The following Democrats just voted to jettison the Writ of Habeas Corpus, give the President the right to interpret the Geneva Conventions, give the Secretary of Defense the authority to change Courts Martial rules and procedures at his whim, to give an amnesty to any CIA officers that have committed torture, to deny defendants the right to see the all the evidence against them, to allow hearsay evidence, and to allow evidence that was coerced through torture if that torture occurred before December 2005. Every single one of these Democrats is a craven coward and deserves a primary challenge in the next election cycle.
One thing that should be obvious from looking at the list is that we lost the civil war. The vast majority of the cowards are from Confederate or border states. Add in Florida and Oklahoma, and there are only a handful of traitors that don’t hail from the Old South. How many of these losers come from Blue States? Only five.
Sherrod Brown is a coward. He should be utterly ashamed of himself. I thought he was one of the most progressive white members of Congress. But he’s afraid voting against tyranny will cost him a close Senate race in Ohio.
Update [2006-9-27 20:43:31 by BooMan]: Now with DLC membership and Blue Dog membership indicated.
Robert Andrews, NJ-01.
John Barrow, GA-12. Blue Dog.
Melissa Bean, IL-08. Blue Dog.
Sanford Bishop, Jr., GA-02. Blue Dog.Dan Boren, OK-02. Blue Dog.
Leonard Boswell, IA-03. Blue Dog.
Allen Boyd, FL-02. Blue Dog.
Sherrod Brown, OH-13. Running for Senate.
Ben Chandler, KY-06. Blue Dog.
Robert E. ‘Bud’ Cramer, AL-05. Blue Dog.
Henry Cuellar, TX-28.
Artur Davis, AL-07. DLC member. Blue Dog.
Lincoln Davis, TN-04. Blue Dog.
Chet Edwards, TX-17.
Bob Etheridge, NC-02. DLC member.
Harold Ford, Jr., TN-09. DLC member. Blue Dog. Running for Senate.
Bart Gordon, TN-06.
Stephanie Herseth, SD-AL. DLC member. Blue Dog.Brian Higgins, NY-27. DLC member.
Tim Holden, PA-17.
Jim Marshall, GA-03. Blue Dog.
Jim Matheson, UT-02. Blue Dog.
Mike McIntyre, NC-07. DLC member. Blue Dog.
Charlie Melancon, LA-03. Blue Dog.
Dennis Moore, KS-03. DLC member. Blue Dog.Collin Peterson, MN-07. Blue Dog.
Earl Pomeroy, ND-AL.
Mike Ross, AR-04.
John Salazar, CO-03. Blue Dog.
David Scott, GA-13. DLC member. Blue Dog.
John Spratt, Jr., SC-05.
John Tanner, TN-08. DLC member. Blue Dog.
Gene Taylor, MS-04. Blue Dog.
Is there some peculiar aspect to the south that makes torture more palatable to them? I know Ben Nelson is going to screw us in the Senate, but I don’t want to see this bullshit from our southern Senators, Nelson of Florida, Pryor of Arkansas, and Landrieu of Louisiana.
Sherwood Brown WILL hear from me – as will Chuck Schumer. Hackett was the guy we needed for Ohio and they screwed him.
Harold Ford will also hear from me.
I will NEVER give a dime to these cowards, nor to the DSCC who cannot even keep their damn election pages up to date.
I am so pissed! The rest we will save the list and ask DFA to start looking for replacments starting Novmber 9th of THIS year for the NEXT election cycle.
Sherrod Brown.
And Brown is more progressive on many issues than Hackett was likely to be. But this is a cowardly act that will not be forgotten.
What is it with mr brown?! I thought from what I heard he was a good progressive. What the hell is going on?!
Fear of being “unpatriotic” in a close race against a repub incumbent.
Righ On!
As a citizen from the state of TN, I hang my head in shame. I should now by now to give any credit to anyone from this group here, to do the right thing. They are described as blue dog democrats, so that should give you all a clue as to the mindset of the ppl. I have always said Ford will be the next Lieberman. Just take my word for this. Listen to what he actually says and what he does. He has never had my respect and that is cause of the way he does in his position. Has nothing to do with race, creed or color or religion. It is simply because of his politics. I am Tanners district and I have had a few words with this man and his minion before and I have to say he needs to be taken out, period! As far as Davis goes, he is not in my district and I know little about him, but from what I have read, he is like all the rest of the blue dogs.
One thing I don’t want to hear is these Dems or their mouthpieces saying that their vote was due to a tight race. There is no good reason to support the undermining of the Constitution. And the worse, most venal, reason is to try and keep your sorry ass in Washington. If you are willing to support torture to keep your seat, your moral compass has been permanently demagnetized.
Will someone please tell me, again, why we should support these “effing” cowards?
Who sucked out their brains?
What a disgusting day.
The United States Constitution says that duly ratified treaties are the LAW OF THE LAND. Congress does not have POWER to give the president power to break a treaty! I think the law is unconstitutional on its face for this and many other reasons.
The Repuke rhetoric about the Hamdan decision is really chilling.
One good thing: I don’t see anybody on that list of shame from my home state of Maryland.
Yeah, that was my first reaction, to go look to see if there were any turncoats from Washington. Of course with Dems like Jay Inslee and Jim McDermott representing us, I didn’t think it was likely.
They’ve been doing it for centuries …
is still out there waiting to strike again. No it is not al qaeda! It is homegrown fanatics like:
What we don’t need are more fucking spineless cowards voting for bullshit like this. I can’t believe Brown stooped this low. I highly doubt Hackett would’ve sunk so low. It’s not in him. He’s a fighter. But hey, I barely knew anything about that OH race so I’ll unstick my nose from it.
Fuckers. The lot of ’em.
Is there some peculiar aspect to the south that makes torture more palatable to them?
ummm, enslaving dark-skinned people was entirely palatable to the South so you think just torturing dark-skinned people would be somehow unpalatable?
This was the final straw.
Quite frankly, if I wanted a Republican to represent me in DC, I’d vote for one.
Harold Ford, Jr. was a dicey proposition from the start simply by being the scion of a notoriously corrupt political dynasty. His efforts to out-Corker Corker in the race have left me in the uncomfortable position of being completely unwilling to vote for either the Republican or the Democrat. Even without this vote, he was already on TV trumpeting his support of the Patriot Act and playing the anti-immigrant card from inside of a church. Pass, thanks.
Landrieu and Nelson of Neb. voted against the Levin amendment.
Chaffee voted for it.
Inouye, Snowe (at funderal in Maine, per her office), and McCain (!!!!) did not vote.
There should be enough Dems to filibuster, damn it, and they better.
I cannot believe this will pass! But….
Note that John Salazar loves torture. That means Sen. Ken Salazar loves it too. Watch for Salazar to help gut the constitution soon.
Landrieu is controlled by Bush’s control of Katrina aid.
Bob Etheridge and Mike McIntyre are the Congressmen from Fort Bragg and are opposed by typical Bushie Republicans.
By contrast, Walter Jones, the Congressman from Camp Lejeune voted against torture. He is opposed by a ex-Marine Fighting Dem who has excellent name recognition in the district.
There is nothing about the South that makes torture more palatable. The problem is that no one down here knows that this bill is about torture; the media have totally framed the issue as one of defense against terrorism and have repeated many of the arguments you heard from the likes of Lindsay Graham: the Constitution only protects citizens of the US and detainees are not citizens; the military tribunal system has enough safeguards; these folks are dangerous…. The media bubble that the rest of the nation is in is particularly impenetrable in the South. Only indie free weeklies (and the blogs) provide information outside the bubble.
The real question is what is it about Republican politicians that makes them reach for torture as the first option. I remember and Amnesty International campaign in the 1980s in Charlotte. Rep. Sue Myrick was then the mayor. The campaign was to seek due process for Afghanis in extra-judiciary detention by the Soviets. We asked Mayor Myrick for a proclamation to help kick off this campaign; she delayed but did not actually refuse. This was a strange attitude then, and it presages this contempt for American values now. And incidentally, Rep. Myrick grew up in Toledo, Ohio.
now in orange.
I have only a question: what is a Blue Dog? Obviously a Democrat but where does the dog bit fit in?
Tim Holden is also a Blue Dog.
these idiots are so ignorant, blind, cowardly, and corrupt, that they don’t even realizing they are voting to surrender in their own fake war.
the problem is my progeny are being forced to surrender right along with that alcoholic kit bond
Is there some peculiar aspect to the south that makes torture more palatable to them?
Maybe, maybe not. It sure does make it hard to whip up the enthusiasm to keep calling and writing congresscritters and writing checks to the national party when we get lumped in with “them” every time liberals from other sections of the country can’t pull together a majority to thwart Southern conservatives.
Face it, the South could be 100% red and it wouldn’t matter a bit if the rest of the country was wasn’t also mostly red. The fact of the matter, though, is that the South is only a bit over 50% red, just like most red areas. Southern conservatives would have no one to collude with were it not for northern and western conservatives, so lay off the sectional superiority trip.
There was a time when liberals from the other sections actually contributed time, money, and blood to help Southern liberals effect change here. Unsurprisingly, things actually did change then, and they changed dramatically in ways that no one thought possible. In recent years, the Dem establishment has tried to follow a policy of ignoring the South altogether, and the result has been loss after loss after loss.
Frankly, I’m more than a little tired, as a Southerner, of having Dems from other parts of the country drag up images from a century and a half ago when it is northern and western Dems, with their fuck-the-south talk, who are effectively secessionists today. If you’re not willing to fight for each and every state, then maybe it’s y’all who need to make alternative arrangements. Southern liberals are fighting to win, and we can take our lumps without pissing on our neighbors, thankyouverymuch.
And for the record, considering that the precedent for suspension of habeas corpus goes back to the northern side of the Civil War, it might be worth bearing in mind that we all lost the Civil War, just as everyone loses in every civil ear, and pretty much every other kind of war, for that matter.