George Bush: role model for our children

On Iraq, Bush lied. Condi lied. Cheney lied. Rumsfeld lied. Wolfowitz lied. Feith lied. Such is both traitorous and tragic, as is the loss of so many lives and the wasting of precious resources.

But a parallel problem that emerges from the sins committed by these cultists is the very same one so many bashed ex-President Clinton over regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky–that he was setting a terrible example for all Americans, especially our youth.

Let’s begin with: strategically lie your way into creating something you desire to have happen and are afraid won’t take place if the actual facts become known.

Then: continue the lie while the action/event is on-going.and pile on additional lies to smother ANY dissent while continuing the distortion of reality.

Followed by: negate ANYONE who gets in your way.
That’s the definition of patriotism for these Bush-aholic quasi-nihilists, who support the rejection of any established laws and institutions that aren’t beneficial to them and their cause. Call it Bush and neo-con terrorism.

Too strong for you? Granted, such a line will never see the light of day in the mainstream media but a terrorist is defined as a person who terrorizes or frightens others, a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells and often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

Tell me what doesn’t apply to Bush and Company?

So, the lessons from these vulgarians for our children are:

    * invent the reality you so desperately need to live in and belittle and exploit those who differ or challenge it

    * laws, rules and regulations are but ink on paper and a simple signing statement (or a crossing of one’s fingers) allows absolute freedom from anything that is imposed

    * require total,and utmost loyalty but offer none

    * competence is not a necessity, allegiance and fealty are

    * corruption, subterfuge and camouflage are the handiest tools to achieve your goal

    * the poor and the unfortunate are the best and easiest targets

    * anyone and everything is fair game to be used for your betterment

    * summon the worst and ugliest in human beings, that leads to blindness, followed by compliance

    * let others continue to die and sacrifice even if your vision be but a fantasy

All I can offer is raise your children well, as best as you can, under these existing conditions and trying circumstances.

Author: Cogitator

I an unreconstructed McGovernite who believes politics and honesty are not oxymorons but you wouldn't know it by today's Bush Administration.