Chafee voted aye on Levin’s amendment. So did Joe Lieberman (guess he has a tough re-election campaign going). So far it looks like almost a straight party-line vote. Gail Collins voted no. Ben Nelson of Nebraska is the first Democrat I’ve noticed to vote no on the amendment. That means he intends to oppose a filibuster as well. I am very disappointed in Nelson. The polls show he is poised to win re-election easily. I guess he doesn’t have any principle against torturing people. I guess he doesn’t mind using evidence gathered from torture in trials.

Specter voted no. Why does anyone vote for him. He lets us down every frigging time. Here comes Macaca. He votes for torture.

Final vote 54-43 against Levin’s amendment. Not sure yet who the three people are that didn’t vote. I did not notice Olympia Snowe voting.

Now Specter proposes an amendment. This one is co-sponsored by Leahy and Dodd. Dorgan and Feingold have signed on to this amendment as well.