Saturday Night at the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Maryb is hanging out at the bar; but NOT hosting!
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Sure is quiet in the lounge tonight. Even the piano bar is quiet.
That’s cause they are in the kitchen eating. LOL
I can’t figure out who that guy looks like (some actor?) but he reminds me of someone.
Makes me think of a lot of things. LOL
Have you read any of the Foley IM’s?
There’s no way this is the first time he’s done this — he’s got the whole teen lingo down.
I read the info and he is a sick fuck who should be locked up.
Ironically, he’s probably violating the federal law that he sponsored.
and every moral code ever imagined and exploited by the repugs!!!! I just think it is sick anyone is trying to seduce teenagers other than teenagers.
Yep. He’s a predator. I hope he costs them more than just his seat. 🙂
Well, I hope it cost him jail time and losing his family inheritance. Mom & Pop might leave the cash to someone who isn’t chasing teenagers.
Wouldn’t it be perfect if he were convicted under that same law? Have to register as a sex offender, be on the website of offenders?
GOP, party of pedophiles and their protectors.
As FDL says, GOP=Grand Old Perverts
It brings a smile to my face 🙂
I’ve only seen what the e/m’s said on the TV. Are there more?
35 pages of messages; I think they are to more than just the one kid.
Where are they at?
I don’t think they’ve all been released yet.
Just give it time 🙂
Talking Points Memo has done some great work on this…
Note… The graphic IM exchanges are in a PDF format.
Yeah, he’s been doing stellar work on this.
And HIS cafe has more people in it 🙂
GOP = Gay Ol’ Pedophiles
Sick republicans… All of them!
That would be too funny!!!!
Yeah. Like, just where is he pouring that oil anyway?
Well, I can think of a few ways to clean the oil. LOL
You got this boy hidden under your bed or something? You pull him out every day!
How’s everyone doing tonight?
Hi FM. Is George feeling better? It would be nice if he could bartend 🙂
I didn’t know george wasn’t feeling good. The Diva Dogs and I are sending warm thoughts of Love & Healing!!!!!
George is always ready to bartend no matter how he feels.
Have you been relaxing after a hard week?
Yep. I’m just hanging out. There’s really nothing on TV on Saturday’s is there?
You’re right. I figure the networks decided everybody will be out on Sat. nights, so why put on the good stuff.
They used to have multiple law and order repeats on Saturday night.
I don’t think I can bring myself to watch America’s Most Wanted. I’m always afraid I’ll know someone 🙂
I usually shy away from the cop shows and any reality show. I’d say there are about 4 or 5 shows per week that I look forward to seeing. Wouldn’t you know it too, I missed the GG the other night. 🙂
Want me to fill ya in?
Sure. I just caught the beginning when she was leaving the bedroom.
Luke begged her to come back and marry him. Instead she told him she slept with Christopher. I don’t like this storyline. 🙁
The dialogue wasn’t up to par — now that the original writers left.
Yep it will start going down hill.
I still see Luke and Rory getting together. 🙂
uh huh.
That’s why you’re a writer for Television — right?
You found my secret out. I’m in my Hollywood mansion now dreaming up stuff.
Are you going to do a show about bloggers? I bet you are. Cool.
But how did you solve the problem that they are a bunch of people who don’t talk to living beings and just type onto a keyboard?
and they all sit around in their underwear having dirty thoughts LOL
I thought they all wore pajamas? With big bunny slippers? (I can see the emmy for costuming now).
I know I certainly do. Couldn’t do without the bunny slippers. 🙂
I’ll do a Hitchcock type film and instead of Jimmy Stewart’s character peering through the window……
Bout as far as I’ve gotten. 🙂
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! That would make it a repugnant show.
It reveals what truly lies in the deep recesses of FM’s mind …… eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww
My mind is as pure as mountain water. It’s those Hollywood writes who are down in the gutter 🙂
Yep, but if they did the advertising I bet they would have a lot of watchers.
Good (just woke up from a nap), how about you?
I didn’t get my allotted amount of naps today and I’m tired.
Howdy FamilyMan!!!! Glad to see you finished breakfast finally. LOL
Very European of me. Take an all day meal. 🙂
Did you get your lawn finished?
LOl No, I decided to work on videos instead and take a nap. LOL
Yes grasshopper you are learning. 🙂
But I still bow to the master of slackness. LOL
Here is the link to the latest video.
Just saw it and a good job. I do however wish I could read a lot faster. Some of those slides went to fast for me to catch a lot of the writing.
aw!!! the grasshopper can teach the master… Speedreading… skip all 3 letter words.
You still haven’t learned. I skip all the words. Any more than that would take effort. 🙂
I just like to look at the pictures…
There are words here? lol
How’re you doing CM1?
Pretty good… Just took a long (and very much needed) break from blogging.
But I am back and ready to knock off some republicans like Lieberman… lol
Back in the fray with gusto! That’s good to hear.
I moved over to this end of the bar — it’s clean.
So have you got any plans for tomorrow?
There’s a small art fair in the park near my house that I want to stop by. And I need to find my mom a birthday gift.
And I really should go out for another couple of hours for McCaskill.
Sounds to be a non-slackerly day.
I have family here and they’re having homecoming at church tomorrow.
You’re going to church?
Excuse me while I have the vapors 🙂
Nope not me, but some of the family always goes to homecoming.
I always have to go through a week longs guilt trrp from the family about not going. 🙂
Is there church lady food at the homecoming? (Always a good reason to go)
Yeah every family brings a covered and after the first hour of preaching, you break for about a 2 hour lunch. It’s always held outside on tables under the trees. When that’s finished and cleaned up, back in the church for another hour of preaching.
If I could just show up for the food, I would probably go. 🙂
Free food. What’s the controversy?
The controversy is sitting on hard benches, listening to someone drone on and on and finally being nice to some people I have no desire to see. 🙂
Like who, and why? I thought you got along with everyone.
I get along with everybody because people I don’t like I don’t hang around with.
Think of my town as the trib. I don’t know everybody in my town, I like some people in my town and there are some people in my town I can do without. I’m still always friendly with everyone, but it doesn’t mean I want to hang with them.
what’s the trib?
Here. BT.
This is great. I’m usually the one on the other end saying duh. 🙂
OMG — am I turning into …. you?
You should be so lucky. 😛
Me thinks I see geezerhood approaching. 🙂
For me?
but … but … I’m under 50. Well under. <sob>
I’m with you maryb! :/
Yes, but you have much grace and dignity which will make geezerhood easier.
So you get along with…everyone you….um….get along with?
Couldn’t have said it better myself. 🙂
Hi y’all-was supposed to go for a hike in the woods today with some folks but the organizers had a domestic dispute and by the time it got resolved it was too late-damn! Going to walk over to the neighbors to see what’s happening then some of the same folks are possibly coming by for dinner-all a bit sketchy.
Hi Soup.
Yep I hate it when plans go awry.
I hope you have a nice walk!
just in case O, NDD, who expressed an interest in one of Manny’s cafes, or any other “herb” growers show up…it’s a HEADS UP!…Sage Smudge Stick Makin’ Time.
I just harvested the last of the basil for drying, before the frost got it, and that’s always been the bellwether of time to do the sage.
If you’re up for a bit of gardening, and you’ve got sage plants, ya might want to start harvesting…but don’t let the cuttings dry before rolling. I usually do it all at once…and it can be spread out over a few days, so only cut what you want to process…K
cut the sage branches into sections 10 -12″ L
rinse and put in a sink/tub full of cold h20
start w/ 8-12 wet stems…or however many it takes so that the cut ends, when squeezed in the pocket btwn curled forefinger and side of thumb is about 3/4″ dia…
squeeze them together w/ a very slight twisting motion, working from the cut stem outward…NOTE: you’re not really trying to twist them, just aligning the leaves, etc…
wrap very tightly w/ COTTON…or HEMP, if you can find it…string….NO POLYESTER SHIT!!!…starting from the cut end…wraps shouldn’t be too close together….1 1/2″ apart +-…trial and error time…wrap to tip and then back…
make multiple tight loops around stem ends and knot securely…leave a tail on the string/twine and make a loop…
hang in cool dry place for drying…
looks like this when you’re done…yeah, yeah, giant spliff…for external use only…:{)
That whole process doesn’t sound very slackerly 😉
but quite meditative, and the product is very nice…especially on crisp fall nights
Giant spliff indeed! :0
How’s it going dada?
it’s certifiably crazy around here…hence my scarcity.
Maybe next week I’ll get a handle on it.
How’re you and FMom doing?
Sounds like you need a good amount of slack time. I’ll burn some incense at the altar of the slacking god for you tonight. 🙂
We’re doing just a little bit better. Thanks for asking.
I’ll resume my studies as soon as I am able, Master. :{)
Always glad to help such a natual slacking talent as yourself grasshopper. 🙂
dinner needs attention…later all
Hey SN. Family Man is writing a television script for a new series about bloggers. Your character is going to be key. Who do you want to play you?
Oh, how about Mary Louise Parker? I like her and she’s sassy.
Is she that actress with the slightly odd voice that played Josh’s girlfriend in West Wing for a while?
Yes, and she was in Fried Green Tomatoes.
Good choice.
I’m going to open a new lounge and then FM can tell us who will play him.
Come on over to the new lounge.