Michelle Malkin is crying today because her video at YouTube has been suspended for offensive content. If you want an idea of the kind of content that the Malkinites put up at YouTube, take a look at the following:
I am hoping that the appeal of this type of garbage will dissipate once we no longer have a government that constantly tries to make the public afraid of Muslims. Perhaps this stuff is on the wane?
I hope so. But that all depends on what Bush does with Iran, doesn’t it?
before being totally disgusted…as if the logo (obviously a reference to the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, both targets of 9/11) wasn’t bad enough.
I’d remind these folks that the Bible is not exactly pure, especially if you look at the Old Testament. (If I had no morals and wanted to make some money, I’d set up a rock concession for the return of stoning adulterers and homosexuals…)
If anyone else had published this, I would have thought it snark, albeit quite offensive snark. But with Malkin and Co., it’s deadly serious…and that scares the shit out of me…
I just get a big black screen that doesn’t do anything except try to open a popup window when I click it. Since I don’t allow popups on my machine, I have no idea what it says.
Maybe it’s just as well.
Maybe you’ll do better by going directly to the site.
Thanks, but still nothin’. I wonder if it might have something to do with the fact that Adobe has not seen fit to create a Flash 8 player for Linux, and apparently isn’t going to (they’re planning to skip directly to version 9). YouTube isn’t supposed to require Flash 8, though, so I dunno.
I don’t like the look of that site, though . . .
Hey Omir,
The video is on iFilm, not YouTube, and I believe that they do require Adobe Flash 9 (when I right click on it, it gives me a ‘About Adobe 9 Flash Player’ option).
You don’t want to watch it anyway. It’s just a hateful song with lyrics reinforcing every negative stereotype about Islam imaginable.
It says you need Flash8. I think UTube should consider not allowing anything above 7, since that is the last one that’s genuinely cross-platform. In the longer run, net video has to be freed from the monopolistic “standard” set by Adobe. Flash has become the poster child for what happens when Net development becomes dependent on the whims of proprietary software.
…except a reason to smash your monitor.
Thanks to everybody who warned me away from this.
As for terror-free oil, can I have a terror-free government instead?
Sick. Depraved. Way beyond disgusting. Dispicable.
all true, but I don’t favor censorship.
Speaking of hatemongering, anyone know how we can figure out who designed this website?
That’s my congressman and I’m pissed off enough to jump out of my skin today.
There’s a little squib at the bottom of the page that says “Development & Hosting by InvisiHosting.com.” Pinging both shameongrivalja.com and invisihosting.com bears this out — they both have the same IP address.
Now you would think someone like this would be proud of the work they do, but that appears not to be the case according to their whois info (whois invisihosting.com):
(The data for shameongrijalva.com is pretty much identical, except for the site name.) Invisihosting apparently also houses stuff like the AOL search data that was leaked a month or two ago. Nice guys. Their big thing seems to be anonymity, which is good, but you have to wonder about a site like this that goes up anonymously and doesn’t have the cajones to stand behind its accusations with a name. I mean, it’s pretty easy to fling poo anonymously on the Web if you’re even a half-trained monkey.
I doubt this site will have any sort of effect on the election. After all, it’s not that well designed and it’s an obvious hit piece with no substance to back up its accusations. (But I can’t blame you for being angry.)
for the whois data, Omir. You’d be surprised what is becoming effective this time around
Muchas Gracias Debbie
Merci Debbie
Their depths know no bounds…
If the singer had a German accent it might be better.