As Jews prepare themselves for their Yom Kippur prayers this year, take a moment to remember our country and our President in your prayers. Yom Kippur is the day of Atonement, and on that day we ask for forgiveness for all the sins that we have committed, individually and as a community. I have always understood that to mean that are guilty of the sins committed in our name, and that we may beg for the forgiveness of our friends, family, and the community as a whole. So I ask you to hold all of the World, but especially my own country, America, in your prayers this day of Fasting.
What follows is excerpts from the Yom Kippur Liturgy and comments on how we have sinned in the past year. I have added the italics.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee under compulsion or of our own will,”
For all the crimes we have done at someone else’s bidding or under orders as well as those we ourselves chose to do.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by hardening our hearts;”
For a lack of compassion for those who have suffered, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan when our actions have brought them death, pain, and suffering. For wishing ill on a people who wish to be free of our tyranny, and for not wishing and praying for the safety of those who stand in harms way. For allowing others to suffer to allay our own fears.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee unknowingly,”
We are guilty of the sins that we have committed knowingly and unknowingly, by action or inaction. For the accidental damage we have done to innocent bystanders without us even realising it. It is our duty to discover any crime we may have committed in order to atone for those crimes.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee with utterance of the lips;”
For the things we have said which have hurt others. For outing of secret agents, for insulting those who disagree with us. For spinning and devaluing the truth, and trying to deceive by misdirection.
…”And, for the sin we have committed before Thee openly or secretly;”
For the crimes which have been committed in secret, and remain hidden from from us. For those we committed in ignorance, or due to information which has proven false.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee knowingly and deceitfully,”
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee in speech;”
For all of the false information we have spread about our enemies and our friends. And for acting upon that false information.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by wronging our neighbor,”
For those we have caused to suffer, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan when our actions have brought them death, pain, and suffering. For wishing ill on a people who wish to be free of our tyranny, and for ignoring the pleas and advice of our allies. For distrusting those living amongst us with little evidence other than our own fears or the colour of their skin.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by sinful meditation of the heart;”
The ill we have wished upon our enemies, for planning violence unprovoked. For wishing death upon our own leaders or the leaders of other nations.
…”For the sin we have committed before Thee by spurning parents and teachers,”
For risking our Social Security and eroding the benefits of Medicare. For underfunding our schools and disregarding the teachings of our founding fathers. For ignoring the sage advice of those older and wiser than ourselves.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee in presumption or in error;”
For assuming that we are right, and ignoring dissenting advice. For all of the mistakes we have made which have caused ourselves and others harm. Our lack of knowledge, our incorrect guesses do not excuse the crimes we have committed. Further for the crime of assuming guilt of another human being and treating them like a criminal or a terrorist before we have proven their guilt.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by violence,”
For the horrible act of torture committed in our name. For being quick to choose war, and indiscriminate in our targets. For the horrors of every child who lost a parent or parent who lost a child.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by the profanation of Thy name;”
For claiming to speak for in His name, and that He is on our side. For justifying questionable actions in His name.
…”For the sin we have committed before Thee by the evil inclination,”
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee wittingly or unwittingly;”
For those crimes we have committed by choice, or though false ideologies. For those we committed by accident in pursuit of other aims. In lack of discrimination is choice of military targets, and for the horrible side-effects of war.
“For all these, O God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, and grant us atonement.“
For all of these which we have failed to prevent or ameliorate, we are guilty and complicit in that we have not stopped these sins. Forgive us for our silence, our acceptance, and our failure to do enough to stop them.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee denying and lying,”
For the crime of hiding our crimes which remain a secret from from us. For not being forthright and open about our plans and about our past. For claiming that Saddam and Al Quaeda are linked, that Saddam had weapons he didn’t have.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by bribery;”
For rewarding ones followers for their loyalty with contracts and jobs. For wilful manipulation of foreign aid to manipulate the policies of foreign powers.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by scoffing,
And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by slander;”
For using ridicule and derision as a foreign policy and a campaign tactic. For implying things that are not true by misleading quotes, or misleading omissions. For any false labels we have applied to our enemies, political or military.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee in commerce,”
For the greed of companies cheating the people and the government, for rewarding loyalty with money. For businesses which abuse their employees, customers or society in the name of profit.
…”And, for the sin we have committed before Thee stretching forth the neck in pride;”
For substituting patriotism with pride, for arrogantly assuming we are in the right. For not questioning
…”For all these, O God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, and grant us atonement.“
For all of these which we have failed to prevent or ameliorate, we are guilty and complicit in that we have not stopped these sins. Forgive us for our silence, our acceptance, and our failure to do enough to stop them.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by casting off the yoke of your commandments,”
For the ignoring the dictates of our own faiths which we find inconvenient. For manipulating the faith of others.
…”For the sin we have committed before Thee by ensnaring our neighbor,”
For drawing our allies into out own war of choice.
…”For the sin we have committed before Thee by levity,”
For making light of serious issues, and using levity to distract from those issues.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee being stiff-necked;”
For stubbornly refusing to change course despite new information or difficulties. For refusing to apologise for mistakes. For being unable see the world from other viewpoints.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by running to do evil,”
For the haste with which we enter into battle, and for failing to consider other paths. For not the taking time to consider the evil implications of of the path we choose and the changes we make to our society and laws.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by talebearing;”
For constructing stories based on world-views which have little resemblance to reality. For telling about the things which further our chosen cause and concealing that which does not make our point.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by vain oaths,”
For taking lightly our oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee by causeless hatred;”
For inciting hatred towards all those who bear a passing resemblance to our enemies. For contempt and derision towards our traditional friends and allies. For marginalisation of cultures and lifestyles within our nation.
“For the sin we have committed before Thee by breach of trust,”
For failing to live up to the ideals and expectations of the American people. For manipulating the trust of the American people and creating a harsh dichotomy between our desire to believe our leaders and their desire for us to believe untruths. For failing to protect our people from predictable disasters, and for asking those who trust us to go into harm’s way without adequately providing for them or giving them finite mission.
“And, for the sin we have committed before Thee with confusion of the mind;”
For the crimes we have committed while under the influence of propaganda. For our actions while manipulated by the fear of terror.
“For all these, O God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, and grant us atonement.“
For all of these which we have failed to prevent or ameliorate, we are guilty and complicit in that we have not stopped these sins. Forgive us for our silence, our acceptance, and our failure to do enough to stop them.
May you be written in the book of life.
And may we all have the strength to ask for and give forgiveness, and remember to repair and atone for what we, each and all, have done.
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