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Recent Posts
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
- Day 36: German Conservatives Win, Denounce American Conservatives
- Day 33: Trump and Putin Pursue a Deal on Ukraine
Earthlink goes walkabout and miss all the Friday night action.
Well I’m back — anyone around to say ‘Good Morning’ to?
Morning Miss Andi!!!!! Sorry about your earthlink problems. I hate them as an internet company and will never use them or recommend them to anyone as they lie to cutsomers and try to rip them off. ( can you tell I had a bad experiense with them LOL)
I wasn’t around last night but that was cause I just couldn’t hamdle reading the blogs or the crappy news from the week.
Here is the latest podcast.
Sex, Lies, & Torture
and the latest video can be seen at
You Lied!!!
We’ve had earthlink for years and this is actually the one of the very few time there’s been an extended outage. They’ve been really reliable for us.
What’s on your plate this weekend?
I’m around to say good morning to. I spent all night gluing shells to things so I don’t have much energy, but I’ll give it a go.
It’s cold and I’m wearing my socks. My feet look like they belong to a five-year-old.
Just a friendly warning. Don’t get a running start and try to slide joyously along the wood floors in them. Because they are slippers and I once tried that and almost killed myself.
Just a thought: if you total your actual age and the age your feet look, then average them out, I think you’re about 30 years old. That’s a good improvement, no?
Since the little blue thingies stick to the wood floor when I walk, I hadn’t even considered a slide, a trip maybe but not a slide.
Precision math: 30.5
Well I heard poor circulation is a sign of geezerdom. LOL
Morning Second Nature!!!!!
With all those exclamation points I feel compelled to make it a good morning!
Good morning, refi. 🙂
Well, you know I am always excited about life!!! On that note, I have to go cut grass. I will check back in later.
I am working on another video for a candidate and then designs and housework. The duplex gets shown again today so that forced me to cancel an eveny I was going to this am.
It seems like selling this place is a big imposition on you. I think you should ask for a reduction of your rent.
LOL I am getting tired of it but at least they are sticking to the 24 hour rule now. I also warned them that the first weekend in November I would not be avaiolable to show it to anyone!!!!
I mean, it’s not like you to miss insect humping … 😉
because I’m pretty certain that a whole lot of insect humping has occured without any particiption on my part.
OTOH, I really hate to miss any display of less than honorable behavior in the cafe — especially since that meant that I wasn’t leading it.
Good to see you back online … Sorry to miss you — I was off terrifying myself, I mean reading stuff on the net.
Hey all – long time no chat. Hope all is going well!
Hello Psi. How are the classes going?
Been very busy. I took last night off for the most part, simply because I needed to relax – even if I don’t really have the time for it.
About to head out canvassing; the rest of the weekend is going to be a quick descent into insanity.
Howdy Psi!!!!
Good morning everyone.
I’m late today!
Sleeping in?
Hi SN. Yep I slept later than normal.
How’re you and HJ today?
We went for a long walk and now I’m smelling that one of the boys is making himself hash browns and eggs. Yum. Cereal for me though.
That’s one of the reasons for kids. Have them do the cooking.
I thought you would be out buying the morning supply of TP for HJ to tear up. 🙂
I’m going to have to switch to cheaper stuff if she’s gonna rip it to shreds.
Mr. Nature gets home from France today so I have to clean the house so he doesn’t know that I’ve been slacking all week.
That church thing of yours sounds interesting.
remember single ply just means you wind up using your fingers instead of toilet paper. LOL
Just hide the good stuff and give her the cheap stuff to destroy. Or get the heavy duty stuff.
Also that’s another reason for having kids. Have them clean the house.
The church homecomings used to be fun, but I haven’t been there since I was a teenager. The rest of the family enjoys them though.
Do you think lightning will strike a tree and kill the whole congregation if you suddenly show up?
I don’t do church either.
Have a good day everyone.
Nope no lighting, but maybe a black hole swallowing up everything. 🙂
Don’t work too hard.
Morning FamilyMan!!!!
Morning Refinish.
Get the lawn done?
3/4’s of it are done and I will do the rest later. I am too pissed to even think about it right now. LOL
Yeah I don’t blame you for being pissed. It seems you have to put your life on hold sometimes while they’re trying to sell the house.
I missed a political event this am since people were suppose to come see teh duplex and just got a callsaying they were not coming!!! I will be glad when this damn place sells or I win the damn lottery and can move!!!!!!
Got to get some breakfast going.
See ya’ll later.
I guess Andi’s earthlink died again. I am sure Familyman has finished breakfast by now. LOL
Hi Refinish. I’ll open the lounge. Be back in a minute.
Okey dokey!!!!
Head on over to the Froggy Bottom Lounge for some Saturday night fun.