I’ve been having weird server issues ever since noon eastern time. We’re working on it. Denny Hastert is about to give a press briefing. Cheney says he shouldn’t resign. I don’t know what he is going to say. I’m pretty sure we win no matter what he says.
Oh, and the Yanks-Tigers game starts in a minute, so y’all will have to tell me what Denny has to say.
Go Yankees!!!!
on all counts!
Since I’m not following baseball, I can surf between the cable channels. Chip Reid just told Tweety that Hastert has cancelled all his fundraisers for the next 30 days!
John Laesch’s interview on Hardball was well done except for the unfortunate interruptions that Chris manages with aplomb. Gotta love the “page 186” quote from Hastert’s book, that he “never forgets anything!”
The donation level went up significantly for Laesch since yesterday…has Patrick Murphy seen a gain, too?
Rhetoric of War: First Iraq, then Iran?
By Cyrus Safdari
With the passing of the third anniversary of the United States-led invasion of Iraq, and with no end in sight to the resultant daily carnage and anarchy there, the drumbeat for a new war is becoming audible, this time against Iran. Ironically, the case put forth by the Bush administration and its neoconservative coterie for an attack on Iran has striking rhetorical parallels to the now totally discredited case for attacking Iraq, employing a series of identifiable logical fallacies and rhetorical tricks that are ultimately intended to create a narrative which legitimizes a so-called “pre-emptive” use of force against the Islamic Republic.
Thanks for the ball game reminder.
I can’t watch the game on TV, but I see that A-Rod just struck out with 2 outs and the bases juiced. I can only imagine the boos from the Yankee faithful!
He’s been good at that ever since he was a Mariner, I’m afraid. A recent article about him since he left Seattle said something like “Alex Rodriguez is Mr. May when what the Yankees really need is another Mr. October.”
Personally I hope the Tigers take the Yankees apart, but that’s just me, I suppose. My daughter likes the Tigers, and after so many years of sucking it would be nice to see them take some big games. (Plus I have a soft spot in my heart for Carlos Guillen, another ex-Mariner who made it big once he left Seattle. There seem to be a lot of those around.)
I’m rooting for the Tigers too. They’re my second favorite team behind the Braves, largely due to geographical reasons.
Bill Moyers PBS Report “Capitol Crimes” now available HERE. Requires Real Player or Windows Media…worth watching.
Just got back from the dentist’s office. Woke up with abcessed tooth. argh. Was talking to the assistant about life in general and insurance came up. She says that about half of the staff doesn’t have insurance, her included. Someone tell me how this is possible. (i know how just rhetorical)
Although i must also say that’s an office full of democrats. 😉 Thought I would inform some of the masses…looks like they are already! what a nice surprise. 😉
Sorry about the tooth.
Heh me too. Thanks for the thought though. 😉 Anti-biotics and Vicodin here I come!
Ava, ‘Peace Takes Courage’.
Many teenagers turning 16 years old throw big “Sweet 16” parties. MTV has even created a TV program about the phenomenon of lavish parties. I want my 16th birthday to be different and make a difference rather than being just another “Sweet 16” party. That’s why I’m throwing “Sixteen Candles for Soldiers.” It’s an event that is meant to honor and respect our troops by showing our support for them. We plan to demand they get the benefits they deserve and that they be brought home from this war we were lead into by liars. Every day brave Americans are dying as a result of this Administration’s actions. It’s up to us to demand the truth and accountability. Join me on October 21, 2006 at the State Capitol Steps in Montgomery, Alabama, and we’ll show the Bush Administration what real support for our troops looks like.
We will protest and have a candle light vigil in honor of the fallen. There will be live music and speakers at “Sixteen Candles for Soldiers,” so bring a friend or a whole crowd. If you are a musician or speaker who is interested in being part of Sixteen Candles for Solders please contact us. For more details on the event click here
1000 Grandmothers
November 17-19, 2006
Greetings Grandmothers and Grandmother-Supporters!
Was stuck in class from 10-noon so missed any/all excitement…guess I’ll catch Keith’s report on Countdown in a bit…(love the DVR)