ok, so some of you don’t like to hear anything about dkos, because that’s there and this is here.  well, as i see it, dkos is important as a study in how ‘radical’ opinion is shoe-horned into mainstream boots.  of how, in other words, to have a revolution that doesn’t shake things up too much.  

kossack behavior around 9/11 has long fascinated me as a particularly salient example of manufactured mass unconsciousness.  i’m talking about the way that a majority can be rendered virtually invisible by a minority in control.  but it’s more than simple minority over majority.  minority over majority represents a deeper truth – that being the way in which a dominant, manufactured, interpretation alienates individuals from their own ‘gut’ reactions.  y’all know the phrase: who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
there’s a particularly well-written diary up just now on the dkos recommended list, titled, From now on, I refuse to deny my gut instinct.  aside from the clear writing and lack of manic hyperbole, it reminds me of an old diary by thereisnospoon, about how we should all start assuming THE WORST about Bushco… cause tinfoil as the worst sounds, it keeps on proving to be the case.  

like this current diary, that diary was widely recommended.  you see, it’s ok in kos-land to believe there’s something fucked about the official 9/11 story, so long as you don’t say so, or say so specifically.  best, if you just feel it but never allow the feeling to see the light of conscious articulation.  prominent kossacks have bet heavy on repression and ridicule of discussion of 9/11, though they still believe in general that Bushco is entirely unprincipled and capable of anything in pursuit of power and profit.  it leads to some odd juxtapositions.

nyceve, for example writes

JuliaAnn, this is one hell of a great diary . . . (149+ / 0-)

And thank you for having the courage and the intellect to articulate in a rational, clear and straightforward manner what many of us also fear may be true.

by nyceve on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 05:16:57 AM PDT

recognizing that she’s just tacitly endorsed a claim that 9/11 Commission report was a total “blow job,” nyceve is quick to attempt to distance herself from the fringe 70% of kossacks who question the official 9/11 tale:

And BTW, JuliaAnn . . . (18+ / 0-)

I’m not speaking of LIHOP or MIHOP–that is almost unimportant at this point in history.  MIHOP IMO, is total bullshit.

Even worse, MIHOP discussions distract terribly from getting at the underlying truth  of what is going on in this country that you have articulated so well.

So I hope this thread will stay away from LIHOP/MIHOP which trivializes what Americans are dealing with, and focus on the important underlying message of JuliaAnn’s diary…

yup, what actually happened on 9/11 is trivial at this point.  a distraction from the endlessly acceptable debates about how to convince Americans that Democrats know better how to win the ‘War on Terror.’  so long as some are willing and able to manufacture wars, then we shall continue to be their slaves, forever tasked with cleaning up the chaos they willfully create.

well, it’s 5:30 am… sorry but i’m going to have to leave you to draw your own conclusions.