Update [2006-9-28 2:9:32 by Omir the Storyteller]: I just sent off the mail. According to my count, if we count the entire Damnit family, plus Cali Scribe’s husband, there were forty signatories to the letter. Excellent! Thanks to all of you for giving one of the few rational voices on television some support.
I set up an account on my own mail server to send this from. If I get a reply I will post it, and point the respondent to this diary so they can see the outpouring of support (and catch up with anyone who missed the cutoff — sorry, but as I said, I wanted to get this out while the incident was fresh in everyone’s minds.)
Update [2006-9-27 19:59:55 by Omir the Storyteller]: Thanks to everyone for the support. I’ve posted a proposed letter to KO in comment #31 — please take a look at it and let me know if it conveys your feelings. I would like to get the letter sent off tonight, while the incident is fresh in the collective minds of all concerned.
This is going to be a short diary based on an idea that came to me while I was reading Steven D’s front page post, American Terrorist. If you haven’t read it, please go read it now.
Then please come on back because I have a very simple action item I want to propose.
In response to the anthrax incident, boran2 said he sent Keith Olbermann a personal email or support.
That made the light bulb go off in my head. I said,
Let’s put together a collective email that we can send to KO and basically say “BooMan Tribune, a tiny little corner of the liberal blogosphere, has your back on this.”
So I want to ask a few questions.
First off, what should we say in such an email? (I guess the first question would be “Is this a good idea?”, but I hope the answer to that would be a self-evident “Yes.”
Second, who besides KO should it go to?
Third, what’s the best way to submit it to all involved?
Floor’s open.
It should go to all MSNBC execs for sure. If they start getting heat about Olbermann they have to have fans to keep allowing Olbermann to speak his mind. Dan Abrams is the CEO now isn’t he?
He’s head of the MSNBC division, at least — if anyone can find out who his boss is, that would be great.
Here’s a snail mail address for MSNBC (from their website), for anyone who’d rather take that route:
One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, N.J. 07094
MSNBC is a joint project between General Electric and Microsoft. I think Microsoft has backed off on their participation, so probably his boss is the head of something or another at GE.
So maybe we could mention that many years ago, GE’s slogan was “We bring good things to light.” (Or maybe it was life.) In the case of KO, that is so true.
Yes agree should go to execs at MSNBC..and Abrams is the head guy now I believe.
I think it’s a great idea. I know when I have emailed Olbermann I always mention and put link in for bootrib.
Having one email with signatures from here should make more of an impact though. As for wording, something simple and concise. And I’m feeling too simple minded right now to offer any suggestions.
I love the idea of e-signatures! I’m in.
Are you talking actual, electronic GIF/JPEG/PNG files of our user names, as signed by us? I think that would be very cool for those of us who have access to a scanner or digital camera.
No, I was just thinking typed versions of our usernames because I’m sure that would be accessible to more people. Plus, it’s possible that they would filter and remove attachments from the message (they do that at my job, for certain file types).
But hey, if people want to do actualy signatures, I’m in. I have a scanner.
Well, I suppose we could do both (and good point about the attachments). Have a simple, plain text version that links to a diary here with notes and posts and pictures (and maybe even songs, if I could get my stoopid microphone to quit making this stuff I record sound like me).
That’s a soopah idea!!!
If I’m not around for this… work… please attach my below schtuff in my stead, please.
Me too, if I’m not around later add my name.
What do you think of something along these lines:
Add a URL and perhaps a short description of Booman Tribune (e.g. something like “Booman Tribune, a liberal weblog (http://boomantribune.com“) and I think that sounds pretty good.
show him the face of America… at least in Beaverton, Oregon
We don’t support torture, and we don’t support terror, and that goes double for home-grown torturers and home-grown terrorists.
Yuppers! (((((((OMIR)))))))))
Sign me on…
Stop Terrorism by stopping the Bush Regime.
My husband with our daughter
(That’s right! He’s wearing…a
it goes well with the CodePink T-shirt
our son.
KO ’08!!!!
Sign me up!
I also want to thank all of you here for helping me to stay somewhat sane through this regime. God, I feel so screwed today by this torture bill.
Please add me in as well.
Me too!
Keith, sorry to hear of that nasty prank. I hope there will be a follow-up by MSNBC to apprehend whoever made this act. Because threats of any kind in an airport or on a plane are taken so seriously, I think a false anthrax mailing is a close second.
Keep us informed!
Count me in, too!
I’m absolutely in.
I also have faith that Keith won’t be cowed.
Count me in. If we don’t support those who speak truth to power, who will?
I’m in.
Argh, I just posted the letter and didn’t see this until it was up. Count yourself in.
Thanks, sorry I got into the act so late. No computer access most of the day yesterday.
Second draft because ejmw did the first draft upstream. I’ve collected the names already posted to the thread; if you would like to add your hometown or state, I think that would be a useful gesture to show that he has support from all over.
Please also check to make sure I spelled your handle right. And of course if you haven’t signed on yet, it’s not too late.
When everything is collected I’ll set up an email address to send this from (something like tribbersforkeith at gmail, though that probably won’t be it) and mail it off to him, with CCs to the various people mentioned in recent Olbermann support threads.
I’d send a copy to the New York Post, but it contains words of more than one syllable.
Man Eegee – Tucson, Arizona
LOL, there are some names I’m sure would want to be put on here if they knew about it, like yours. But of course I’m not going to pad the results. That would be . . . positively republican of me.
I wish I could edit posts to add you and Kahli to the list. As it is we’ll just keep collecting names.
Then count me in too Omir.
You got it, slackissatva.
I’d hate to be left out…
I’d hate to leave you out.
Me too, Omir (obviously a Hoosier). And thank you all for this!
You’re on the list. Anywhere in particular in Indiana, or should I just say Indianadem, Indiana and leave off the city?
Just Indiana. I live in a very small place. Nobody knows where except Andi;-)
Oh come on now, I know where it is. It’s between Illinois and Ohio. 🙂
Now now, I have a good idea of where you live as well 🙂
Well, Indiana University IS just over the horizon. A belated Happy Birthday, BTW. I had a client crisis going on and missed the cafe that day:(
No worries, I likely would have missed the cafe myself that day had Andi not given me an e-mail kick in the ass to go check it out 🙂
keres, Californa ex-pat currently Down-Under
Which state?
Thanks, got you.
Add my name to this very important situation. I just love KO no matter what. He is the only one I watch on MSNBC. The only one!
Can you modify mine to Cali Scribe (and spouse)?
Even if I do refer to Keith as “my imaginary 2nd husband”, it might be nice to acknowledge the real life 1st one… 😉
At the risk of making Keith insanely jealous, I’ll do that. 🙂
You can put “Silicon Valley” if you want to be more specific…
obviously you can add me from the City of Brotherly Love.
I was wondering when you’d show up.
You move to the head of the list.
Got you! Thanks!
Should I put Jim on there too?
Yep put him on too (JimF)
And from Indiana (both of us, what a coincidence)
Please, please, don’t forget about me!
Wouldn’t think of it. Thanks!
Oh, I am now in Columbus, OH but I was in Munich, Germany. Hence, the name Haus Frau.
NLinStPaul – St. Paul, MN
Absolutely! Thanks.
You’re on the list! Thanks.
I just saw this. Pleeeeeese add my name.
For sure, add my name!
We couldn’t do this without you!
And I’m still holding forth in IDEE-HO
Please count me in. Evidently they are trying to silence him for speaking the truth!
Will do. Shall I put you down as being in Argentina?
I am from, but I live here in the US
like he’s not the only one to receive this “mail” — on tonight’s show, he reported that the FBI asked him to keep it quiet because they were investigating other incidents (at least I think that’s what he said), then the NY Post fucked up by printing the hit piece, and of course got it all fucking wrong — he didn’t insist on going to the hospital, the HazMat team insisted he go there, and when he left he didn’t get a lollipop but rather a precautionary vial of Cipro. Regardless of the flippant attitude of the NY Post, the NY authorities are taking this VERY seriously…
If you get a chance, do, do, DO watch the “Countdown” repeat — his mention of the incident and the Post’s “reporting” is Story #3…then stay tuned for the report on the “sex tape” put out by “Screech” from the TV show “Saved By The Bell” — that story actually put Joe Scarborough in tears… roflmfao
I’ll check my Now Playing list. TiVo should have caught it. I think it will be worth seeing.
Thanks for the update. I still think it’s worth sending off the letter, but I have to wonder, who else were they trying to silence?
And I wonder where the letter was postmarked from? Not that that would help a great deal. You can drop something off at the central Los Angeles Post Office and it would be within driving distance of only about 15 million people.
Hi Omir,
If you could, would you please add Ann Arbor, MI as my place of residence? Thanks. And also thanks for coming up with this great idea.
Done. And thanks for the first draft.
We should all do stuff like this more often.
I’m sorry, but “Screech”, “Saved by the Bell”, and “sex video” should never be used together in the same sentence…
Yeah, I can understand Scarborough’s reaction, that combination of nouns had me laughing.
that he wants us to buy his book. Please show him some love and buy his book. You can also buy Frank Rich’s book along with Keith’s. It’s a terrific deal because I just spent $25.00 on Frank Rich’s book last week at the bookstore.
Count me in, too, please!
chinook – Portland, OR
You’re on the list! Thanks!
I definitely want in. He seems to be the only newscaster doing his job. Joe sucks. They put him after Keith hoping to improve his ratings. As soon as his ugly mug comes on, I change the channel.
Excellent. You’re on the list!
I should post an updated list of respondents after I finish my dinner. This is getting to be quite a response.
Please include me too, Omir. St. Paul, Mn.
Grand idea: thank you.
Me too, just saw this. Great idea.
oh, that would be Michigan, Detroit.
Me too! Add to list if still possible.
@ Fargo, North Dakota
Add me when you next update… Thanks! 🙂
Oh, Silver Spring, MD
I guess I should have known that as soon as I sent the mail off, even if it was in the middle of the night, someone would come along and want to be included. 🙂
If I hear back from KO and company I’ll send them an update with the names of anyone I missed.
Me too!
Just in case he might link back here…
Mr. Olberman,
In a media landscape that is nearly devoid of anything that even closely resembles the truth, you have been and continue to be a voice for reason, for reminders of what our core American values mean and how they are being slowly but relentlessly chipped away at. As disturbing as this attack on you is, sadly, in todays environment of extreme fear and war mongering by the right wing, I’m not surprised at all that some would so openly, agressively, and criminally seek to silence you. That the NY Post would then carry an article that mocks and belittles your reaction to this attack is further evidence of the growing and dangerous rift that’s being cultivated by much of the media.
I have nothing to offer you beyond my thanks and hopes that you’ll continue to press forward with the truth. That your voice is desperately needed now is an understatement. And I, for one, along with millions of others, am grateful for it.
supersoling (Michael L.)
Southold, NY
Thanks Omir for organizing and doing the work to get this email out. I thought the letter perfect.
Thanks Omir so much for doing this and all that signed on. Is it too late to add that I hail from Del Mar CA? No biggy if you cannot. Thanks again!
Thank you for this, Omir. If you wish to add my location, please make it Liberty, NY (nearest town to my woodland habitat. I like the name, too).
But my appreciation stands.
Also, you might want to give Olbermann’s commentary on msnbc’s web site some 5-star love (ratings are at the bottom).
Good plan. I already have him on my TiVo so whether I get around to seeing him that night or not, TiVo jots down that it was recorded and sends that off to MSNBC.