Fallen light poles? airplane scraps? big hole? little hole? battling widespread fire?
The .mil and .gov photos of the Pentagon on 9/11 show it all…or do they? When clear evidence of fakery in the photos shows up…who’s to know what we’re looking at?
Some of the fakery even appears to have been perpetrated just for fun! For starters I give you…the YIELD sign that doesn’t exist! Or does it?
The closer shot includes a yield sign while the further back shot doesn’t. Both photos taken from exactly the same angle. Note the fire truck on the left, the spools in center and the mangled fencing on the right.
The orientation of the face of the building itself matches up perfectly in both shots too.
Playful sons of guns photoshopping.
So what’s going on here? If there’s ONE piece of obvious fakery, odds are greatly in favor of more less obvious alterations going on.
How about those light poles? Photoshopped in as fallen?
Lets look at the agreed upon flight path.
Keep in mind a 124 foot wingspan.
What are these poles doing standing in the flight path?
In the above photo the lamp on the pole on the right is directed
toward the building while the one on the left is toward the camera.
In the photo below the lamp on the right is directed to the right
while the one on the left is the same one as the pole on the right in
the above photo….the one that’s directed toward the building.
Between the two pictures there are 3 different poles…at least 2 of these poles very much appear to be within what is said to be the flight path.
Why put a pole right smack in the center of a photo?
Oh…and that yield sign prank? Was it put there as a red flag? Sort of a whistle blowing?
Another funny thing about it is the word on the sign has “D” as the second to last letter? That’s not how you spell yield.
For more photo analysis take a walk through a series of Pentagon shots scrutinized with an eye for detail:
The photos I linked here can be found at:
Do a search for “pentagon”. It shows 50 photos at a time. Go 1400
photos in.
The light pole photos in the diary show there were 3 poles in succession along the area of the approach path.
The analysis in the following link shows there is no successive 3 pole combination after the event.
The next link asks some critical questions (if you feel nobody has a right to be critical of the “official” story, don’t click the link)
If, as the “official story would have us believe, the wings of flight 77 hit the poles going 500 mph why did the poles did not severely damage the wings?
And if the wings weren’t ripped to pieces by the poles, the full momentum behind them would have been transferred to the poles. Only one of two results are possible. Either the wings get sheared or the poles go flying a LONG distance.
But we’re led to believe that the impossible happened…the poles merely toppled over.
Or so the “official” photos would have us believe.
dude, your source is a kook that doesn’t believe we landed on the moon.
Dude, my source is the photos from the military.
how do you even know that? The guy doesn’t even provide a link.
Look at the body of my diary…click on the .mil links that I provide.
Check back here tomorrow evening and I’ll have more .mil photos that match his.
Did you take a look at the fake YIELD sign in the .mil photos?
Can you explain why it’s in one .mil photo and not in another .mil photo taken from the exact same angle but from a bit further back which gives a wider view of where the YIELD sign should be according to the first .mil photo but isn’t?
Look closely at the two photos involving the yield sign and its absence.
Look closely at the spools. Look closely at the fencing.
In the picture that has the man in the foreground you can see the left side of the fencing that is perpendicular to the building. That means the shot is taken from a few steps to the left of the other one. In it you can see the entire fire truck. The yield sign should be there.
Now look closer at the fencing. Notice that the objects to the right of the perpendicular section of fence appear FARTHER away from the fence than in the other picture. Consider the perspective…those objects should appear CLOSER to that piece of perpendicular fencing. There should be LESS space between the objects and the fence.
There’s so many perspective anomolies between those two photos it’s ridiculous. They were both heavily doctored.
And they’re both .mil
In the above, replace the word “right” for the word “left”
It should read:
In the picture that has the man in the foreground you can see the right side of the fencing that is perpendicular to the building. That means the shot is taken from a few steps to the right of the other one.
sheesh…the pictures are so screwy from a perspective viewpoint I can’t even tell right and left now…LOL!
why do you believe these are the pentagon pictures?
First of all, as stated in the body of the diary, they’re from here:
Second of all, when you access them from that Department of Defense Visual Information Center website….which has a .mil domain…you will see that the photographers credited are military personnel.
so go verify that the pics are the same.
The same what?
The first two pictures referenced in the diary are BOTH .mil photos.
BOTH are taken by the same photographer: Camera Operator: CPL JASON INGERSOLL, USMC
BOTH are DIFFERENT shots of the SAME foreground.
ONE shows a YIELD sign at the left edge of the frame and only the front portion of the fire truck beyond the yield sign and to the left.
The other DOESN’T show a yield sign but shows the ENTIRE fire truck. The YIELD sign should be MORE prominent in a photo that doesn’t show it AT ALL.
The pictures are altered BY THE MILITARY.
go find them on the .mil site.
I gotta ask.
Are you being purposely obtuse?
The links I used for the Yield sign/no Yield sign photos and for the light pole photos ARE .mil.
Might as well put this one up too.
Note the .gov domain.
This is a government photo:
The Shanksville crash scene:
Anything missing?
Also note the foreground area of the “gouge” is not freshly disturbed dirt. For how long had the “gouge” been already prepared?
THIS is what a Boeing 767 crash scene looks like:
Here is another photo of the shanksville site…on a .mil website.
The red truck is also in this one. There’s still smoke in the air so there’s not much time difference between the two.
In both pictures the truck is to the right of the gouge.
Look at the trees. They are leafless and burned in the .mil photo starting from 15 or 20 feet in front of the truck.
In the .gov photo the truck may or may not be in the same place but it is definitely NOT farther from the gouge. NO trees in front of the truck extending for at least 30 feet are leafless or burned ANYWHERE.
A third Shanksville photo. This one from the 911 Comission website.
With this one you’ll again have to use the lightening process I’ve described.
Note the men to the right of the gouge.
Note the trees…burned and leafless.
They are in approximately the same position as the red truck in this photo that shows NO BURNED TREES.
Actually this particular picture is from an inkjet print by Mark Stahl. http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/911/911-docphotos.html
It is from an online exhibit from the Library of Congress (thus the loc.gov domain) which contains thousands of photos, drawings, poems, eye-witness accounts, etc. that did not originate with “the government.”
too funny. And totally predictable.
That’s why I asked him to prove the photos were from the Pentagon’s release. He didn’t even try, just sent me a link so I could pour through photos of Rummy 50 at a time.
The Stahl photograph is the one that’s NOT doctored.
The government and military had no control over it.
The other two, which WERE produced by the government and the military ARE doctored.
sheez…you need to be able to see proof when it’s put right in front of you.
The first set of photos, w/wo the yeild sign, are taken from two significantly different angles. The best way to tell that is by the angles of the spools. The pic with the sign in it is taken from much further to the left, bringing the sign into the picture. The firemen are also in different positions in each pic, signifying two pics taken at distinctly different times. That explains the Police car in one, and not the other.
The other pics of the grass color differentiations don’t look photo shopped to me. It looks like a strip of new sod was layed in along the area where the guardrail used to be, as if the inner guardrail was removed and the grass replaced.
All the others I looked at were even less suspicious to me. The red firetruck was a little odd, but again, all of these pics appear to be taken from completely different angles, contrary to the the guy’s claims. The one that was really laughable was the claim of the shoe under the sidewalk. It showed nothing of the sort. I also looked very closely at all the shadows of each person, piece of equiptment, and debris. The positioning of the shadows were all consistent with each other.
Personally, I find it hard to believe that a passenger jet hit the Pentagon. But the evidence presented here does little or nothing to back up my suspicions.
Get a camera…look through the viewfinder and take note of any object that shows up on the left edge in the foreground. Look into the background at another object to see their relative positions.
Now…take a few steps back and to the right.
Aim the camera at that background object and then make sure to include more area to the left of that object.
This is the process the photographer went through from the yield sign photo to the no yield sign photo.
You will see that the foreground object necessarily is in the viewfinder and is closer to the center of the frame.
the guy is a nut.
As for Flight 77, here are the eyewitness accounts.
It’s more than convincing to me.
I thought only wingnuts needed to resort to ad hominem.
I have referenced .mil and .gov photos throughout this diary that have nothing to do with the guy against whom you would rather use character assassination.
Character assassination can be used against anybody…even, as is often the case, against eyewitnesses. And it’s well-known that eyewitness accounts are usually faulty. For every eyewitness who claims to have seen one thing, there’s another who claims to have seen something else.
Look at the Shanksville photos I’ve linked to. All .mil and .gov sites. None of them have anything to do with the guy you errantly think this diary is based on.
This is a guy that looks at shadows in pictures and determines that the Apollo landing was a grand hoax.
That’s his credibility. Zero. You site him, which greatly undermines your credibility.
He never explains why he thinks he has properly identified the triage site’s location. He provides no links to anything. I have no idea if he has photoshopped some of his pictures, or whether he has discovered photoshopping from .mil sites because he provides no links. Most of his conclusions are either dubious on their face or just not sustainable by the very pictures he posts.
On the on hand you have the eyewitness of dozens of people that saw a PLANE fly into the Pentagon. On the other you have a the ravings of the worst type of conspiracy theorists.
On the one hand, you have a Flight77 that took off was tracked on radar and that ended at the Pentagon, you have all the crew and passengers that were never seen again. On the other you have amateur physicists that attempt to describe what happens to the wings of a Boeing when its nose slams into the ground.
Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, killing everyone on board. Who flew the plane? Why wasn’t it intercepted? Why didn’t the Pentagon have or use antiaircraft batteries? Why didn’t the administration authorize the downing of the plane? Why did Rummy go outside and help the wounded instead of remaining in his command bumker and protecting the country?
Those are all good questions. Whether the plane crashed into the Pentagon is a complete distraction that no one takes seriously and pleases only the people that thereby escape scrutiny.
You are either forgetting or completely unaware of one thing concerning the Pentagon.
It is within a defined area of protected airspace. That airspace is guarded by FIVE AUTOMATED batteries of surface to air missiles.
There are only 2 ways to enter that airspace without being automatically targeted and fired upon.
Military aircraft have military transponders on them. These transponders transmit a US military friendly signal. Any aircraft without that transmission is, by definition, an enemy and targeted and fired upon.
The other way is for the automated system to be MANUALLY shut down.
American Airlines passenger jetliners DO NOT transmit on military frequencies. Flight 77s transponder was not on anyway.
The only conclusion, if American Airlines was miraculously piloted the way the “official” story would have us believe, is that the automated defense system guarding the Pentagon…THE most heavily defended site in the world…was shut down.
If, as OTHER eyewitnesses have reported, that the aircraft was much smaller than a 767 AND the automated defense system was in operation, the only conclusion is that whatever struck the Pentagon was transmitting a US military friendly transponder signal.
Either way…the government’s “official” story…which you seem to be so heavily invested in for some reason…is absolutely false and complicity from within the government is highly likely.
what are you talking about? Where is any link to that?
The law of the land did not allow for the Pentagon to automatically fire on any plane that came out of its flight path and into their airspace. They needed permission from the President and he was reading a children’s book and hightailing it to Louisiana.
Not a soul would fly into Reagan airport if the regulations you describe were in place.
You’re just making shit up.
I have studied 9/11 extensively and read every word of both the Congressional and the 9/11 Commisssion reports.
I have read hundreds of open source articles both pre and post-9/11.
There is nothing credible that I have ever read that says the Pentagon even had anti-aircraft batteries in place, let alone had standing orders to fire on passenger jets without explicit confirmation from the President.
That’s is simple bullshit.
It’s also laughable for you to accuse me of being invested in the official line. I’m not. I’m invested in keeping your eye on the ball. Detonation teams, remote control planes, cruise missiles, dozens of fabrictated eyewitness accounts, pseudoscience, etc., all of that is put into the pipeline to discredit anyone that actually DOES question the official line.
Seismology is not pseudoscience.
The physics of gravity is not pseudoscience.
Chemical analysis is not pseudoscience.
And what in the world does Reagan airport have to do with the protected airspace around the Pentagon?
Do you see mentioned in this diary anywhere that the protected airspace extends to the Reagan Airport??
Why would you resort to such an obvious straw man argument?
It’s not a strawman argument.
If a plane going into Reagan gets even slightly off course it will enter protected airspace, not only of the Pentagon, but other federal buildings.
There were no automated shootdown regulations. It’s an idiotic assumption, and one officer speculating means nothing.
She did not speculate. She stated it flat out.
Where in that article does it mention the protected airspace around the Pentagon?
It doesn’t.
Note that the words “protected” and “restricted” do not mean the same thing.
Now…to make it easier for you. Here is the Shanksville evidence of photo fraud having nothing to do with the “kook”.
Three different photos of the Shanksville site directly off government websites show why photographic evidence from the government cannot be trusted.
The Shanksville crash scene:
Beyond the trench where the plane allegedly crashed note the trees.
NO leafless trees. NO burnt trees. The area to the left of the red truck extends at least 30 feet and the truck is parked very near the right edge of the trench.
In this photo:
The red truck is also present. The disturbed ground at lower left shows that the truck is still parked to the right of the trench.
Note the trees. Within 10 or 15 feet of the front of the truck ALL the trees are very Burnt, Branchless and Leafless.
In this photo taken from a page on the 9/11 omission website:
there is a feature on PCs (Mac users probably have a similar feature)
that allows you to lighten the picture>>>>
How to lighten dark photos on your PC.
Left-click the image and hold the mouse button down.
Drag the cursor off the image to your browser’s background area off the web page.
(you may have to reduce the size of the page that the image is on to see a background area to drag the picture to)
Release the mouse button.
A new window with the image will come up.
This new window has brightness and contrast controls.
Brighten the image and again note the trees. The group of 3 men to the right are in almost the exact same spot as the red truck was in the first image above.
There is no way that the trees should appear undamaged in one photo while burnt and stripped of branches and leaves in others.
This is the second time I post this in reply to you.
Eyewitness accounts are analyzed and put in perspective in the Frozen Fish story. An excerpt is in the box, but check out the whole story. I also recommend you watch the infamous Pentagon Strike Video.
sorry. that is worse than the byproduct of an enema.
Tonite I’ll use it, study the byproduct, study my entry and let you know how they compare.
Wait til he sees what I have coming up on Jerome Hauer from Kroll Associates. Hauer, who on September 11th advised the White House to take Cipro, who also got John O’Neill the job at the WTC after the FBI unceremoniously yanked O’Niell from investigating OBL when that trail started him looking into Unocal, who also led Guilliani into a deal concerning West Nile virus just before it appeared in NYC, who also was involved with advising on planning the creation of the New York OEM headquarters, "the bunker," on the 23rd floor of 7 World Trade Center.
Hauer is as uniquely connected in his own way as William Schneider Jr.
Since booman put up that story about anthrax a few days ago because it was in the news again, I figure it’s time to get Hauer’s name more well-known again.
And how come booman doesn’t address the Shanksville photos? Or any of the other .mil and .gov photos here?
Why are we seeing responses more typical of wingnut trolls? Non-sequiturs, ad hominems, vulgarity, straw man, avoiding the subject.
because you are using ridiculous sources and making asinine arguments. I don’t give a fuck about some Shanksville photos of burning trees. What’s your theory of Flight 93 now? That the plane was assumpted up into heaven to live by the left hand of God?
Once again, the issue with Flight 93 is whether or not it was shot down, not whether it was commanded by Arabs. That has been proven conclusively.
When you show me something interesting that actually contributes to the debate I’ll let you know.
Right now you are just using the shotgun approach to see what will stick to the wall. I sympathize, but you accomplish nothing by spreading stupid rumors. You do the opposite of what you hope to do. You discredit yourself and you discredit people that actually do serious research, like Real History Lisa. http://www.realhistoryarchives.com
There’s no rumor in any of the scientific evidence I’ve presented.
Seismology is not rumor nor is it "junk science".
The physics of gravity and conservation of energy is not rumor nor is it "junk science".
When the evidence is spread across the entire spectrum of the event, it’s not a "shotgun" approach to point it all out individually as I have done.
And remember…whenever you yourself have mentioned WTC 7 all you’ve had to say about it is "setting WTC 7 aside…"
Why set it aside? Because, when it’s NOT "set aside" it calls the whole "official" story into question?
If you’re so sure witness reports are valid, I’ll give you one fact about witness reports that can’t be ignored. There are NO witness reports that multiple huge explosions were NOT heard at the WTC. ALL witnesses referring to what was heard report explosions from before the planes struck throught the time until just before the towers disintegrated.
The "official" story is so obviously false from one end to the other, why would ANYONE try to stick to it unless they were somehow invested in it?
Your whole approach is wrong. First you used the FAA’s radar and seismoloogy to try to prove the WTC attacks involved bombs prior to impact of planes. Then you totally dismiss FAA radar to imply no plane hit the Pentagon. That’s just a lack of intellectual integrity.
You have one comment by one low level officer in the Pentagon. She answers a question that is fed to her. She probably isn’t in a position to know, and you take that as the Holy Bible. But I have never seen proof that the Pentagon even had anti-aircraft batteries. And even if they did, which they obviously should, there is no way in hell that the standing rules and regulations would allow for them to be set to automatically down a passenger jet that gets off course and comes into their airspace. If they did, they would probably down a plane every few years.
Then you give me Library of Congress photos and claim they are government issued and doctored photographs. Why would I take you seriously when you are so sloppy and illogical?
As for the rest of your faulty observations:
I did not dismiss FAA radar to imply that no plane hit the Pentagon.
Something hit the Pentagon and I have made no statements as to what I think it was.
The "low level officer" had the clearance to be in a position to know. You are making an assumption that she "probably" did not know.
She had the clearance to know and did not equivocate in her answer in any way. The qyuestion was crystal clear and so was her answer.
And saying they would "probably" shoot down planes every few years is just a statement you make out of thin air.
The photo from the Library of Congress was taken by a civilian who arrived at the scene early. That photo was not in the posession of the military or the government.
The fact that <i>that</i> photo differs markedly from others which <i>were</i> handled by the gov. or military is the significance.
I agree that 93 was shot down.
But that’s not the only issue.
How were cellphone calls made from the plane when it was impossible to do so at the time?
The phonecalls are the only "evidence" that Arabs were on any of the planes.
Since cellphone calls were impossible, that "evidence" is seriously dubious.
My God. Every one of those calls has been traced back to one of the seat phones. You can even find out what row they were made from. I am not going to look for the link this moment, but if you doubt me you can find the information very quickly through one of the sites you led me to the other day. It is the one with evidence from the Moussaoui trial.
Do you mean that the guy who’s call is said to have come from the bathroom was from a seat phone?
And do you mean that a government that lies about everything is to be believed because they claim to have traced EVERY call to a seat phone?
And do you mean that the callers who said they were calling from their cellphones couldn’t tell the difference between a seat phone and their own cellphones?
Some bathrooms have phones too, but I don’t remember seeing that one of the calls on Flight 93 came from the bathroom.
If you want to impress me that you are a serious researcher, do a diary on every phone call you can find from each plane, and then correlate it to the evidence supplied in the ZM trial. Find the discrepencies.
I do not this. Flight 93 had about 80% of the calls.
You mean the government’s evidence?
The same government that lies about everything and keeps the rest secret from the people?
The same government that waved around the yellow-cake forgeries as proof?
Pretty much says it all. If you don’t want to do any work, then you aren’t serious about the issue.
yeah, that’s conclusive because no one said they saw a particular model of aircraft? Whatever. Yeah, if I saw a massive jet coming over my head the first thing I’d do would be to take a picture and then google it to see what model of plane it was before talking to the media.
That’s the jist of the argument? That because not one of them said “it was an AA 757” they didn’t see flight 77? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
Man oh man, I really wish all this disinfo wasn’t spread by folks so we could actually talk about stuff like WTC7, the put options, and the mysterously unscathed passport that fluttered down from the burning buildings.
How to lighten dark photos on your PC.
Left-click the photo and hold the mouse button down.
Drag the cursor off the photo to your browser’s background area off the web page.
(you may have to reduce the size of the page that the photo’s on to get a background area to drag the picture to)
Release the mouse button.
A new window with the photo will come up.
This new window has brightness and contrast controls.
Put these two .gov photos up in separate windows.
Drag the first picture (01748v) to your browser’s background and lighten it.
Look at the reflector post standing in front of the guardrail to the right of the fallen lamp post. You can see it is standing perfectly upright…perpendicular to the guardrail.
Now do the same for 01749v.
Look at that SAME reflector post.
It’s clearly leaning to the left.
Now keep 1749v handy and lighten the following .gov picture:
Look closely at the spools.
You can see that the photographer moved slightly to the right after taking 1749v to take 1750v because you can now see the right side of the spool on the left in 1750v.
Now look at the small spool in both pictures. In 1750v it’s orientation is farther to the right than it is in 1749v. That orientation should be farther to the left.
Do not trust the “official” photos.
They’ve been altered.
You got nada here and I’m a 9/11 CT believer.
Just the poles alone is so patently ridiculous to discredit everything you’re saying.
Look at the ground in the first picture and where the pole is in relation to the curb. Then look at the photo you claim shows the same two poles but facing different directions. The guy took the shot from a different angle and didn’t capture the pole closest to the curb/ intersection in the second one but DID capture the next pole over that wasn’t in the first shot… the pole across the street.
Now, in terms of why they weren’t destroyed when the plane hit? Well, you can’t get a good judgment of distance based on the angle of this photographs and it could just be that the wingspan missed them because they were far enough away… now, if you ask me why the explosion didn’t bust their lightbulbs you may be on to something. But in any case it’s not a discussion that could happen when you present photographic evidence that doesn’t prove anything and to anyone looking with an open mind makes your whole case suspect.
Don’t get down on Boo for this, he’s a CT’er himself, but man, this shit is just sad and not factual at all.
If you can explain how all the downed poles, after being hit by a massive object going 500 mph, managed to resist being thrown 100s of feet, then there would be no need to examine the photos. Either their appearance in the photos was from photoshop or somebody planted them before the photos were taken.
I can’t imagine people walking around the scene carrying light poles or knocking them down, so I’ll lean toward photoshop which is a lot less labor intensive.
Hey, like I said, I believe it. But trying to make the case this way is counterproductive. I think there are a lot of things that don’t make sense and I’ve just spent the last 2 hours pouring over those pics on the 911studies site and damn, that stuff about the nissan and the SUV (btw, the original green one is a jeep cherokee and it looks like the second one is a dodge or chrysler mini-van) is tight. But the guy doesn’t present his case well either (visually – he needs a graphic designer to help him with the layout so it’s easier to tell at first glance, etc.)
But there are also some things that are just guesses and that photos etc. don’t conclusively prove. SO to present those and then yell that we don’t get it doesn’t help things along much.
The intent of the diary wasn’t to yell “you don’t get it”.
It was to show that the “official’ story contains lies right down to the photographs they use.
The “official” story likes to rely on photos that show the generally well-known scrap of aluminum as some kind of “proof” that it was a Boeing 757 that hit the Pentagon. But when the photos aren’t legit, that’s one piece of “evidence’ that’s less than credible.
Anyway, I just think it’s strange that Booman gathers the government’s histories of the hijackers together and doesn’t doubt what they are saying along that line but he’ll doubt numerous government claims about any number of other things. The point of doing something independently is to NOT rely on what the government says.
Stuff like Atta’s affiliation to the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft.
Maybe it’s the Clinton connection to the CDG that keeps Booman sticking so closely to certain elements of the “official” story…or something…who knows.