Thought we’d check out
this lovely bar tonight…
this lovely bar tonight…

…Anybody want to join me for a cold one?
Don’t let the name of the place scare you…
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Like the sign says, half price bottles til 8.
What ever happen to drink & drown…$7.00 for all the beer you can drink.
There’s an idea…now where is Family Man?
I’m here! I just got back.
I’ll take 27 half price beers. 🙂
Thanks for opening Happy Hour.
The title of this thread sent my mind directly to the gutter 😀
The gutter! That’s where we like to be. 🙂
How’s it going Manny?
You’ll notice I picked a below-street-level bar for tonight…
Just the kind of bar I like. 🙂
How’re you doing today CG?
Actually, the gutter is a step-up for me!
How was your day?
Everday is a good day, in the gutter, out of the gutter, not in jail.
The gutter: a nice place to visit, but I don’t want to live there. 🙂
See below what I told Manny.
See reply below.
Has anyone heard anythng more about SN and her Nature Boy today?
Nope. I’m hoping she’ll drop a note or Andi will have heard by the time she gets back.
Ready to wrap up one of my work projects tonight so I can clean the house tomorrow…
Other than that pretty good. Did things go smoothly for you today?
to make it perfect
Do they let you smoke that hookah at work??
but I’m technically not supposed to be blogging either O:-)
So how do you get away with it?
learned the art of efficiency, my friend. I manage to get my work done on time, which is an ongoing miracle in and of itself.
It’s important to maximize a minimal effort.
in a foul mood all week but after enjoying a great lunch with a couple of co-workers (my boss included), I’m feeling fiesty. In a good way 😉
How did your day go?
Glad to hear you’re feeling better and fiesty. 🙂
Well today I found out the reason for all of the back pain. The doctor told me I fractured a lumbar vertebrae. I almost feel like telling everyone at home, Hah – I told you so. 🙂
Ouch. Time for them to take care of you…
Yeah I can see that. 🙂
The doctor wants to do something call ballon kyphoplasty. I’m still reading up on it now.
Oooh, very high-tech. Pretty interesting (and a wee bit scary, too).
Cool. That looks just like the pictures in the booklet he gave me. Yep it is a little scary. 🙂
Do you have an osteoporotic or a compression fracture?
I think it’s a compression fracture. He was saying he was glad it was a low impact break and that he usually saw this with men around 65 or 70.
Well I did a quick PubMed search, and it looks like it works well and the benefits of the procedure are maintained for at least 2 years afterward…they’re still conducting the longer term studies.
Yeah so far it’s not sounding to bad to me. I’ll be doing a lot more reading though.
Thanks for doing the search.
Forgive me if I’m being nosy.
Heck this is like family. You can’t be nosy.
But just like with family, if I thought you were being nosy, I’d let you know. 🙂
So are they going to fuse a few disc together or give you one of those new synthetic discs?
He said they’re going to glue it back together.
I’ve got a booklet and I’ll be looking up places on the web about it.
Elmer’s glue or Suprer glue, never heard of them “gluing” it back together. It is still going to hurt for “looong” time.
As I said above it’s called balloon kyphoplasty. I’d never heard of it either, but the doctor said it was pretty common now. He said a couple of weeks after it’s done, there shouldn’t be anymore pain. I’m all for that. 🙂
I saw the post above it is interesting.
the “ouch” – now that you know what’s going on with your back, you’ll be back to full slack-mode in no time!
I’ve been up and moving all day.
I think I’ll take a nap before I get ready for bed later on tonight. 🙂
See everybody later.
Darn, I just missed the future bionic man? I’m left with the fiesty one?
Fiesty v Bionic. Kind of a toss-up there…
How are you maryb? Excited for Chicago? :::sniff:::
I’m feeling good because the Cardinals won (against all odds IMO but I’m not complaining).
And because I’m going to one of my favorite cities in America.
Is it on your schedule for next August?
Are they doing the Orange thing there next year? During my beach week?
Orange yes; I don’t keep your calendar so I don’t know if it’s your beach week. 🙂
It may conflict with my Minnesota lake time, so I have to see what’s up with that.
I was kind of hoping that AFL was still around … 😉
But I’ll take you. Why are you still around — isn’t your day over and you can go home and stop blogging?
I’ve been working later than usual to be present for any questions my boss may have as she reviews stuff for the upcoming audits.
More quality time spent with the office instead of Bud. When do the auditors show up?
Are audits a good thing or a bad thing?
probably be here on Tuesday. I feel like I’ve been preparing for months. Oh wait, I have. Everything seems to be in good shape, but yeah, Bud is definitely being neglected at the moment.
to make it up to him. Or he might start acting like Hopeful Jr.
No one’s heard from SN today?
way too lazy for any Hopeful Jr.-like antics. Trust me, I can’t even get him to go for walks without numerous rest stops.
Haven’t heard anything today :/
Not yet.
I saw you picked on me when I wasn’t here yesterday. Glad to know that even though I was out of sight I wasn’t out of mind.
I only remember strange things, I think someone is trying to hijack my computer ‘cuz it is doing strange things.
At least you’re not blaming it on the Democrats 🙂
No, but they were responsible for the cancellation of Seinfeld. Then they spread the story that it was the actors that wanted out.
I heard Kevin Costner still blames them for Water World.
That’s El Gran Flojero to you. 😉
Well I’ve only been called that once the conversation was something like this..I only wanted to going dancing with your daughter on saturday night/ I didn’t think it included Sunday mass.Senora.
you get a chancla thrown at your head?
Hi y’all! (before my laptop battery dies)
Hi B2.
Howdy! How goes it?
I’m supposed to be being productive, but I’m watching CSI instead 🙂
How are you?
I’m okay. Psst, I’ve just finished the painting I was doing but will likely stretch out the conclusion for a couple more weeks. Don’t tell anyone.
Your secret is safe with me.
Do you have chicago on your calendar for next August?
I’ll probably try and get the time. The problem is that I will be taking time at the end of the month of August.
Because you go to the southwest?
It’s right around the time I usually go up north. But it might work out.
Exactly. I’m hoping that I can just sneak it by my boss.
If anyone can do it … how could he refuse YOU?
Heh. Very easily.
You’ll outwit him.
Any hints on what your new subject matter will be? Or do I just have to wait with the rest of the masses?
Maybe you could call him.
Maybe you should fly me to New York and I’ll meet with him in person. I can be very persuasive
I’m sure he wouldn’t think it odd that you retained counsel to negotiate your vacation 🙂
I can stay and talk to via email and I can stay up and talk to you on the web. I probably am not making sense in either since I have been up since 4:00 a.m.
Yuck. Do you go home tomorrow?
which is good since Jim and I will drive back up tomorrow afternoon for the meetup.
Oh well that was 4:00 a.m. Chicago time so I guess I’ve only been up since 5. 🙂
How long of a drive is that?
I wish I were coming. :/
About 250 miles. It takes about 4 hours (traffic willing).
Go to Bed!
I’m not. When I get home late like this, I can’t just go to bed no matter how tired I am — I just can’t relax.
Well, if you’re staying up anyway, have you heard anything more from SN about the Nature Boy?
I’m going to email him and hope he sees it in the morning.
she’s probably exhausted.
I’m sure she is — he said ‘they scraped her off the ceiling’ when the operation went on 4 times longer than they said it would. I was just hoping he’d email me another update but maybe he went up there to be with her.
but he’s a man. So it’s unlikely he’ll think to e-mail unless she tells him to do it. And she’s got other things on her mind. But he’ll probably respond to your e-mail.
the letters won’t stay still on the screen.
Rest up!
when you read this in the morning …
You might want to ask Mr. Nature about the cloud of chlorine gas that’s threatening a Raleigh suburb. The link in this diary says it’s in a town called Apex, so I looked on Mapquest — Apex looks to be on the other side of Raleigh from where the Natures live. But still …