Today, I discovered organizers of Ohio’s constitutional ban on gay marriage–the Citizens for Community Values–the Cincinnati-based right wing “conservative group” ran by Phillip Burress here in my small town located approximately 200 miles from Cincinnati.  
  Bear in mind, I have to drive by the Methodist Church whose sign says: “It is impossible to rule a nation without God.” Yes, I think I am located where those crazed 38 percent live! (God help me)  
  The group has resubmitted their “Community Defense Act” proposal to Ohio’s AG Jim Petro. On the proposal, were the primary sponsors: Burress, Barry Sheets and Warren County right-to-life organizer Lori Viars.
  The two women were outside urging people to sign a petition that would “help protect children from pornography and internet predators.”
  Well, after reading through the proposal I realized they were using scare tactics because of FoleyGate and people’s own apathy. Many were blindly signing away without reading the actual proposal.
  This misleading campaign is actually a thinly-veiled attempt to make ADULT businesses unable to compete economically. Hmmm…Is their ultimate goal to eradicate “temptation” completely? Typical.
  I asked the woman who was sponsoring this and she said, “Valid Solution.” I have not been able to find anything on them, but I am guessing they are a new subcontractor for one of Petro’s companys.
  She would not give me a copy of the proposal.
  “Why are you asking me this? What are you writing that down,” she demanded.
  “I’m writing this information down because I am an American citizen and that is my right!” I snapped back.
  Unbelievably, my reply seemed to deflate her balloon and she sat back down like a chastised child.
  I’m sorry I have no links, (technically challenged) but it’s on the internet as I’ve been googling information on this all day.
  Please be kind. This is my first diary. Hopefully, I’ll have more to contribute. It should not be too difficult here in Kool-AidVille where the religious right camped today spinning their own hypocrisy to create a theocracy.