The first time I read it I had the same reaction a classroom of boys has when some one mentions a gender specific painful fall on the monkey bars or bicycle: grimaces and crossed legs.
Morning all. And thanks for reminding me to get some slug bait, as the nasty little buggers have already started chewing (can you chew without teeth?) on the newly planted strawberries.
It’s supposed to get up to 15C/59F today. Woohoo. Time to break out the shorts. 😉
After long bouts of writhing and pulling, the pair may resort to … apophallation. Translated, this means that one slug gnaws off the penis of the other.
First you have me searching the internet for pics of men in lycra, and now this.
Yes, I used my many governmental contacts to arrange the repatriation of spinach for your birthday. I was going to work on world peace, but your birthday was more important 🙂
Let’s just say you bring out my creative side. When I said earlier that I wasn’t getting much work done it was b/c I was thinking up haiku for you … more enjoyable then work. 🙂
I just want you to know how much I appreciate your wonderful photos … and you too of course 😉
That photo was my miracle shot — I took it with my old low res camera and it’s an order of magnitude better than any other picture I ever took with that camera.
from one very tired pseudo-student. If I was ever elected President (har har), one of my first acts would be to ban homework on weekends…
In a bit of discomfort — was in the library at lunch when I turned left, but my lower body went right, so tweaked my lower back just a bit. Actually it hurts like Hades, so as soon as the spouse gets in from the car I’m going to take a hot shower, have him massage something warm and soothing (most likely Absorbine Jr.) into it, put on my nightgown and veg for the night.
Good news is I think I’ll actually make it through Econ without having to drop it — the teacher is quite listenable, and the text is fairly readable (the author has a bit of a quirky sense of humor, and it shows).
Off to the shower…hope everyone has a great evening, and that Andi had/has a great birthday… 🙂
The bar is open! Newcomers and lurkers come on in to the party.
Heh. I noticed it immediately.
And this is supposed to be a surprise? 😛
Shit – now there are no more surprises about me. I’m a scary pervert who’s into slimy slug sex.
into slimy slug sex
You do have some very good redeeming qualities. 🙂
try saying slimy slug sex three times fast.
That sounds like something that would take effort.
I’ll just think it.
You tried and failed.
I got half way through the second time and I got tired, so I stopped.
Halfway through the second time? That’s great for a man of your age who smokes and has had heart surgery.
I know! Thinking becomes so much harder the older you get. Hah! Ain’t going there. 🙂
Did you mean “more difficult”?
Nope, thank god somethings haven’t change with age. 😛
I probably shouldn’t vote … cause I saw it for sure
No no, we’re not talking about the pic of you and Jim.
Go ahead and vote. Just think, how many times in your life will you ever get to vote about slug sex. 🙂
Big oops – I thought you were Andi! Sorry O, didn’t mean to imply anything!
Geeze, I was going to start yelling for pics. 🙂
of slug sex but with you’re heart I think you’d want to skip anything as scary as pics of geezer sex.
Geezer sex. Andi I am a geezer. Plus I think mature women are very beautiful.
I think knowing about slug sex is scary. 🙂
Thanks SN.
And one for you. 🙂
I don’t know – that opossum is too ugly for me.
I thought the opossum was the cute one.
I thought you’d at least like her….oh nevermind, that was too dirty even for me to write.
Slug sex?
Andi just has her arm around me.
I notice we can’t see your lower halves.
apparently you have a deluded notion of our athleticism.
Let me have my dreams, Andi. Not that I dream about you and Jim, mind you.
If we’d had slug sex, there’d be nothing left to see there.
Jim don’t read what happens during slug sex!
It could get nasty. 🙂
The first time I read it I had the same reaction a classroom of boys has when some one mentions a gender specific painful fall on the monkey bars or bicycle: grimaces and crossed legs.
Same here. I think the first time I read about it was before I got to know you and Andi. I was thinking her poor husband.
Morning all. And thanks for reminding me to get some slug bait, as the nasty little buggers have already started chewing (can you chew without teeth?) on the newly planted strawberries.
It’s supposed to get up to 15C/59F today. Woohoo. Time to break out the shorts. 😉
Imogen/myriad forgot to logout.
Hi keres.
The shorts should be coming out next week I guess.
and it’s the first day since May I haven’t worn shorts.
Just another amazing nothern/southern hemisphere reverses.
Yep. It sounds like we are right on the “swap” cusp.
I’m sure looking forward to summer, and so is Albert (who’s currently tucked up under the kitchen table conserving his body heat).
what slug sex?
Hi Andi.
How’s the birthday princess.
To think she would grow up to become the Dr. Ruth of slug sex. 🙂
make you think of that picture?
Nope I’ve just been wanting to use it all day. 🙂
I figured the slime trails made you think of the drool on my chin.
Now that you bring it up…….
First you have me searching the internet for pics of men in lycra, and now this.
Oh, penis schmenis, they’re highly overrated anyway. Might as well bite it off.
Highly overrated for who?
Don’t be talkin no Bobbit around here. 🙂
As a lesbian, I think I’ll decline further comment.
And I’ll save you for the ‘men in lycra’ search — it’s an olympics-only obsession (I’m dedicated to luge and skeleton).
Happy Birthday again oh captain of the cafe 🙂
Did you have a nice day?
Spinach is back on the market just in time for the Berghoff.
The cafes were very distracting — it’s a good time I don’t have to bill in 6 minute increments.
Yes, I used my many governmental contacts to arrange the repatriation of spinach for your birthday. I was going to work on world peace, but your birthday was more important 🙂
you can do world peace then. In 6 minute increments.
Hi mary.
Hi FM!
Already dreaming about your next vacation?
Good to see you home earlier tonight … unless your b-ing from work.
I’m home. I’m getting ready to go out though. Fun, not work this time 🙂
I think your birthday graphic was a HUGE success!
Have fun!
Haiku for you … 🙂
Ooh, pretty!
that’s really excellent — you going into the poster biz?
Let’s just say you bring out my creative side. When I said earlier that I wasn’t getting much work done it was b/c I was thinking up haiku for you … more enjoyable then work. 🙂
I just want you to know how much I appreciate your wonderful photos … and you too of course 😉
Mushiness muchly appreciated. Haiku too.
That photo was my miracle shot — I took it with my old low res camera and it’s an order of magnitude better than any other picture I ever took with that camera.
about time the rodent showed up
you’re calling me a rodent, because the last time someone called MarmotDude that, he gnawed off their…
This has been a special edition of FBL MadLibs.
and shame on me for not getting here myself.
How’s the week going so far?
let’s put it this way, I’m not opposed to getting trashed enough to make the lampshade dance a reality tonight O:)
Happy Birthday again!
Hey Manny, getting trashed and lampshade dancing sounds good.
or not — several sheets to the wind every now and again isn’t such a bad thing.
i’ll be back soon, gotta finish up a few things here so I can get my keister home.
…to AndiF on her birthday!!!!!
it’s not everyday that someone is willing to be in pain to wish me a happy birthday.
Welcome, and this counts for the next 364, pain or no!
It’s good too see you … 🙂
I’ve been working hard on my lurking skills…. LOL!
Helllllooooo MM.
Think of me next time you take a nap!
Nap number 1 tomorrow will be for MM. 🙂
Yep been trying to get things ready to take another trip to the city tomorrow.
Who won the game?
Sorry, forgot who I was. 🙂
Isn’t that some dinky team up in Canada. 🙂
sure … 😛
No comment huh. 🙂
I’m going to open a 24/7.
Back in a minute.
from one very tired pseudo-student. If I was ever elected President (har har), one of my first acts would be to ban homework on weekends…
In a bit of discomfort — was in the library at lunch when I turned left, but my lower body went right, so tweaked my lower back just a bit. Actually it hurts like Hades, so as soon as the spouse gets in from the car I’m going to take a hot shower, have him massage something warm and soothing (most likely Absorbine Jr.) into it, put on my nightgown and veg for the night.
Good news is I think I’ll actually make it through Econ without having to drop it — the teacher is quite listenable, and the text is fairly readable (the author has a bit of a quirky sense of humor, and it shows).
Off to the shower…hope everyone has a great evening, and that Andi had/has a great birthday… 🙂
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe here