You did all that sage stuff today AND went to the hockey game? I’m impressed. When I read dada’s instructions my immediate thought was that it was a project that would take the whole weekend.
I used to go to hockey games with someone who had seats at the end of the ice behind one of the goals. The seats were eye level with the top of the glass. I like hockey (not as much as you and Janet and Cali, but I like it) and I pay pretty close attention to the games when I go. But that was nerve racking.
Well, the Mariners finished their season in the bottom of the AL West for the third year in a row. They had a losing season, but not by much this year (as opposed to the last two where they barely missed 100-game losing seasons). But they did win the finale.
The Seahawks on the other hand are apparently feeling the sting of being without Shawn Alexander. They’re behind the Bears 20-6 at the half. That’s the sort of thing that happens when I start paying attention to them.
I know it sounds like I’m whining. Yeah, it’s whining. I should be happy that I have a team that’s in the playoffs. But none of us true fans are too happy with the team (or its management) right now.
Unfortunately, had to work today. Curses of the self-employed! We had a rally at a little creekside park in the country yesterday that went pretty well.
I’ll send you all a sneak preview of another sign that will be featured around here real soon. Just have to get the frozen pizza in the oven before I have to face the wrath of Mrs. Dem. She is still working, poor thing.
Yeah…it was pretty scary before they put the nets up … we’d have at least one major injury every couple weeks … one game they had to bring paramedics down into the stands to carry a woman out who was hit in the head so badly she started convulsing.
a lot of the time they have their tongue sticking out (funny) or their mouthpieces. And when they’re slamming someone against the boards they close their eyes as they prepare for impact. 🙂
Thanks dada. I`m just using what I shot recently. I have no idea how to file pix properly so I rely mostly on memory as to where stuff is. I have 5 external drives adding up to almost a 1000 gigs of images I took & thousands more film prints so I just give up & when my mind goes I`ll let someone else sort it out.
I hear that…if I had all the $’s I’ve spent on photography; film, processing, equipment, chemicals…when I had a darkroom,alas, a long time ago…I could probably retire.
And you’re spot on w/ letting someone else sort it out…Ha!
If you’ve never seen this guys work, JP Trenque,, check it out, I think you might find it interesting…
also, see: BBC “in pictures”…click on “Out of the Blue”..rt hand side under “PORTFOLIO”
Just in case no one wanted to ruin the birthday card.
Hi Olivia. Where is everybody? Atoning?
Out doing stuff in RL … 🙂
How are you this evening?
It was a busy day, but fun. Too bad the weekend is almost over.
How was your weekend?
Not working is a good thing … 🙂
I was at a hockey game this afternoon … ottawa won.
I tried out my new presspot and the coffee was delicious.
Got all my sage harvested, wrapped, and hanging as per dada’s destructions.
All in all, a good w/e. 🙂
You did all that sage stuff today AND went to the hockey game? I’m impressed. When I read dada’s instructions my immediate thought was that it was a project that would take the whole weekend.
From cutting it in the garden to final hanging downstrs.
Not bad at all … The trickiest bit was getting the hang of wrapping, but once that was done, it was quite pleasant … nice aroma. 🙂
I would’ve taken you for more of a heavy metal type. 😉
I have very eclectic musical tastes … 🙂
What fun things have you been up to today?
walking, reading, laundry, taking our recycling to the recycling center, waiting to stop feeling full from last night.
How you were fairing after last night’s feast … 🙂
which is something I never do.
Did you go anywhere to take photos this weekend?
but otherwise no b/c it was rainy and overcast the whole w/e except for early sat am and I was not getting out of bed … 🙂
We had two nice days here.
Well, I slept crappy last night and I can’t stop yawning so I think I’m heading off to bed.
and taking a macro of some part of the player’s uniform as he is slammed up against the boards 🙂
I do sit very close to the ice — 3 rows back.
I used to go to hockey games with someone who had seats at the end of the ice behind one of the goals. The seats were eye level with the top of the glass. I like hockey (not as much as you and Janet and Cali, but I like it) and I pay pretty close attention to the games when I go. But that was nerve racking.
would you mind if I put the newer link to the fotofair in the bulletin?
I didn’t pay any attention to it — I just copied the last “lounge-looking” diary 🙂
I see the Cardinals clinched their division title. I was going to say congrats but then I remembered that you were disgruntled with management.
It would be more correct to say that the Astros lost the division today than that the Cardinals won it.
I’m sure I’ll be excited by the first playoff game — I’m too big a fan not to be. But this season was frustrating and this team is mediocre at best.
But thanks.
Well, the Mariners finished their season in the bottom of the AL West for the third year in a row. They had a losing season, but not by much this year (as opposed to the last two where they barely missed 100-game losing seasons). But they did win the finale.
The Seahawks on the other hand are apparently feeling the sting of being without Shawn Alexander. They’re behind the Bears 20-6 at the half. That’s the sort of thing that happens when I start paying attention to them.
I know it sounds like I’m whining. Yeah, it’s whining. I should be happy that I have a team that’s in the playoffs. But none of us true fans are too happy with the team (or its management) right now.
Fortunately I pay no attention to football 🙂
it’s just about time for me to start whining about being tired and being ready to go to bed.
even for you 🙂
Nope — 10:00-10:30 is the shank of the thinking-about-going-to-sleep evening.
can’t fool you 🙂
Hope you’re hungry tomorrow 🙂
I’m busy transferring some stuff from my TiVo to DVD so my daughter, who has a DVD player but no TiVo, can watch it.
It doesn’t require constant babying, but close.
Hoping everybody has a good evening.
Hi olivia and maryb. Just stopped off to wish Boran2 a belated Happy Birthday!
Did you have a pleasant Sunday?
Unfortunately, had to work today. Curses of the self-employed! We had a rally at a little creekside park in the country yesterday that went pretty well.
We drove over to Van Buren school to do the recycling today and it seemed like every yard had your sign in it.
It took me quite a while to color them all!
and it looks like it was worth it — if signage is an indicator, you have a commanding lead in this part of the county.
I’ll send you all a sneak preview of another sign that will be featured around here real soon. Just have to get the frozen pizza in the oven before I have to face the wrath of Mrs. Dem. She is still working, poor thing.
Here’s the new one…
The pizza is DiGiorno’s BTW. Mrs. Dem likes extra cheese.
but not as nice as the ones with your name on them. 😉
Here’s one I took the other day.
Yeah…it was pretty scary before they put the nets up … we’d have at least one major injury every couple weeks … one game they had to bring paramedics down into the stands to carry a woman out who was hit in the head so badly she started convulsing.
You take action shots too!
I like that we can see the look on his face.
a lot of the time they have their tongue sticking out (funny) or their mouthpieces. And when they’re slamming someone against the boards they close their eyes as they prepare for impact. 🙂
Do you have season tickets?
for a few years now
From my field.

2nd try.

2nd try.

So can you repost that first one, b/c I’d like to see that one large size … it looks like a beautiful flower 🙂
man…yer aquarium shots are always amazing…very very nice!
How are you this evening? 🙂
up to my ears in ………..just takin’ a break and then back to the mill.
wuzup in canukistan?
Preparing myself mentally to return to work tomorrow. 🙂
had to “got back to work” today…arrrgggghhhh!
can’t stay, just a drive by…catch ya on the flip
Keep your head up! 🙂
Hi Olivia et al. What’s happening? Sounds like a nice quiet evening.
Thanks dada. I`m just using what I shot recently. I have no idea how to file pix properly so I rely mostly on memory as to where stuff is. I have 5 external drives adding up to almost a 1000 gigs of images I took & thousands more film prints so I just give up & when my mind goes I`ll let someone else sort it out.
I hear that…if I had all the $’s I’ve spent on photography; film, processing, equipment, chemicals…when I had a darkroom,alas, a long time ago…I could probably retire.
And you’re spot on w/ letting someone else sort it out…Ha!
If you’ve never seen this guys work, JP Trenque,, check it out, I think you might find it interesting…
also, see: BBC “in pictures”…click on “Out of the Blue”..rt hand side under “PORTFOLIO”