(cross-posted at Deny My Freedom and Daily Kos)

Some of these “Democrats” are up for re-election right now. Because it’s too late for it, bring a vomit bag with you to the voting booth this November (except for one of them, where you have a real choice).

But there is no excuse for voting for torture. I don’t care about party loyalty when it comes to an issue that goes straight to the core of human rights and moral leadership. There are some things you cannot abrogate. This is one such issue.

Below the fold, you will see 11 “Democrats” (and 1 ‘independent Democrat’). Next cycle, every one of them deserves a primary challenge. Don’t forget that today, they voted to abandon moral decency and the essence of our humanity. Whether it’s in 2, 4, or 6 years, each and every one of these people must have a primary challenge. Voting for this bill goes beyond politics. It shows a clear moral flaw.

Senator Tom Carper, Delaware

Senator Tim Johnson, South Dakota

Senator Mary Landrieu, Louisiana

Senator Frank Lautenberg, New Jersey

Senator Joe Lieberman, Connecticut

Senator Robert Menendez, New Jersey

Senator Bill Nelson, Florida

Senator Ben Nelson, Nebraska

Senator Mark Pryor, Arkansas

Senator Jay Rockefeller, West Virginia

Senator Ken Salazar, Colorado

Senator Debbie Stabenow, Michigan


I don’t give a damn that politicians like Ben Nelson and Tim Johnson may be the only kind of Democrats who can serve in these deeply Republican states. Max Baucus, Kent Conrad, Byron Dorgan – they live in equally red states, and they voted against the bill. That argument holds absolutely no water this time around.

Contact your senator if they are on the list above. Notify them that when their next election after this year rolls around, they will be facing a primary challenge. Do not try to rationalize their votes, because there is none.

There is never a good enough explanation to legalize torture.