For those of you who have not CALMED THE FUCK DOWN, you can enter into the parallel universe of HIGHER BRODERISM, currently displayed at the New York Times. In an article entitled Democrats See Strength in Bucking Bush, Carl Hulse inverts blogosphere wisdom.

The Democratic vote in the Senate on Thursday against legislation governing the treatment of terrorism suspects showed that party leaders believe that President Bush’s power to wield national security as a political issue is seriously diminished.

The most vivid example of the Democratic assessment came from the party’s many presidential hopefuls in the Senate. All of them voted against the bill, apparently calculating that Mr. Bush’s handling of Iraq has undercut the traditional Republican strength on national security and will insulate them from what are certain to be strong attacks from Republicans not only this year but also in 2008.

Democratic opponents of the legislation said their political position was driven by a substantive determination that the bill, which creates rules for interrogating and trying terrorism suspects, is fundamentally flawed and a dangerous departure from founding American principles.

Carl Hulse fails to recognize that Democratic Presidential aspirants have to win Democratic primaries, while the leadership failed to keep eleven members from giving bipartisan cover to the biggest power grab since Adolf Hitler snagged Austria in the Anschluss.

While the left howls in pain, the disciples of Higher Broderism talk about the bravery of Democrats.

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