Chafee voted aye on Levin’s amendment. So did Joe Lieberman (guess he has a tough re-election campaign going). So far it looks like almost a straight party-line vote. Gail Collins voted no. Ben Nelson of Nebraska is the first Democrat I’ve noticed to vote no on the amendment. That means he intends to oppose a filibuster as well. I am very disappointed in Nelson. The polls show he is poised to win re-election easily. I guess he doesn’t have any principle against torturing people. I guess he doesn’t mind using evidence gathered from torture in trials.
Specter voted no. Why does anyone vote for him. He lets us down every frigging time. Here comes Macaca. He votes for torture.
Final vote 54-43 against Levin’s amendment. Not sure yet who the three people are that didn’t vote. I did not notice Olympia Snowe voting.
Now Specter proposes an amendment. This one is co-sponsored by Leahy and Dodd. Dorgan and Feingold have signed on to this amendment as well.
Makes one wonder why we even bother anymore doesn’t it? The AMerica I grew up in is gone. The America I believed in is gone. The America I loved and was so proud to be a citizen of is gone. We are fucked people. Especially our side. Can you say enemy combatant. Is it time to register as a Reug so we won’t get throne into a detainment camp?
I’d move to another country before I’d register as a Repug.
I hear ya CabinGirl! Seriously have been looking into Cabo and Belize. Hey, I know. We can all chip in and buy a nice piece of oceanfront property really cheap down there and build a little Frog Pond there. Anyone?
Hi Leezy,
Count me in! I know where Belize ios, but where is Cabo?
Cabo is on the tip of the Baja of Mexico.
Isn’t Baja kinda of brown and not pretty? Let’s do Belize, or Central America. I’m partial to lots of green, and mountains.
No actually it is quite beautiful. There are parts that are arid and desert like and others that are not. The other placethat would work is Kauai. I know, still part of the states but that’s the beauty. So far away from the mainland but still can have what is left of our benefits.
Ah – beautiful Hawaii – Sounds GREAT!! I need a vacation after the last two weeks, and a lifetime one may extend my lifespan indefinitely.
I am going over for ten days next month and I lived there for eight years. It is a beautiful islnd. I miss it still, four years later.
I’m still thinking Costa Rica might be the place…
That’s an option too.
Beaches, rainforest, kayaking, surfing, what more could anyone want?
I am so down with this! Of course, moving south might get a bit warm in the future, perhaps we should consider northern Canada. :>)
Why shouldn’t Macaca vote for torture? Isn’t this JOHN Warner’s bill?
If he voted FOR TORTURE he DOES NOT have any PRINCIPLES, morals or a conscience! My 2 cents.
in the House 253-168 with 12 Non-Voters.
34 Democrats voted Aye – Everything rests with the Senate now. >:-(
Is this Brown (OH) Sherwood Brown- the one running for Senator in Ohio?
and that’s also Ford, as in Harold Ford, who is running for Senator in Tennessee. The DKos thread on this just hit the Rec List.
Oh my God – We are so screwed!
He said that buried in this bill is language that would pardon Bush and everyone who works for him retroactively back to Sept. 2001 for any possible wrongdoing with respect to the detainees. I’ve been thinking all along this was about covering W’s ass. Cafferty said so in no uncertain terms.
in addition to that prior to Dec. 30th 2005 it is ok to use evidence obtained under coerecion. I think that is so that evidence obtained from the 14 will be admissible otherwise they will have no case. That’s another thing they are afraid of.
There will be no more of this nonsense from Republicans that some poor schmuck PFC or SGT will have the responsibility for Abu Ghraib dumped in their laps. The clause in the law trying to make torture legal retroactively works both ways. Bush takes direct responsiblity for all acts of torture retroactively, too.
Forget the US legal system. Time to crank up the effort for an International Tribunal on War Crimes for Dubya