An article by AP writer Nedra Pickler appeared in the online version of the Palm Beach Post (Palm Beach about an hour ago, entitled “Bush Campaigning Amid GOP Woes.”  In it, Bush couldn’t resist poking the Democrats with a rather hypocritical statement.

Bush criticized Democrats who voted against legislation authorizing warrantless monitoring of phone calls and e-mails to detect terror plots and another bill that would allow tough interrogation of terror suspects by CIA agents.

“If they feel we are safer without this program, the Democrats in the United States Senate need to explain to the American people which of the attacks that the CIA program stopped would they have been willing to let go forward,” Bush said.

In light of recent events, that statement begs a question.  Just one.  A single, simple question.
Given that recent evidence has surfaced that confirms that the Bush Administration ignored strong warnings of an impending attack in the months immediately preceeding the September 11 strike — at a time where the US Intelligence Agencies had gathered the information without the use of illegal, warrantless wiretapping — and the glaring fact that the Bush Administration did absolutely nothing to take up the challenge of attempting to secure our people and our nation from a known threat, WHO THE HELL IS BUSH TO QUESTION ANYONE ELSE’S POTENTIAL TO KEEP US SAFE?

We have seen evidence that the Bush Administration has interfered with the 9/11 Investigation; we have evidence indicating that the Bush Administration misled people about the safety of the air and environment surrounding the devastated towers; we have evidence that Bush and several of his administration knowingly manipulated intelligence in order to engage our nation in a war of aggression completely unrelated to the terror attacks and under the false impression of a pressing danger from known-to-be-nonexistent WMDs.

There are many other failings, many other examples of poor judgement, many other proofs of intentional deceptions and lies.

The President is a liar. Why should anyone believe him, now or at any point in the future?

I think this should be pointed out just as starkly — if not more so — everywhere that bastard or his minions <s>Chumley</s&gt Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld show up.

The Republican Party has clearly demonstrated itself as corrupt, inept, incompetent, dishonest, uncaring, self-centered, arrogant and out-of-touch.  It’s time to change the linen, sweep out the floors and plunge the pipes.

Wherever they go, don’t let them spin the questions.  They’ve had their chance.  They’ve had multiple chances.  They’ve shown us what they can do, and it’s literally killing us.