So someone switched on the light in the secret back rooms of the Good Old Boys Club  (GOBC) and caught a lot of big slimy sleazy asshats with their pants down, figuratively and  literally.

Now they’re scrambling for cover like a bunch of cockroaches, each trying to save himself first, even if it means breaking the cardinal rule of always protecting each other.  
The big one who got caught in the spotlight scurried off to a nice cozy treatment center, where he immediately felt it necessary to tell us he is the victim of the disease of alcoholism, and a victim of clergy abuser himself . Why?

Because it’s “part of his recovery process.” his attorney tells us.

Please hand me my hip boots.  On the very first day of an inpatient treatment process, you need to do this “for your  recovery?”   You better try to sell crap to someone who hasn’t been through inpatient treatment three times, like I have, Foley.  

You damned well needed to do that to try to save your own sorry ass form the consequences of your own destructive behaviors, as well as try to cover sorry assesof your equally sleazy brothers in the Good Ol Boys Club.      

So you were abused as a kid? Well, so was I. So were millions of people who somehow managed to NOT exploit their adult power over youngsters for our own sexual pleasure.  I do hope that if it’s true you were exploited by clergyman, that you DO throw HIS sorry ass under the bus ASAP too, so even more GOBC night crawlers are blinded by the light.

And to top it all off,  NOW you finally decide to come out publically  as a gay man?! Another part of the “rigorous honesty” of your one day old your twelve hour old “recovery program”, no doubt.   How fortunate for the GOBC gay bashing, holier-than- thou-faction who will swoop downs on this juicy morsel and use the hell out of it to paint all gay men as potential sexual predators and happily fan the flames of rampant homophobia they hope will keep them in their gravy positions.  

Well, maybe you actually are a genuinely suffering active alcoholic, an unrecovered sexual abuse victim, and an oppressed, closeted gay man.  I was all of these things too, once. (except for being a woman). It is a hard, hard place to come back from, I know, and I’d wish you all the best in your long healing process to come.

But I will never trust you, Mr.  Foley, or any of the other Good Ol Boys who are running this country.  Your fraternity is too strong, your ethics and morals are too long dead, your greed for more and more power over others too vast, and your belief in your right to exploit others for your own gain seems to be imbedded in your very genes.  

None of you will ever willingly change. Why would you? Your tactics have been working quite well for you for a very long time, haven’t they?  I’m just glad I won’t be one of you when what goes around, comes around.  

I would, however, greatly enjoy watching it.