If Lips Are Movin’ They Are Lyin’

Bush, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. etc. etc.

Al Franken’s book title about right wing lies and the “Lying Liars Who Tell Them” turned out to be true not only of the talking heads of the right wing propaganda machine at Fox News and on right wing radio but of the Bush Administration as well.  It’s so sweet to finally see the MSM pull their heads out of their asses and see what has been right in front of their faces for six years.


Booman had a diary about Rice being either stupid or a liar.  I commented that she wasn’t stupid.  Apparently I was wrong.  She is both a fucking liar and a fucking dumbwad (I finally get to use my daughter’s favorite word to describe her older brother when she was 5 and he 8…….In my daughter’s defense, I added the adjective.)

Author: phronesis

Husband to Gail, former college professor now executive, always interested in how we can build a community by respecting one anothers' experience, and how we live in the universe of human being and god, society and the world.