Karl Rove says Jack Abramoff was just a casual acquaintance. That’s a Lie.
“On learning in July 2002 that Mr. Rove planned to dine at Signatures with a party of 8 to 10 people, Mr. Abramoff wrote to a colleague: ‘I want him to be given a very nice bottle of wine and have Joseph whisper in his ear (only he should hear) that Abramoff wanted him to have this wine on the house.’ In another e-mail message, Mr. Abramoff directed his restaurant staff to ‘please put Karl Rove in his usual table.’
Let’s make a list of all the little lies this administration has told. This one is still my favorite.
Q Why shouldn’t this be seen as an intelligence failure, that you were unable to predict something happening here?
DR. RICE: Steve, I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile.
But I know you can top it.
“I don’t think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees.”
— George W. Bush on Good Morning America, 9/1/05
….anything on their resume’s, period! Just everything coming out of their mouths is a lie! They live by the lie and they shall die by the lie…whoops that was sword, I am sorry I forgot!!!!! ;o) Anyhow, just tooo numerous to say. I think I would have to be here for 40 days and 40 night to get this job done. To profess their religious insanity on the world is the biggest lie in my book. They are not Christian’s in the least. They tend to make satan look good….;o)
I did a video instead. LOL
I essence, everything they’ve said for the past six years has been a lie. It’s a far shorter list if one looks for “truthful” comments.
There was one very telling moment, to wit:
As reported by the Associated Press. The remark was made on December 18, 2000, prior to his inauguration. Some joke, eh?
Lying is OK. So is the Cover-up here
The quote of the week: ‘Foley quits his seat in page scandal.’ “It’s a very Republican seat,” as the GOP shamelessly scrambles to find an alternate.
I wanted to do this chronologically, but can’t find the first thing that came out of his mouth after his alleged birth. All we know is that it was a lie.
My favorite lie has to be the boldface bit in this passage from one of Bush’s 2000 campaign speeches:
It’s the lie that keeps on giving.
Bonus: For some nauseating historical context (and to read more great lies from that very same speech), don’t miss the segment by the disgraceful Candy Crowley from this contemporaneous CNN broadcast.