Well, we went to see the musical Bombay Dreams last weekend and my granddaghter liked it so much we’re thinking about taking her again. The theater has this deal where if you show up at the box office on the day of the show with $20 and a ticket stub from a previous performance in your hand, you can get a ticket to that day’s performance.
We haven’t decided for sure yet, but it’s something we’d like to do.
This is live Broadway theater, which is mighty pricey. We up have an arrangement with our octegenarian friend, who loves to go to the theater and has the means to do so but hates going by herself. She buys the tickets to the musicals, and we buy tickets to the stage productions at our neighborhood theater (for which we pay about $20 each).
I’ve never been to a live Broadway theater production. I had a friend from NYC that told me of going to them and the ticket prices seemed outrageous then and this was the mid 80’s.
I think the arrangement with your friend sounds great. It’s mutually beneficial for you both.
They’re pretty pricey — you are, after all, paying for a full complement of (hopefully) Union actors, musicians, stagehands, etc., plus the cost of moving the production around the country if it’s a touring company (probably about equals the cost of putting it on in New York if you’re not) — but it’s like going to any other live event (opera, rock concerts, the symphony) as opposed to seeing the same event on TV or listening to it on CD or on the radio. It’s a completely different experience.
Two of my brothers and my sister have seen broadway productions in NYC before, and they were telling me about them. Maybe one day I’ll go ahead and see one.
We have a small college that puts on productions. I’m going to have to break down sometime and go to one of them.
I think my sister is going with friends this weekend to a production in B’ham. She said it was a broadway production, but I’ve got to get the name from her.
I always did like my daughters plays. Who knows, I might get up off my duff and see a college play. 🙂
Depending on where you live, there could be productions all over, some of which are pretty cheap as theater goes. For instance we have a well-respected Gilbert and Sullivan society here in Seattle that does one of the 14 G&S operettas every year, and they’ve won awards doing it. (Dave Ross, talk show host and Democratic Congressional candidate in 2004, regularly does the “little man” roles.) We have a live theater about a quarter of a mile from our house that does both new works and classics. Their current production is Shaw’s “Arms and the Man”; they’ve done stuff all the way from Shakespeare to “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.”
It’s just a matter of doing a little digging to see what’s available. Which, of course, is something you can do while you’re slacking, because it usually doesn’t involve much more than reading the newspaper.
This weekend I’m going to teach my cat to drink scalding hot black coffee right out of her water bowl, make a decent Bloody Mary, play the bassoon and hunt ponies with a bow. I’m not going to take any more of this lounging around like a cat from her. I’ve had it right up to my freaking eyeballs with that crap.
Quite clearly you’ve never heard a house cat play a double reed instrument before. You can tell me that there is a sweeter sound, but I will not believe you.
I would never be one to disparage feline musicians. However, my cat isn’t as talented and only knows how to pee on laundry baskets and my bed. She does show a certain talent for that. 🙂
I have to admit that I’ve never heard a cat play a double-reed instrument before. I have, however, heard cats singing at three in the morning. I hope their bassoon technique is better.
I have also heard “Kitten on the Keys,” but that’s a different subject altogether.
I should loan you my dogs — they would be delighted to dig holes for you, though they do require that a chipmunk, squirrel, or mole have been in the vicinity so they can pretend they have a reason to dig.
Yep we went to the doctor and got back a little over an hour ago. The doctor is pretty cool. After he got through examining FMom he and I talked about three time longer about the history of this area. The getting ready and movement has gotten FMom’s shoulder hurting and she’s trying to take a nap right now. Since I’ve got her settled I’m not to far from a nap myself. 🙂
He gave her another script for something for pain and said to come back in 3 weeks. He said with a break like this it takes 3 weeks for the healing process to just begin. He said everything is lining up now and in about 3 more weeks it should be fused together enough to start PT. I see her having a hard time for about 6 month.
I’m sorry but there are standards which have lasted for millennia for the very good reason that they are absolutely right and not putting shells on things is one of them.
Then you probably don’t want to know that I have rocks as decorative pieces on shelves. Agates and pink granite and smooth black river rocks from…the Rocky River, natch.
Shells and rocks are fine, just so long as you aren’t gluing them to anything (I guess I didn’t point out my little collection of rocks around the base of the monitor).
The boys and I had dinner on the boardwalk of some sandwichy type place that turns swanky and 3x the price for dinner but I didn’t know that. And I was COLD – and loved it!
I’m enjoying finally being able to turn off the AC and have cool breezes blowing through the bedroom window. Now if I could just get Hopeful Jr. off the bed so I could enjoy my last night of solitude.
for a few hours tomorrow and then I’m heading up to the Phoenix area for a b-day party for my goddaughter’s brother. I bought a pinata earlier and may have gone overboard with the candy – it weighs at least 20 lbs.
a traditional estrella-type (star-shaped) with images of the movie Cars on both sides. That’s the theme of the party. I thought about getting the Cinderella one, he would’ve enjoyed beating it up but that would’ve traumatized all the little girls.
I can’t look at him w/out picturing his big floppy mouth … so forget any romantic/dramatc type roles … as soon as he starts to smile I think, there it goes! 🙂
so the definition of irony is that I write a post yesterday at my blog full of livid anger declaring that the political process is dead, and….the Az Dem Party publishes it as part of their news roundup to party insiders. Gotta luv it.
it just means that I got a couple of emails today asking if I’d be willing to help them spread some hit pieces on JDHayworth(less) regarding mass deportation calls. I obliged 🙂
What’s everybody up to this weekend?
Hello lo lo lo. Big echo in here.
That’s OK, I declare it vodka:30 and it appears I’m the only one drinking.
Well, we went to see the musical Bombay Dreams last weekend and my granddaghter liked it so much we’re thinking about taking her again. The theater has this deal where if you show up at the box office on the day of the show with $20 and a ticket stub from a previous performance in your hand, you can get a ticket to that day’s performance.
We haven’t decided for sure yet, but it’s something we’d like to do.
Hi Omir. You mean you’ve got to pay more than $20 for a theater ticket? Man things are expensive. 🙂
This is live Broadway theater, which is mighty pricey. We up have an arrangement with our octegenarian friend, who loves to go to the theater and has the means to do so but hates going by herself. She buys the tickets to the musicals, and we buy tickets to the stage productions at our neighborhood theater (for which we pay about $20 each).
Hey, everybody has their little vices.
I’ve never been to a live Broadway theater production. I had a friend from NYC that told me of going to them and the ticket prices seemed outrageous then and this was the mid 80’s.
I think the arrangement with your friend sounds great. It’s mutually beneficial for you both.
They’re pretty pricey — you are, after all, paying for a full complement of (hopefully) Union actors, musicians, stagehands, etc., plus the cost of moving the production around the country if it’s a touring company (probably about equals the cost of putting it on in New York if you’re not) — but it’s like going to any other live event (opera, rock concerts, the symphony) as opposed to seeing the same event on TV or listening to it on CD or on the radio. It’s a completely different experience.
Two of my brothers and my sister have seen broadway productions in NYC before, and they were telling me about them. Maybe one day I’ll go ahead and see one.
We have a small college that puts on productions. I’m going to have to break down sometime and go to one of them.
They’re great, FM, you should go. I even like high school productions.
My daughter saw Wicked in NYC last year and loved it.
I think my sister is going with friends this weekend to a production in B’ham. She said it was a broadway production, but I’ve got to get the name from her.
I always did like my daughters plays. Who knows, I might get up off my duff and see a college play. 🙂
It’s a good, cheap way to get some cultcha.
I have plenty of cultcha. Mud wrestling is very high brow. 🙂
And it’s fully compliant with slacking — you sit in a comfy seat and watch other people work.
It’s beginning to sound good. 🙂
Gotta run and start dinner. Fmom is up.
See ya’ll later.
Depending on where you live, there could be productions all over, some of which are pretty cheap as theater goes. For instance we have a well-respected Gilbert and Sullivan society here in Seattle that does one of the 14 G&S operettas every year, and they’ve won awards doing it. (Dave Ross, talk show host and Democratic Congressional candidate in 2004, regularly does the “little man” roles.) We have a live theater about a quarter of a mile from our house that does both new works and classics. Their current production is Shaw’s “Arms and the Man”; they’ve done stuff all the way from Shakespeare to “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.”
It’s just a matter of doing a little digging to see what’s available. Which, of course, is something you can do while you’re slacking, because it usually doesn’t involve much more than reading the newspaper.
This weekend I’m going to teach my cat to drink scalding hot black coffee right out of her water bowl, make a decent Bloody Mary, play the bassoon and hunt ponies with a bow. I’m not going to take any more of this lounging around like a cat from her. I’ve had it right up to my freaking eyeballs with that crap.
It seems like a very bad idea to simultaneously piss off your cat and teach her to use a weapon.
You may have a point there. Maybe I’ll hold off on the weapons training for a week or two.
I’d bet on the cat taking to the weapon quickly.
The Bloody Mary sounds good. As for the rest, nah. 🙂
Quite clearly you’ve never heard a house cat play a double reed instrument before. You can tell me that there is a sweeter sound, but I will not believe you.
I would never be one to disparage feline musicians. However, my cat isn’t as talented and only knows how to pee on laundry baskets and my bed. She does show a certain talent for that. 🙂
I have to admit that I’ve never heard a cat play a double-reed instrument before. I have, however, heard cats singing at three in the morning. I hope their bassoon technique is better.
I have also heard “Kitten on the Keys,” but that’s a different subject altogether.
Just ducked in from digging postholes-i’ll have a hard cider please.
Cider coming up. Postholes? What are you diggin… of course you’re digging postholes to put post in, but what project is this?
I should loan you my dogs — they would be delighted to dig holes for you, though they do require that a chipmunk, squirrel, or mole have been in the vicinity so they can pretend they have a reason to dig.
Hi Andi. How’s you day going so far?
Pretty good now that it’s almost gone.
Do I recall correctly that you had to take FMom to the doctor today?
Yeah it is almost over. I didn’t even notice. 🙂
Yep we went to the doctor and got back a little over an hour ago. The doctor is pretty cool. After he got through examining FMom he and I talked about three time longer about the history of this area. The getting ready and movement has gotten FMom’s shoulder hurting and she’s trying to take a nap right now. Since I’ve got her settled I’m not to far from a nap myself. 🙂
So I guess I was hanging around in the closed cafe because no one told me you all were here. Do I smell or something?
Hi SN. How’re you doing today?
BTW please stand down wind. 😛
What a funny little man you are.
How did the doc visit go? Did Mom get new meds?
I try. 🙂
He gave her another script for something for pain and said to come back in 3 weeks. He said with a break like this it takes 3 weeks for the healing process to just begin. He said everything is lining up now and in about 3 more weeks it should be fused together enough to start PT. I see her having a hard time for about 6 month.
So what new thing has HJ torn up so far?
A picture frame that I had hot-glued a bunch of seashells on. But stay tuned – her crazy period is evening.
Aren’t puppies great!
It’s to bad sometimes they can’t go from the puppy stage to the laid back stage in one day.
Yeah, I went from puppy stage to laid back at the age of 20 when I got married. And it’s been a life of luxury and slackdom ever since. 😉
Hey wait a minute, that sounds like my life. No, the luxury was never there and the slackdom I was born with. 🙂
I went and closed the morning cafe to prevent any more lost souls so your pain wasn’t for naught.
A picture frame that I had hot-glued a bunch of seashells on.
I’m with HJ on this one.
:::sniff:::it had very sentimental feelings attached to it. And I swear it wasn’t garish. I have very good taste.
I’m sorry but there are standards which have lasted for millennia for the very good reason that they are absolutely right and not putting shells on things is one of them.
She lives near the coast. They have to think of something to do with all those shells. 🙂
Then you probably don’t want to know that I have rocks as decorative pieces on shelves. Agates and pink granite and smooth black river rocks from…the Rocky River, natch.
Shells and rocks are fine, just so long as you aren’t gluing them to anything (I guess I didn’t point out my little collection of rocks around the base of the monitor).
So the shell-encrusted shawl I’m making you for Hanukkah is a total waste of time?
Any kind of shawl for me would be a waste of time. But you can give the shawl to whomever FM can get to wear the princess clothes.
And here I thought the princess hat suited you so nicely. 🙂
Hello Manny. How’s the head feeling today?
the lone holdout in the pain department, the free cheesecake at a luncheon I attended was a good start to recovery tho.
Cheesecake is always a good start for anything. 🙂
I’m ready to kick-back something.
That’s the most action I’ve seen in weeks. And weeks.
How do you find these photo opportunities? 🙂
Obviously she sprays her yard with bug pheromones.
How are you? Doesn’t look like you guys ever did happy hour or random 10 tonight?
I’ve been gone mostly, but it looks like the same cafe from early afternoon.
Did you go out and have a social life?
My best friend came over. We killed a bottle of wine while she listened to me bitch. It’s good to have friends 🙂
Wine makes me cry more than bitch. I think of all the people who don’t love me but should.
but not tonight.
Where did you go tonight? Anyplace fun?
The boys and I had dinner on the boardwalk of some sandwichy type place that turns swanky and 3x the price for dinner but I didn’t know that. And I was COLD – and loved it!
you’re so easy to please 🙂
It’s cold here tonight. In the 50’s.
but I don’t take pictures of flowers …
It’s the herbs I’m worried about … I’m thinking of putting an old blanket over them.
at least, it works for my friends who grow herbs. I have a brown thumb and don’t even try. 🙁
a brown thumb too 😉
I’m enjoying finally being able to turn off the AC and have cool breezes blowing through the bedroom window. Now if I could just get Hopeful Jr. off the bed so I could enjoy my last night of solitude.
Pile all your rolls of tp in the corner of the bedroom and maybe she crawl up in them … that is if you have enough left … 🙂
All it takes is a litte insect sex to bring out the cafe lurkers … 😉 … Andi has obviously learned this long ago.
So what’s up? Anything exciting … SN, what has SN eaten since the sea shell picture frame … 🙂
Another half roll of TP and some cat crap from the litter box. Yum. 🙂
I was thinking how smart she is. But she ate them in the wrong order.
Maybe you could train her to drink some mouthwash after she eats the cat crap.
“Pardon me, but you do have any…banaca?” [/bad Ace Ventura immitation]
I’ve actually never seen Ace Ventura. Hard to believe, I know. My education is lacking.
And how are you this fine Friday night? Do you have to work this weekend?
for a few hours tomorrow and then I’m heading up to the Phoenix area for a b-day party for my goddaughter’s brother. I bought a pinata earlier and may have gone overboard with the candy – it weighs at least 20 lbs.
Better find a really strong tree branch.
thinking we may need a steel bat. I got this in the heart of south Tucson so it’s…..sturdy.
What kind of pinata … as in shape?
a traditional estrella-type (star-shaped) with images of the movie Cars on both sides. That’s the theme of the party. I thought about getting the Cinderella one, he would’ve enjoyed beating it up but that would’ve traumatized all the little girls.
sort of like this
two more appendages and it would look like a spider 😉
I’m getting a lot of amusement imagining him beating the crap out of cinderella and all the little girls crying 🙂
why I like you 🙂
As for the spider bit, all I have to do is visit olivia’s blog to get my fill of those
That’s what I thought too … funky spider.
But I think some girls would appreciate giving cinderella a couple whacks … 😉
and … she gave us all a complex 🙂
that uncle Manny is going to be very popular. Although, isn’t it harder to break if it’s fuller?
it’s massive and not even full. I can’t wait to see what the outcome is.
Carnage. And dental bills.
my dental bills though, so I’ll enjoy it thoroughly 😀
Something about the way he can make his face look like it’s falling off kinda creeps me out … 🙂
Or in that movie particularly?
I can’t look at him w/out picturing his big floppy mouth … so forget any romantic/dramatc type roles … as soon as he starts to smile I think, there it goes! 🙂
all I can think is … what a self-centered bastard who needs to be the center of all attention.
But other than that I don’t mind him 😉
so the definition of irony is that I write a post yesterday at my blog full of livid anger declaring that the political process is dead, and….the Az Dem Party publishes it as part of their news roundup to party insiders. Gotta luv it.
that you’re famous in Arizona now?
it just means that I got a couple of emails today asking if I’d be willing to help them spread some hit pieces on JDHayworth(less) regarding mass deportation calls. I obliged 🙂
that k/o is going to give you a gold star 🙂
local blogger makes good.
And very kewl! You’re a good writer Manny — very passionate.
he is a very good writer.
here’s a gratuitous Bud picture since you hardly visit my blog anymore 😉
The look on Bud’s face is somewhat disturbing. Did you take this last night while you were drunk?
And I break my own rules sometime and visit your blog. I just don’t comment.
I’m either very passionate or very cranky all the time. I can’t decide which 😉
Be back in a few, I forgot to eat dinner somehow.
the all night lounge. I’ll be back.
The new cafe is now open.