.

And to the NYT’s and WP: don’t you go getting wobbly on us. This is torture. This is due process. This is important.

Update [2006-9-22 15:30:48 by Steven D]: Please call your Senators about this. Here’s the LINK To Telephone Numbers and email addresses.