Here’s a couple of comments that just stood out this week:
“Asked point-blank whether the United States is winning in Iraq, Abizaid replied: ‘Given unlimited time and unlimited support, we’re winning the war.'”
I’m putting that one right up there with given infinite energy, I can achieve the speed of light. Or how about if we put Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, in a room full of typewriters for infinity, we would get Shakespeare, or good policies (take your pick, both are equally impossible).
More below—->
Ah, the war on terror, or watch President Bush lose a war to a WORD:
Digby quoting a former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky:
So, why would democratically elected leaders of the United States ever want to legalize what a succession of Russian monarchs strove to abolish? Why run the risk of unleashing a fury that even Stalin had problems controlling? Why would anyone try to “improve intelligence-gathering capability” by destroying what was left of it? Frustration? Ineptitude? Ignorance? Or, has their friendship with a certain former KGB lieutenant colonel, V. Putin, rubbed off on the American leaders? I have no answer to these questions, but I do know that if Vice President Cheney is right and that some “cruel, inhumane or degrading” (CID) treatment of captives is a necessary tool for winning the war on terrorism, then the war is lost already.
That’s depressing, but I have to agree. We are fighting a war against terror and WE HAVE TO TORTURE. Well, we have already lost.
Finally, it’s time to hear a real man talk about responsibility and the war on terror:
I had responsibility for trying to protect this country. I tried and I failed to get Bin Laden. I regret it, but I did try. And I did everything I thought I responsibly could.
As you may have guessed, that’s President Clinton on Fox News. Go watch the whole show at Crooks and Liars.
— Bill Clinton, in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s Political Capital with Al Hunt, about the Republican strategy for the midterm elections.