The Washington Times wants Speaker Hastert to resign. To do so would be to capitulate to Democratic-activist-induced and MSM-abetted hysteria. Not only should Hastert not resign, he should use every opportunity to swing back hard at a MSM deeply compromised by its ideological extremism and a Democratic Party committed to retreat and defeat in Iraq and fecklessness in the war generally. If Republican candidates recognize that the “clamor” is just the echo chamber, they’ll quickly come to understand that this is another Wellstone Memorial Service moment, when the left has persuaded itself that the American electorate is stupid and easily stampeded, and where overreaching appeals to emotional and unjust conclusions cannot be sustained in the new media environment.
wellllllllll, I must admit, the last 6 years HAVE suggested to me that a large section of the American voting public is not all that bright and fairly easily stampeded….
but that’s not what he meant….
Hewitt makes perfect sense, as long as you read it as the rantings of an amoral person incapable of thinking outside of his narrow political self-interest. This scandal is a pretty clear indication that he doesn’t really feel any empathy for others.
Don’t know who HH is and don’t want to know. These are the people who easily forget that children are being sexually exploited when their “party” is at stake and then accuse others of having a “political agenda.” These are the “values voters.”
Hewitt was curator of the Nixon Presidential library, and considers himself to be carrying the flame. Why he gets any air time at all is beyond me.
I just got done helping my granddaughter with a math problem and I’m not up to diagramming this, saving it as a picture, uploading it to my server and posting the link.
So a description will have to do.
Imagine a line stretching off into infinity in both directions. OK?
Now imagine another line, perpendicular to the first line, so we have two intersecting lines at right angles to each other. With me so far?
OK, now imagine a third line, perpendicular to the other two, marking a three-dimensional space. If you’re not a spatial person this might be tough, but trust me on it.
Imagine this three-dimensional space is reality.
Now imagine a fourth line, perpendicular to all three of the others. You can’t actually imagine it, I don’t think, because humans are three-dimensional beings and tend to think in three dimensions. But let’s say it’s there all the same, completely perpendicular to reality.
That fourth line is Hewitt’s paragraph.
you just blew my mind.
I’d say that means my day was a success. š
Putting his seal of approval on sexual harassment. These people have lost touch with reality, have no sense of outrage (unless it’s a Democratic scandal) and fully deserve to fall fast and hard. Election day can’t come soon enough. But of course then we’ll hear how awful Democrats are while they are in power. Hypocrisy is an awful disease.
Yesterday, I’m fixing a computer at a non-profit that I volunteer sys-admin at and I hear this a*sbag on the radio blaming everyone except who is responsible. I wish I knew who it was but I just walked away, I couldn’t listen to that crap.
Hypocrisy is an awful disease.
Too bad it’s not fatal.
The depth and breadth of Hewitt’s arrogant stupidity and shallowness of mind is truly astonishing.