but my connection is crap. We’re having a storm so it could be that or I guess earthlink could be having a repeat of the problem they had the other day.
In either case, don’t be surprised if I “disappear”.
Just got back. I’ve been trying to fix my wireless router. The computer recognizes it now, but I can’t secure it. I’ll figure it out sooner or later. 🙂
Lovely photo today, Olivia. Like comfort food for the eyes. I adore the close up studies of the simple, common flowers that we take for granted. Your pictures are constantly an inspiration to me and I thank you.
Just emailed today’s homework to my instructor; feeling a bit under the weather so I’m going to stay home and rest up. (Ain’t technology WONDERFUL?) I’ll have a chance to catch up on my reading and work on Thursday’s homework.
Mornin’ everyone. Andi, I had a bad connection all day yesterday… dialup sucks out loud, doesn’t it? Well, I wrote all my letters to my congresscritters about impending war with Iran. Not that it will make any difference with Specter, Sherwood and Santorum… I’d compare them to the Three Stooges, but I like them too much. (The Stooges, that is)
Thanks, Janet. If we all didn’t believe that one person could make a difference we wouldn’t be here. It’s nice to hear it, though. You are also an inspiration, never doubt that. 🙂
Most days though I just feel slightly overwhelmed with it all.
But being around my pink cohorts and the energy of the street… it reminds me “WHY”.
While driving with M to the event… she told me of all the attrocities that happened in the Gulf STates (a movie was just released by a CodePinker from Portland) and all the lies that were told to the people. Did you know that the military told many on those overpasses that they’d be shot if they left? That the country was at WAR? A lady gave birth and they took her baby away and she wasn’t reunited with it for six months. Horrible things.
That the people’s stories can’t get out. That this was just an excercise to see just how much BS Americans would tolerate/allow.
It turned out to not be a bridge protest. Just some street action. The speech was great. There was one heckler in the audience.
I got to again meet Cindy. This time I told her: Each time I go out to a march, vigil, protest, whether it be in DC or out to my post office in redneck Calif… that I would call my best friend before or after. I asked if she would talk to my friend “Mrs. Ski” (momagainstthedraft) on my cell. It made both women smile. My friend was just “shocked and awed” that I gave my time with Cindy to her.
Welll duh… I’ll meet Cindy again one day. 🙂
And … it made Cindy smile, too. It’s good to see her smile. I was glowing.
and I got a signed copy of her boook “peace mom” which my daughter Danni wanted.
I’ll tell ya what though… my kids haven’t given us any peace lately. Cripes! LOL
Sorry I didn’t call you, Andi. As we were driving to it – I realized… it would be too late to call you as it was due to end around 9ish. I realized that when my brother back in Boston called to say CALL ME REGARDLESS THE TIME. Doh. 🙂
refinish – read about your encounter on the highway, glad to hear you’re okay but disgusted that it happened. Effing politicians from hell don’t realize how their rhetoric plays with the masses and gives cover for the crazies to act out on their bigotry.
I’ve downgraded my cable package because it’s pointless to watch the news nowadays and I hardly watch sitcoms, series, etc. I have plenty of other ways to get my info.
Off to finish up a project, will check back in later. (((Janet)))
Good morning Andi.
How’s things with you and FMom?
Getting better all the time.
How’re you doing today?
but my connection is crap. We’re having a storm so it could be that or I guess earthlink could be having a repeat of the problem they had the other day.
In either case, don’t be surprised if I “disappear”.
For some reason I get the picture of you having one of those old crank phone where you speak into the box and the earpeice is separate. 🙂
I had a friend in college who lived on a farm that still had a phone similar to that. They finally got “normal” phone service a couple of years later.
Just got back. I’ve been trying to fix my wireless router. The computer recognizes it now, but I can’t secure it. I’ll figure it out sooner or later. 🙂
Hope everyone is doing well. I have to head out to work but wanted to stop and say hi and also post the link to my latest video.
The Mark Foley Boogie brought to you by the Republican leadership
Have a good day.
Good morning, all.
Like refinish, I’m rushing out – hope you all have a great day.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Lovely photo today, Olivia. Like comfort food for the eyes. I adore the close up studies of the simple, common flowers that we take for granted. Your pictures are constantly an inspiration to me and I thank you.
Just emailed today’s homework to my instructor; feeling a bit under the weather so I’m going to stay home and rest up. (Ain’t technology WONDERFUL?) I’ll have a chance to catch up on my reading and work on Thursday’s homework.
Heading back to bed for a bit…back later…
Gotta get the kids off to school. All is well.
Except that my country allows torture and is about to nuke another country…
Mornin’ everyone. Andi, I had a bad connection all day yesterday… dialup sucks out loud, doesn’t it? Well, I wrote all my letters to my congresscritters about impending war with Iran. Not that it will make any difference with Specter, Sherwood and Santorum… I’d compare them to the Three Stooges, but I like them too much. (The Stooges, that is)
Have a great one, everyone. Later…
Dear Nag
ONE PERSON can make a difference. (one of the main topics Cindy spoke about last night)
You have the power. Thanks for writing to them.
Thanks, Janet. If we all didn’t believe that one person could make a difference we wouldn’t be here. It’s nice to hear it, though. You are also an inspiration, never doubt that. 🙂
Most days though I just feel slightly overwhelmed with it all.
But being around my pink cohorts and the energy of the street… it reminds me “WHY”.
While driving with M to the event… she told me of all the attrocities that happened in the Gulf STates (a movie was just released by a CodePinker from Portland) and all the lies that were told to the people. Did you know that the military told many on those overpasses that they’d be shot if they left? That the country was at WAR? A lady gave birth and they took her baby away and she wasn’t reunited with it for six months. Horrible things.
That the people’s stories can’t get out. That this was just an excercise to see just how much BS Americans would tolerate/allow.
What are we going to do to wake people up?
See… they get me pumped up LOL.
Just slipping in here to say ‘hi’.
(someday we’ll have dsl too but by then everybody else will have something else that is a hundred times better)
It turned out to not be a bridge protest. Just some street action. The speech was great. There was one heckler in the audience.
I got to again meet Cindy. This time I told her: Each time I go out to a march, vigil, protest, whether it be in DC or out to my post office in redneck Calif… that I would call my best friend before or after. I asked if she would talk to my friend “Mrs. Ski” (momagainstthedraft) on my cell. It made both women smile. My friend was just “shocked and awed” that I gave my time with Cindy to her.
Welll duh… I’ll meet Cindy again one day. 🙂
And … it made Cindy smile, too. It’s good to see her smile. I was glowing.
and I got a signed copy of her boook “peace mom” which my daughter Danni wanted.
“peace mom” which my daughter Danni wanted
Lucky Danni who gets her wish for a “peace mom” every minute of every day.
I’ll tell ya what though… my kids haven’t given us any peace lately. Cripes! LOL
Sorry I didn’t call you, Andi. As we were driving to it – I realized… it would be too late to call you as it was due to end around 9ish. I realized that when my brother back in Boston called to say CALL ME REGARDLESS THE TIME. Doh. 🙂
Hope you’re having a decent Not-Monday.
refinish – read about your encounter on the highway, glad to hear you’re okay but disgusted that it happened. Effing politicians from hell don’t realize how their rhetoric plays with the masses and gives cover for the crazies to act out on their bigotry.
carry on 🙂
Hey there sweetiepie sugar poodums!
glad to hear the protest was successful last night. I can’t wait to meet Cindy someday, her advocacy for Peace is one that resonates strongly with me.
She said she wished the media, journalists would scrutinize and critize GW Bush as they do her.
She told a story of how Anderson Cooper did a hatchet job on her.
How she wished they’d simply investigate ALL stories.
She nailed it when she said the media was just as much to blame for the bloodshed as the Bush Regime.
people from other countries continually ask her WHY is Bush still our President. WHY Americans haven’t stopped the insanity.
I’ve downgraded my cable package because it’s pointless to watch the news nowadays and I hardly watch sitcoms, series, etc. I have plenty of other ways to get my info.
Off to finish up a project, will check back in later. (((Janet)))
Have to share this: My CodePink Portland Pal, Linda is in this. AP photo from the Senate “hearing” last week. She’s the first “T”.
just not able to diarize it yet.
Morning all y’bloomin’ froggies!
Tis’ a fine sunny Wednesday morn downunder.
Come on over to the Froggy Bottom Lounge for margaritas!