Update [2006-9-28 2:9:32 by Omir the Storyteller]: I just sent off the mail. According to my count, if we count the entire Damnit family, plus Cali Scribe’s husband, there were forty signatories to the letter. Excellent! Thanks to all of you for giving one of the few rational voices on television some support.

I set up an account on my own mail server to send this from. If I get a reply I will post it, and point the respondent to this diary so they can see the outpouring of support (and catch up with anyone who missed the cutoff — sorry, but as I said, I wanted to get this out while the incident was fresh in everyone’s minds.)


Update [2006-9-27 19:59:55 by Omir the Storyteller]: Thanks to everyone for the support. I’ve posted a proposed letter to KO in comment #31 — please take a look at it and let me know if it conveys your feelings. I would like to get the letter sent off tonight, while the incident is fresh in the collective minds of all concerned.


This is going to be a short diary based on an idea that came to me while I was reading Steven D’s front page post, American Terrorist. If you haven’t read it, please go read it now.

Then please come on back because I have a very simple action item I want to propose.
In response to the anthrax incident, boran2 said he sent Keith Olbermann a personal email or support.

That made the light bulb go off in my head. I said,

Let’s put together a collective email that we can send to KO and basically say “BooMan Tribune, a tiny little corner of the liberal blogosphere, has your back on this.”

So I want to ask a few questions.

First off, what should we say in such an email? (I guess the first question would be “Is this a good idea?”, but I hope the answer to that would be a self-evident “Yes.”

Second, who besides KO should it go to?

Third, what’s the best way to submit it to all involved?

Floor’s open.