I get to go for a walk today, because I no longer have a looming deadline! And CBtY went back to school after being home sick yesterday. I am so happy!
Bronze sounds nice — I think the color is richer and deeper than gold.
Anyway, being in the golden years is wishful thinking on my part — I want to be in my golden years but I’m probably stuck in the pyrite years for the next decade or more. Or maybe I can think of myself as copper with one hell of a patina.
It does sound nice. Reminds me of a depressing poster that’s hanging in my doctor’s office. It’s supposed to be suggestive of medical care for all ages and it features four big maple leaves. The first one is newly green and still uncurling from it’s bud. The second one is bright green and supple. The third one is starting to dry out around the edges and the fourth one is brown and curling over as if a little puff of wind is about to blow it away. Every time I’m sitting on the exam table waiting for her to appear I reflect on which leaf I am right now. It’s not pretty. I hate that poster.
It is quiet. Maybe they’re all out walking dogs? 🙂
I met my deadline yesterday, but I was glad I had started my workday at 4 AM, so I was finished by the time school let out. It gets hard to get anything done around here after 3 PM.
How are things with you? Are you going to the Chicago meetup?
Mornin’ Andi, CabinGirl, Olivia. Georgous day here as well. CG, glad to hear that your schedule is more relaxed today. I hope you’re enjoying your walk. I used to wake up at 3am after pacing the floor late the night before. Not good.
Yesterday I found a small flush of edible mushrooms in a corner of my pasture and didn’t go back to pick them until yesterday evening. The deer beat me to it and rifled through them, eating most and breaking/scattering the rest. That’s what I get for being lazy.
Mornin’ Olivia… no, not morels. It’s been a very long time since I looked them up, but I think they’re either Honey or Gypsy. My Polish Grandpa called them Perpinki, which translates as “little brown mushroom” and is no help. Oh, even a picture of them makes my mouth water.
Hi Andi. Great shroom shot. They can be quite picturesque, even though they’re small. Boy, these are quite orange. I totally agree with you… if you don’t know what you’re picking, better to leave them for the deer. I’ve heard that one bad mushroom in a batch can make you quite sick. I always pay attention and only pick one kind. But I admit, if I found morels I’d pick ’em in a heartbeat. They are kind of hard to miss.
Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I am busiy as usual and things are hectic as always. LOL I am off today to get the place ready so the owners can show it to some people interested in buying it. Damn I wish I could win the lottery and just buy it myself. LOL
Morning all. On the blooming Tuesday theme, we spotted a whole slew of native orchids yesterday (Tuesday). Since we were looking for them two days earlier and there were none to be seen, we can only speculate that the recent rain sent them into overdrive.
Here’s photos (from last year, I’ll take some new ones later today) of the two types that have thus far emerged .
You know how I keep mentioning the wind (and yes, it is windy today). A few days ago a buoy off the east coast of Tasmania measured a 66 foot wave. Cowabunga!
Monday, one of our small metal sheds started coming apart, and it’s currently held together with baling twine. If the wind dies down later today I’ll put some pop rivets back in it, and probably a few screws to boot.
A couple of years back, during the annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht race, a rescue helicopter (that year several Yachts sunk, and at least one person drowned) recorded a 140 foot wave off the Tasmanian coast. :O
Hello – I’m back from my encounter with flesh eating bacteria, or whatever.
I was trying to give my cat antibiotic eye drops this morning (much harder than you can even imagine) and she punctured my arm with her nail. Since I’m allergic I knew it would swell and itch, but in just over 4 hours it swelled up to cover almost my entire forearm and was hot and painful…and still spreading! A quick trip to the doctor who told me to get to the ER for IV antibiotics, but I told them I couldn’t stay since the boy and I are alone this week and he was in the waiting room, so they gave me a shot in the ass and Rx and I”m supposed to watch it to see if it keeps spreading. Ick.
Out of root beer?! Suddenly I want a root beer float…Mmmmm. And sorry to spoil your appetite for the rest of the day. I’m just so proud that I presented with something that caused the doc to call in all the other docs for a look. At least I excel at something.
happened to me once when I got strep throat. It was a stark reminder to stay away from “teaching hospitals” if I didn’t feel like being in the center circus ring.
Sounds like you have a pasturella infection, which is nothing to mess around with. It’s carried by cats, and unfortunately, by rabbits – and it’s what cost Albert half his teeth.
It can indeed eat flesh, and occassionally cost people a limb. So, keep up with the anti-bios and don’t get complacent just because it seems to be getting better.
I can’t remember if I told you guys about my adventures coming home and trying to get to London on Alitalia?
Well, no matter how angry I was with the Alitalia ticket agent, I wasn’t as angry as this guy.
I had a strange sense of satisfaction reading this and I now understand why there are signs at the Alitalia gates in Heathrow stating that it is illegal to assault airline workers 🙂
Trust me — it was all I could do not to assault the guy when he kept telling me that when we bought a ticket it didn’t mean we had really bought a ticket. It was all contingent on there not being too many other people who bought tickets.
BTW — your arm looks yucky, I think you should go to the ER.
But I now tell everyone I know to never fly Alitalia.
We were supposed to get to London before 5:00. We had theater tickets and were totally psyched for Indian food. We got in at 11:40 — no theater; no Indian food 🙁
Of course by that time we were grateful to be on that flight. Because if we hadn’t been put onto that last flight and had to fly in the morning — we would have missed our connection back to the US.
apparently Alitalia is not required (by itself or its government) to try to get people to give up their seats when they overbook a flight. This whole concept is foreign to them. If they overbook, some people just don’t get to fly and that’s that. There’s no effort like there is here to bribe people to take a later flight. And they don’t feel any necessity to get you on the next flight — it’s very much not their problem.
In that respect, I think US airlines are much better.
Good morning!
I get to go for a walk today, because I no longer have a looming deadline! And CBtY went back to school after being home sick yesterday. I am so happy!
You hiking this morning?
I’m back and it was a gorgeous morning — cool with a fine mist and then a soft yellow light bathing the tree tops.
Time for me to get going on mine now…see you all later!
Andi waxes poetic while pondering her approaching golden years.
I guess I’m in my…erm, bronze years?
Bronze sounds nice — I think the color is richer and deeper than gold.
Anyway, being in the golden years is wishful thinking on my part — I want to be in my golden years but I’m probably stuck in the pyrite years for the next decade or more. Or maybe I can think of myself as copper with one hell of a patina.
It does sound nice. Reminds me of a depressing poster that’s hanging in my doctor’s office. It’s supposed to be suggestive of medical care for all ages and it features four big maple leaves. The first one is newly green and still uncurling from it’s bud. The second one is bright green and supple. The third one is starting to dry out around the edges and the fourth one is brown and curling over as if a little puff of wind is about to blow it away. Every time I’m sitting on the exam table waiting for her to appear I reflect on which leaf I am right now. It’s not pretty. I hate that poster.
How weird that they would skip the leaf when it is bright red. That’s the stage you and are in — older but absolutely blazing! 😀
Hi olivia!
Everyone sleeping in I hope … 🙂
How’d you make out w/ your report?
It is quiet. Maybe they’re all out walking dogs? 🙂
I met my deadline yesterday, but I was glad I had started my workday at 4 AM, so I was finished by the time school let out. It gets hard to get anything done around here after 3 PM.
How are things with you? Are you going to the Chicago meetup?
I just got back from my morning walk. I probably have another week or so before I have to switch to noon. 🙁
Did you get some pix for us? Run into any mud? 🙂
Some very nice sunrise, misty lake pics and some light in trees pics that are so-so. But no doctor’s office drive so no mud.
You didn’t answer CG’s question about Chicago. 🙁
Mornin’ Andi, CabinGirl, Olivia. Georgous day here as well. CG, glad to hear that your schedule is more relaxed today. I hope you’re enjoying your walk. I used to wake up at 3am after pacing the floor late the night before. Not good.
Yesterday I found a small flush of edible mushrooms in a corner of my pasture and didn’t go back to pick them until yesterday evening. The deer beat me to it and rifled through them, eating most and breaking/scattering the rest. That’s what I get for being lazy.
What kind of mushrooms were those Nag? We used to go looking for morels in the woods when I was little.
Mornin’ Olivia… no, not morels. It’s been a very long time since I looked them up, but I think they’re either Honey or Gypsy. My Polish Grandpa called them Perpinki, which translates as “little brown mushroom” and is no help. Oh, even a picture of them makes my mouth water.
Well there’s an advantage to not trying to collect mushrooms — I don’t care if the deer get them.
Some of them do make a pretty picture though.
Did you use a flash?
just adjusted the exposure and set the film speed to 400.
Hi Andi. Great shroom shot. They can be quite picturesque, even though they’re small. Boy, these are quite orange. I totally agree with you… if you don’t know what you’re picking, better to leave them for the deer. I’ve heard that one bad mushroom in a batch can make you quite sick. I always pay attention and only pick one kind. But I admit, if I found morels I’d pick ’em in a heartbeat. They are kind of hard to miss.
dredged in cornmeal and sauteed in butter.
that is all ye know in life and all ye need to know
Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I am busiy as usual and things are hectic as always. LOL I am off today to get the place ready so the owners can show it to some people interested in buying it. Damn I wish I could win the lottery and just buy it myself. LOL
I am also plugging my latest podcast.
You Let the Fox Run The Henhouse
That is a bummer … but at least these ones gave you notice. (Or are they the ones you sent away the other day … 🙂
LOL The same ones.
Hey, don’t clean it up. If nobody buys it, you won’t have to move.
It is rental property and I would still have a place to live no matter who buys it.
Okay in that case better the
landlord you know ….
Ah well, back to work for me. Happy(?) cleaning
mornin’ I need a pick-me-upper today. I slept too much last night, I think. My body is in shock!
Did that help?
or the coffee is doing its job 😉
I’d go with the coffee — the studies on the efficacy of virtual wake-up calls have thus far been inconclusive.
I like your new thumbnail.
(only in internetspeak does that sentence make any sense)
well, I did trim and polish my actual thumbnails this morning … 😉
looks like everyone has been taking abundant naps today.
just work.
biggest problem I have is that my transition from morning groginess to post-lunch food-coma is seamless.
Morning all. On the blooming Tuesday theme, we spotted a whole slew of native orchids yesterday (Tuesday). Since we were looking for them two days earlier and there were none to be seen, we can only speculate that the recent rain sent them into overdrive.
Here’s photos (from last year, I’ll take some new ones later today) of the two types that have thus far emerged .
Waxlip Orchid
Pink Fingers Orchid
Lovely flowers. I’ll be looking forward to seeing the new pics.
Did Imogen get my email?
Yep. I’ll be sending you a reply sometime today.
You know how I keep mentioning the wind (and yes, it is windy today). A few days ago a buoy off the east coast of Tasmania measured a 66 foot wave. Cowabunga!
Monday, one of our small metal sheds started coming apart, and it’s currently held together with baling twine. If the wind dies down later today I’ll put some pop rivets back in it, and probably a few screws to boot.
Get a lot of surfers for those waves?
A few, some even survive.
A couple of years back, during the annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht race, a rescue helicopter (that year several Yachts sunk, and at least one person drowned) recorded a 140 foot wave off the Tasmanian coast. :O
Good thing my surfing days are over.
Hello – I’m back from my encounter with flesh eating bacteria, or whatever.
I was trying to give my cat antibiotic eye drops this morning (much harder than you can even imagine) and she punctured my arm with her nail. Since I’m allergic I knew it would swell and itch, but in just over 4 hours it swelled up to cover almost my entire forearm and was hot and painful…and still spreading! A quick trip to the doctor who told me to get to the ER for IV antibiotics, but I told them I couldn’t stay since the boy and I are alone this week and he was in the waiting room, so they gave me a shot in the ass and Rx and I”m supposed to watch it to see if it keeps spreading. Ick.
I won’t complain about my office soda machine being out of root beer today. It seems so trivial now. 🙂
Hope you feel better soonest and that the shot is the last pain the ass for the rest of the day.
Out of root beer?! Suddenly I want a root beer float…Mmmmm. And sorry to spoil your appetite for the rest of the day. I’m just so proud that I presented with something that caused the doc to call in all the other docs for a look. At least I excel at something.
happened to me once when I got strep throat. It was a stark reminder to stay away from “teaching hospitals” if I didn’t feel like being in the center circus ring.
I’m craving Sprechers in the worst way now.
(and don’t worry, very little causes me to lose my appetite) 😉
Sounds like you have a pasturella infection, which is nothing to mess around with. It’s carried by cats, and unfortunately, by rabbits – and it’s what cost Albert half his teeth.
It can indeed eat flesh, and occassionally cost people a limb. So, keep up with the anti-bios and don’t get complacent just because it seems to be getting better.
I so full of helpful info. 😉
That’s what they said too. I just couldn’t remember the name of it until you jogged my memory. I knew it reminded me of milk… 🙂
you poor baby. You tell Nature Boy to pat and fluff and take good care of you.
I think he’s afraid to get near me. He’s seen too many Discovery Health shows about bacteria.
This is when you start sentences with “If I could go throw all that pain to give you life …”
I can’t remember if I told you guys about my adventures coming home and trying to get to London on Alitalia?
Well, no matter how angry I was with the Alitalia ticket agent, I wasn’t as angry as this guy.
I had a strange sense of satisfaction reading this and I now understand why there are signs at the Alitalia gates in Heathrow stating that it is illegal to assault airline workers 🙂
It’s interesting that they had to post that – as if people thought it was okay to assault them.
Trust me — it was all I could do not to assault the guy when he kept telling me that when we bought a ticket it didn’t mean we had really bought a ticket. It was all contingent on there not being too many other people who bought tickets.
BTW — your arm looks yucky, I think you should go to the ER.
I did go to the ER – and back again.
I misunderstood — I thought you told the doctor you couldn’t go to the ER.
OK. Just want to make sure you live until I get to meet you 🙂
send the ticket agent a postcard mocking him as soon as you got home?
But I now tell everyone I know to never fly Alitalia.
We were supposed to get to London before 5:00. We had theater tickets and were totally psyched for Indian food. We got in at 11:40 — no theater; no Indian food 🙁
Of course by that time we were grateful to be on that flight. Because if we hadn’t been put onto that last flight and had to fly in the morning — we would have missed our connection back to the US.
linings – gotta luv them.
Nice to know that the Italy have so much in common with the U.S. I’d hate to think the country known for inefficiency could best our crappy airlines.
apparently Alitalia is not required (by itself or its government) to try to get people to give up their seats when they overbook a flight. This whole concept is foreign to them. If they overbook, some people just don’t get to fly and that’s that. There’s no effort like there is here to bribe people to take a later flight. And they don’t feel any necessity to get you on the next flight — it’s very much not their problem.
In that respect, I think US airlines are much better.
I think Manny opened the Happy Hour just so he could make you a drink to console you for your travails.