A new Reuters/Zogby poll came out this morning, and it has even better news for Joe Lieberman. A once close 4% race, has now snowballed into a Lieberman 20% lead.
According to the poll, Lieberman has 53% of the vote, to Lamont’s 33%. Republican Alan Schlesinger is still in single digits with 4%.
Also according to the Zogby poll, Liberals are leaving Lamont. Ned used to have about 70% liberal support, now that support is barely half, with Joe picking up 40% of liberal support. Lieberman still has an overwhelming lead among Republicans and Independents.
This is great news for Lieberman supporters like me, and this is a significant body blow to Lamont. Still 5 weeks to go, and I’m taking anthing for granted, but if these polls prove accurate, Joementum is surely back!!!
Because inquiring minds want to know, were you dropped on your head as a child?
Because inquiring minds want to know, how long have you been a total jackass??
Apparently it started just about the time that you began posting here.
Hey, I can’t help it if the truth gets in you face. Don’t like what I write, simple, don’t respond to it.
I know I probably missed something, but why exactly do you support Lieberman?
I’ve known the guy for 20 years. I know his character, and his votes.
Maybe I have missed some too, but why did Lamant win the primary if Leiberman is so great? I am just asking.
The stupidity of the primary voter. Lamont is a one trick pony.
Wait just a cotton pickin’ minute. Did you just say that the voters of Connecticut are STUPID? That they can’t be trusted to know what they want when choosing who they want to represent them, and that those in power know better than they do? ‘Cause that’s sure what it sounded like to me.
It should be little wonder why you get such a bad reaction around here. People have been railing against the DLC and similar outfits for saying the people couldn’t be trusted to choose the “best” candidate for them, so those who “know better” need to do it for them. They’re not going to tolerate it from someone like you.
Yep, that’s what he said. That comment, more than any other he’s made makes it plain that he’s only here to get his jollies because he thinks he’s pissing us off. Doh! I remember annoying little pricks like him getting beat up in school.
Omir, I have to say that I’m a little disappointed that you used the “cotton pickin minute” line in your otherwise good comment. I hate to be overly PC, but I needed to say that.
Ummm, why? I used it as (what I consider to be) an inoffensive alternative to “wait just a G–d–n minute,” which I would never actually say. I borrowed it whole cloth from Foghorn Leghorn and Senator Cleghorn, who used it in radio and cartoons for just such a purpose. If you find the phrase offensive, I apologize. I’m with Oscar Wilde — a gentleman should never offend anyone unintentionally.
I sure didn’t mean to imply that you would offend intentionally Omir. I’ve come to know you a lot better than that. And I didn’t say I was offended. Only disappointed because I always took that phrase to be somewhat racist. The same way that a lot of things from earlier years that were accepted as fine are also considered so now. Like the Tar Baby and other things. I admit that sometimes we go too far when we try to right past wrongs and maybe I’m out of line saying anything about it. It’s me who wouldn’t ever mean to offend intentionally.
Not offend intentionally unless it was mister moderate here…
Well, I think Oscar was very clever in his choice of words. 🙂
In general I don’t think offending people is a good policy. Keep your words short and sweet in case you have to eat them later on and all that. But I’m going to speak out where I need to, and if for instance it offends the Bush Crime Family or their enablers, tough. I might say “sorry” but it’s more of a ritual “sorry,” a John-Belushi-just-beat-the-wimpy-folk-singer’s-guitar-to-splinters “sorry” rather than a heartfelt apology.
Feel free to speak up if you think I’m getting out of line. I will admit to not knowing everything. Some days I’ll admit to not knowing anything.
I thought I might give you a reasonable reply, but I’d rather boil it down to the simple truth:
You’re an obstinant asshole. But you do provide us some much needed comic relief around here. It’s worth it to keep you around just for that reason.
May be due to his new commercial, courtesy of Patriotboy.
Ahh yes, another kool-aid drinker heard from.
With the way things are going for republicans, Lieberman could end up being just about all they’ve got going for them. And if the vote isn’t stolen again,and democrats roll into the majority, your boy is gonna be mighty, mighty lonely up in there. Just desserts for an enemy of democracy and his chicken chest thumping boybots.
On the contrary, Lieberman will be the one Senator everybody will be listening too. Just think if he’s the head of the homeland security dept!!!! I think Democrats will rue the day they blacklisted him.
This diary sure sounds trollish to me.
No, not trollish, just speaking the truth. Apparently something not too many people want to hear around here. Liking Lieberman doesn’t make me a troll, not stating the reason why in your eyes, I’m a troll, makes you one.
Because going back to the Clinton impeachment, and especially since Bush stole FL in 2000, stole OH and FL in 2004, lied us into the Iraq War, viciously smeared anyone who criticized him, unleashed the Swift-boaters, unleashed Karl Rove, and generally used scorched-earth political tactics at any and all opportunities, not to mention wire-tapping everyone’s emails and phone calls, and privatizing everything for his cronies’ benefit, there just ain’t no middle ground. It’s them or us. (<snark>Or maybe I should say, you or us, as you’re probably a paid rethug blogger</snark>) Dig?
Speaking of trolls, eastcoastmoderate has used the same crappy riff here, here, here, and here, as well as who knows how many other places. Report back to Sauron, troll, and tell him it wasn’t mission accomplished.