Dog’s hatch? Hatch? That comes as news to me – and my dogs. Yes, they do emerge butt first, in their own little sack (which mama dog oh, so helpfully tries to eat [ewwww] even though she’s already had three and the humans are doing a fine job of de-sacking junior).
That sack has vitamins and other substances in it that actually helps the mother animal. There are some early records of human moms eating the placenta as well. Let your dog eat!
I know that (and in unbridled nerd form almost made an addendum to that effect).
Eating the placenta helps the mother produce oxitocin which is smooth muscle contractant – the uterus is smooth muscle, and so it the heart. It also helps her to “let down” her milk. And perhaps most importantly, it causes that euphoric sense of bonding with the little sucking, squalling mess-makers.
Sorry that my always-at-the-ready junior-scientist went into action. It’s one of my many character flaws, and I immediately recognized that you’d have superior knowledge to mine.
(Note. I had a student from another country bring me a recipe for a sort of braised placenta dish that would be served to a new mother. . . human, that is. I didn’t save it.)
You’ve given me a great idea for a costume for when I stand in my front entry and hand out Halloween candy to the neighborhood children. I’m getting tired of the witches costume. Being a placenta seems so, so . . . uh, words fail, at the moment. It will come to me.
from my secure homework bunker…only two classes and I am sooooo screwed…I am too damn old for this…why did I ever think I could go back to school at my advanced age…
Okay, now that I’ve got the negative thoughts out of my head and given them a good beatdown, it’s time to get back to work…
It may seem intimidating at first, but I’m sure you’re going to do fine once you get into the swing of things. And we’re all here if you need to vent about it in the meantime. 🙂
I went back to school as an adult. It was hard to get into the swing of things at the beginning. Eventually I just treated it like a job — I “worked” at schoolwork while everyone else important in my life was at real work. Then I could be free when they were free.
I did my degree as a “mature age” student. I found I was so much smarter and more organized than my more spritely conterparts that I still ran circles around them using less than half the effort. Besides, I already had the “social life” thing worked out, so that freed up huge amounts of time for actual studying.
And having made the above remark, I’m now reminded of the fellow who made the Darwin Awards by putting together a home-made bungee jump using short lenghts of commercial bungee cords and duct tape. While that in and of itself had the potential to be disasterous, the kicker was that he made the unstretched lenght longer than the height from which he jumped. :O
I got busy yesterday. I’ll send you the postage info shortly.
We were surprised, but it actually looks like estrogen is neuroprotective. If anything, there is less cell death in the presence of estrogen,” she said.
Especially the difference in brain cell death among college age men and women after a night of heavy drinking. It’s not just the alcohol that’s killing the brain cells of those guys …. those brain cells are doomed to begin with 🙂
I’m thinking it serves the evolutionary purpose of ensuring that the estrogen-based life forms will continue to be able to outsmart the testosterone-based ones. 🙂
Can you help me? I can’t figure out how to find the article about the Testosterone. Do you mean the 2006 Ferarri Testosterone with the straight 8 or the 2005 with the gull wings? Are there pictures?
Did you know that Chevy had trouble selling the Nova in Mexico. Apparently no one ever bothered to look up nova (no=no, va=go, so nova means “it doesn’t go”) in spanish.
Pyrs are not supposed to slobber. The breed standard very clearly states that the flews should meet. I used to show dogs, and the poor droopy-flewed St. Bernards wore bibs before they went into the ring.
Oh well, there’s at least one genetic outlier in every family.
I couldn’t get over the fact that even his feet were furry…lots and lots of fur between his toes that looked like he was wearing those enormous furry slippers that we had as teenagers.
Yep, Pyrs come with built in snow shoes. And the males are about a third to half-again bigger than the females, have a much longer a heavier coat, and a full-blown “manly” ruff. It was when I had my male, Bart, that people really were taken aback by the size, and the fluffyness, of him. Of course, he was almost pathologically shy.
Pretty good, all things considered. Things have been crazy enough that I haven’t been able to make my big announcement — which is that I’m going back to . . .
um, wait, I’d better not say that four-letter word that starts with “W” in your presence.
Anyway my unpaid vacation ends a week from Monday. My creditors are thinking it can’t happen any too soon.
It’s a fine job, a one-year contract and I even got a little bit of a raise from the last contract I had. (Only about 2%, but hey, it’s better’n nothin’.) Mostly I’m just glad to be working again. I like my time off but it has its downsides. For one thing, I’ve had to put a bunch of unforeseen expenses on the credit card, and now I really want to get that puppy paid down, just in case the organic fertilizer decides to inject itself into the primary ventilation system.
She is, especially since she’ll be going over to her aunt’s house after school now and her aunt is likely to be harder nosed about getting homework done and less likely to let he go wander off and play with her friends if it isn’t.
I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled and a couple I should schedule. Other than that, just take it easy for the last few days before I get back into my routine.
Oh yeah, it’s hockey season. I should go find a team to pay attention to. Baseball is just about over for the year and the only really interesting thing left on the agenda is to see whether the Mariners will win their next four games and thereby avoid having a losing season for the third year in a row. This year is much better than the last two, but it’s still not as good as any of us up here would have liked.
At least they didn’t string you along through a mediocre season, hanging on to first place simply because the rest of the division was awful, only to suffer complete collapse at the end.
Night, all. Thanks for providing a few laughs to wrap a lousy day at school. Look forward to dropping in tomorrow for several martinis, silly animal pictures, and more enlightenment concerning the estrogen-based plot to wrench the power from the calloused hands of the testosteronically empowered.
The above picture of Family Man slacking was taken as a timed photo over 10 hours.
Gee Froggybottom, thanks.
BTW what’s the policy in this lounge on orgies? 🙂
We must invite everyone or feelings will be hurt.
That froggybottom is a pal.
Not allowed.
Unless supersoling brings back the lotion …
I hope it’s “the more, the merrier”
Nina, Inti, and Sandy would like to second, third and fourth any motion for slacking. If, of course, someone else will make the actual motion.
dogs hatch in the breech position.
This is what’s left of Hopeful’s dog bed after she tore off the canvas cover and had her way with the inner bag.
Hopeful Jr. out to Arizona for a while so that Bud can train her.
Do you think he can train her to clean up after herself?
I’m almost willing to offer maryb’s suggestion above.
Did you take it right before you killed her?
Sniff did that with an old leather chair. I guess some dogs find stuffing irresistible.
We are going through toilet paper at an alarming rate. And it has nothing to do with my cooking.
Our shih tzu has a thing for paper towels, tp, and tissues.
Very annoying.
Most of my dogs have greatly enjoyed fishing used kleenex out of the trash and tearing them into little pieces.
I’ve been locked in a room with third-graders all day, but does it seem appropriate to anyone else that a shih tzu loves tp ?
I have a cat that thinks my couch is a scratching post. So much for getting leather huh? Not til Smokie dies(which may be soon if he keeps it up…lol.)
Dog’s hatch? Hatch? That comes as news to me – and my dogs. Yes, they do emerge butt first, in their own little sack (which mama dog oh, so helpfully tries to eat [ewwww] even though she’s already had three and the humans are doing a fine job of de-sacking junior).
That sack has vitamins and other substances in it that actually helps the mother animal. There are some early records of human moms eating the placenta as well. Let your dog eat!
Knowing the reason doesn’t ease the “yuk” factor.
I know that (and in unbridled nerd form almost made an addendum to that effect).
Eating the placenta helps the mother produce oxitocin which is smooth muscle contractant – the uterus is smooth muscle, and so it the heart. It also helps her to “let down” her milk. And perhaps most importantly, it causes that euphoric sense of bonding with the little sucking, squalling mess-makers.
Which is why I let the mother eat the first few.
Luckily I felt the euphoric sense of bonding without eating my placenta. 🙂
Ain’t oxitocin wonderful?
Luckily, for the more fussy eaters, you tend to get a fair does of it just from being pregnant. Or being around someone you love.
Sorry that my always-at-the-ready junior-scientist went into action. It’s one of my many character flaws, and I immediately recognized that you’d have superior knowledge to mine.
(Note. I had a student from another country bring me a recipe for a sort of braised placenta dish that would be served to a new mother. . . human, that is. I didn’t save it.)
Mmmm! Certain times of the month if you covered a placenta with chocolate I might eat it.
I think I’ve found an instance where I would not eat chocolate …
I agree Olivia 🙂
Having a good night?
so it’s getting better.
From work? Yuck.
from a meeting; so technically from work, although I wasn’t at the office.
It’s a busy night … 😉
will be spectacular.
I’m stuck in html hell right now … lol
How’s the shoe diary coming along?
but I’m waiting for Izzy to show up before I post it.
And any question in my mind about whether to post it here or at ET was certainly resolved today.
what did I miss?
I wrote a diary and a hockey game broke out 😉
got it … 🙂
So how long are you going to be up, you know … for that other um, thing …
I’ll be up for at least another hour. I’ll check back in a bit; I’m going over to read at Orange. I’m tired of refreshing the bloody Jesus.
k … see ya in a bit.
so … is it time?
here goes … 🙂
good job!
where’d you go ?
I’m here … trying to remember which user I am … nice spinach!
they do hatch.
hopeful in her egg sac
That’s hilarious, and sci-fi spooky all at the same time.
You’ve given me a great idea for a costume for when I stand in my front entry and hand out Halloween candy to the neighborhood children. I’m getting tired of the witches costume. Being a placenta seems so, so . . . uh, words fail, at the moment. It will come to me.
from my secure homework bunker…only two classes and I am sooooo screwed…I am too damn old for this…why did I ever think I could go back to school at my advanced age…
Okay, now that I’ve got the negative thoughts out of my head and given them a good beatdown, it’s time to get back to work…
It may seem intimidating at first, but I’m sure you’re going to do fine once you get into the swing of things. And we’re all here if you need to vent about it in the meantime. 🙂
Because you’re powerful and smart and it’s boring staying home and cleaning the house. Now sing along with me:” I am woman hear me roar….”
I went back to school as an adult. It was hard to get into the swing of things at the beginning. Eventually I just treated it like a job — I “worked” at schoolwork while everyone else important in my life was at real work. Then I could be free when they were free.
Good luck!
What everybody else already said way better than I could.
I did my degree as a “mature age” student. I found I was so much smarter and more organized than my more spritely conterparts that I still ran circles around them using less than half the effort. Besides, I already had the “social life” thing worked out, so that freed up huge amounts of time for actual studying.
Hang in there. I did the return to school bit when I had begun to gray. It’s tough, but possible. Good Luck.
What a depressing day huh gang? Calgon take me away. Man i need a message!
Too Much Testosterone kills Brain Cells
It explains so much …
By itself, or because of all the feckless activities (“hey fellas, watch this”) it encourages?
for the comment of the day.
Why thank you. I feel so witty all of the sudden.
And having made the above remark, I’m now reminded of the fellow who made the Darwin Awards by putting together a home-made bungee jump using short lenghts of commercial bungee cords and duct tape. While that in and of itself had the potential to be disasterous, the kicker was that he made the unstretched lenght longer than the height from which he jumped. :O
I got busy yesterday. I’ll send you the postage info shortly.
I do love the Darwin Awards. Knowing that there’s such an abundance of stupidity in the world gives me hope for the future.
If you get me the info before about 6:30 a.m. tomorrow (our time), we’ll get them off tomorrow. Otherwise it’ll be Friday.
good point:)
Especially the difference in brain cell death among college age men and women after a night of heavy drinking. It’s not just the alcohol that’s killing the brain cells of those guys …. those brain cells are doomed to begin with 🙂
going to email this article to everybody at work?
I’m thinking it serves the evolutionary purpose of ensuring that the estrogen-based life forms will continue to be able to outsmart the testosterone-based ones. 🙂
I have commented many, many times about testosterone poisoning. It is a serious problem!
Can you help me? I can’t figure out how to find the article about the Testosterone. Do you mean the 2006 Ferarri Testosterone with the straight 8 or the 2005 with the gull wings? Are there pictures?
So, I wasn’t the only one to first read Ferrari Testarosa as “testosterosa.” And here I thought it was the dyslexia. 😉
I didn’t hear about the Dyslexia. Is that another Italian man-car?
No, it’s English. You have to drive it on the wrong side of the road.
When I talk, I tend to wander over to the wrong side anyway. Think I’ll get me one of them Dislexicas.
Let me know how that goes for you.
Did you know that Chevy had trouble selling the Nova in Mexico. Apparently no one ever bothered to look up nova (no=no, va=go, so nova means “it doesn’t go”) in spanish.
Just got back from the city. I would say something, but from reading above I can see testosterone has left me with only a few brain cells.
What the hell. Lets have a beer and get rid of the rest of them. 🙂
Hmmm….HJ just tapped her paw twice on my keyboard and somehow enlarged the type size.
So you’re saying HJ knows more about computers?
Apparently she’s got some geek blood in her from Mr. Nature’s side of the family.
OK the geek from Mr. Nature, but what did she inherit from you? :0
Getting whatever she wants by pouting and looking forlorn. And of course her velvety soft ears.
Do you need instructions for returning it to normal, or can HJ do that as well?
Ya know, I kinda like it this way! No more squinting.
We saw a Luna dog at the dog park today – what a huge, magnificent, furry and very slobbery dog!
Makes you want to trade in HJ doesn’t it. 🙂
Pyrs are not supposed to slobber. The breed standard very clearly states that the flews should meet. I used to show dogs, and the poor droopy-flewed St. Bernards wore bibs before they went into the ring.
Oh well, there’s at least one genetic outlier in every family.
And now you can have another gold star for the most quintessentially keres comment of the day.
I couldn’t get over the fact that even his feet were furry…lots and lots of fur between his toes that looked like he was wearing those enormous furry slippers that we had as teenagers.
We’re still talking about the dog, right?
Yep, Pyrs come with built in snow shoes. And the males are about a third to half-again bigger than the females, have a much longer a heavier coat, and a full-blown “manly” ruff. It was when I had my male, Bart, that people really were taken aback by the size, and the fluffyness, of him. Of course, he was almost pathologically shy.
As for example:
Luna’s papa, Ch. Darmour Prince Pavarotti, or “Balu” for short.
Hmmm, I’d have to say that Luna doesn’t get her desire to go on walkabouts at 3:00 a.m. from him.
People aren’t either, but you should see my cousins.
Thank you all for supporting my diaries today, especiall the KO one.
Now I’m going to come in here for a few minutes and wind down before I put the final touches on the letter.
So how’s it going Omir?
Pretty good, all things considered. Things have been crazy enough that I haven’t been able to make my big announcement — which is that I’m going back to . . .
um, wait, I’d better not say that four-letter word that starts with “W” in your presence.
Anyway my unpaid vacation ends a week from Monday. My creditors are thinking it can’t happen any too soon.
Congrats Omir. I’m really happy to hear that.
BTW you can say the word as long as it doesn’t have my name by it. Such a nasty word. 🙂
well shit, I can’t figure out whether to do a high five or start crying.
Is it a “good” job?
Let’s do both. 🙂
It’s a fine job, a one-year contract and I even got a little bit of a raise from the last contract I had. (Only about 2%, but hey, it’s better’n nothin’.) Mostly I’m just glad to be working again. I like my time off but it has its downsides. For one thing, I’ve had to put a bunch of unforeseen expenses on the credit card, and now I really want to get that puppy paid down, just in case the organic fertilizer decides to inject itself into the primary ventilation system.
both it is — I’m good multi-tasker. Mazel Tov! ::sniff::
Bet your granddaughter is going to miss you being available 24/7.
She is, especially since she’ll be going over to her aunt’s house after school now and her aunt is likely to be harder nosed about getting homework done and less likely to let he go wander off and play with her friends if it isn’t.
So what are you going to do for your last week?
I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled and a couple I should schedule. Other than that, just take it easy for the last few days before I get back into my routine.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Listening to the hockey game — Ottawa is playing in Toronto tonight.
Hi Olivia/Bye Olivia
Got to run and get FMom something to eat.
Your actually listening to a hockey game? 🙂
Oh yeah, it’s hockey season. I should go find a team to pay attention to. Baseball is just about over for the year and the only really interesting thing left on the agenda is to see whether the Mariners will win their next four games and thereby avoid having a losing season for the third year in a row. This year is much better than the last two, but it’s still not as good as any of us up here would have liked.
At least they didn’t string you along through a mediocre season, hanging on to first place simply because the rest of the division was awful, only to suffer complete collapse at the end.
Like a team I follow that will remain nameless …
Night, all. Thanks for providing a few laughs to wrap a lousy day at school. Look forward to dropping in tomorrow for several martinis, silly animal pictures, and more enlightenment concerning the estrogen-based plot to wrench the power from the calloused hands of the testosteronically empowered.
New cafe open here
I’m over here.
I remembered she didn’t like cake and was missing spinach 🙂
funny how that works … when you know you can’t get eat it …