So this is Progressive Thought?

I’m disgusted by this fascist diary

“Shut Your F*cking Pie Hole: 2006 Version”

All of Daily Kos and the progressive, democratic, and liberal bloggasphere should be ashamed of this type of behavior. This diary should be renounced by Kos himself on the front page and its author needs to make a public apology, also on the front page. The fact that those at Daily Kos or any other blog condone this behavior is appalling. And don’t tell me how Dkos regulates itself, that’s a load of crap and everyone knows it. I and other’s here have been auto-banned by these very same types and it’s disgusting. What is the argument? That this author, someone with a four (4) digit user ID can have free reign to post this and threaten other’s with NeoCon tactics but other’s maybe too new or too low on the food chain have to shut up and take it? I’m disgusted by this behavior and I’m calling on all of you to make a statement about this to Kos and any other Front Pager over there. No action is the same as condoning this behavior. Would you let the NeoCons get away with this?
Here’s the LINK to the diary

And from the offensive diarist himself:

Now, I know Daily Kos is populated with many people who have been disappointed with the Democratic Party for one reason or the other over the past 6 years, if not the past 16 years.     I know some of you have your issues with some conservative candidates we are running in Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia.  

However, at risk of being called a dicatator who wishes to deprive you of your freedom of speech, now is not the time for the airing of your past or present grievances.  

It is 48 days until the elections.  Our slate of candidates are set.  We have alot of ground work to do to get out the vote.   So now is the time for you to work on that, for surely you would rather Democrats win in 48 days than Republicans, no matter what your disagreement.

If I see any type of “concern troll” comments talking about how the Democratic Party has lost it way or that certain candidates are either too liberal or too conservative to garner their support, I will not investigate whether such sentiments are genuine or not.  I will assume they are Republican or Green concern trolls who wish us ill.  And I will troll rate them.   If I see a diary entitled “I hate the Democratic Party,” I will troll rate the comments supportive of it therein.  Whether the “concern” comes from the right or left, such comments have no place on Daily Kos this close to an election.   Such comments aid the Republicans and do not help the Democrats.

And my comments are not just aimed to new users or fraudulent users here on Daily Kos, but also are aimed to certain disappointing Senators and other professional pundits.  Senator Obama and his comments about the Democratic Party recently come to mind.  Yes, I am calling Senator Obama a concern troll who is no better than Kean campaign spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker and her many sockpuppets.