Promoted by Steven D, with added excerpt from BBC story linked at No Right Turn.

From No Right Turn – New Zealand’s liberal blog:

Great. Just when America is gearing up to bomb Iran, North Korea pops up and announces its intention to conduct a nuclear test.

Well, that’s a clear policy success for the Bush Administration’s strategy of refusing to negotiate under any circumstances, isn’t it?

Steven D: Excerpt from the BBC report about this story:

North Korea is to conduct a nuclear test “in the future”, the foreign ministry has said in a statement.

The move would bolster the country’s self-defence in the face of US military hostility, official agency KCNA said. […]

Six-nation talks on its programme have been stalled for nearly a year, and the US has imposed financial sanctions on North Korean businesses. […]

The latest announcement is likely to cause alarm in the region.

A successful nuclear test would put pressure on Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear capabilities.