Fallen light poles? airplane scraps? big hole? little hole? battling widespread fire?
The .mil and .gov photos of the Pentagon on 9/11 show it all…or do they?  When clear evidence of fakery in the photos shows up…who’s to know what we’re looking at?
Some of the fakery even appears to have been perpetrated just for fun!  For starters I give you…the YIELD sign that doesn’t exist!  Or does it?
The closer shot includes a yield sign while the further back shot doesn’t.  Both photos taken from exactly the same angle.  Note the fire truck on the left, the spools in center and the mangled fencing on the right.
The orientation of the face of the building itself matches up perfectly in both shots too.
Playful sons of guns photoshopping.


So what’s going on here?  If there’s ONE piece of obvious fakery, odds are greatly in favor of more less obvious alterations going on.

How about those light poles?  Photoshopped in as fallen?
Lets look at the agreed upon flight path.


Keep in mind a 124 foot wingspan.
What are these poles doing standing in the flight path?



In the above photo the lamp on the pole on the right is directed
toward the building while the one on the left is toward the camera.

In the photo below the lamp on the right is directed to the right
while the one on the left is the same one as the pole on the right in
the above photo….the one that’s directed toward the building.



Between the two pictures there are 3 different poles…at least 2 of these poles very much appear to be within what is said to be the flight path.

Why put a pole right smack in the center of a photo?


Oh…and that yield sign prank?  Was it put there as a red flag?  Sort of a whistle blowing?
Another funny thing about it is the word on the sign has “D” as the second to last letter?  That’s not how you spell yield.

For more photo analysis take a walk through a series of Pentagon shots scrutinized with an eye for detail:


The photos I linked here can be found at:

Do a search for “pentagon”. It shows 50 photos at a time. Go 1400
photos in.