Foley Erect. Foleygate. Masturgate. For the past couple of days, the scandal that is rocking Washington and the GOP has been our focus, and rightly so. The oft talked about tipping point has finally arrived in the form of a sex scandal that has exposed not only the rank hypocrisy of the “family values” Party, but their willingness to do anything to hold onto power.
But let’s take a moment to remember what else happened during the first two days of October…
Date Total Name Place of Death – Province Cause of Death
02-Oct-2006 8 | US: 7 |
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northern part) Not reported yet
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest part) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest part) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest part) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (northwest part) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (southwest of) Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad Hostile – hostile fire – small arms fire
01-Oct-2006 5 | US: 5 |
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (west of) Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Non-hostile – vehicle accident
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Al Anbar Province Hostile – hostile fire
Total| US: 12 |
What’s disgusting is that the deaths will continue unabated at least until the election. The political football game is more important for Bush and the War Council than doing their gawdamned job.
Thanks for providing this reminder, Barb
…two more have died.